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Полудневни обилазак Националног парка Меса Верде

Имајте на уму да се због изградње пута не очекује отварање Цлифф Палаце & Балцони Хоусе Рангер обилазак <бр>до јула 2022.<бр><бр>Меса Верде је био први археолошки национални парк на свету и један од првих Ознаке УНЕСЦО-а у САД-у Локације и рушевине су у великој мери побољшане страшћу туристичких водича и познавањем подручја, укључујући флору и фауну, геологију, домородачке народе и његове историјске археолошке записе. У Меса Вердеу постоји прича и мистерија до којих се не може доћи само разгледањем.
Цити: Дуранго
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $100.00
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Коментара (104)
Wayne D
Aug 2021
Chris, the tour guide, was excellent! Mesa Verde is breathtaking. Unfortunately, this company demonstrated many significant problems. 1. There was confusion about the meeting point at 8:00 am. Trip Advisor listed a different location than the company. We tried to confirm by calling the telephone number provided; however there was no answer on at least 3 tries. Consequently we drove a total of 60 miles (roundtrip) out of our way. 2. The van we were in was a 14-person van crammed with 11 people and a driver. We were literally climbing on top of each other. This was not appropriate during a pandemic. 3. Considering that we had to repeatedly leave the van to see Mesa Verde sights (at least 6 times), it made it extremely uncomfortable and tiring to climb out. 4. The tour went from 8:00 am until after 2:00 pm; snacks included water and potato chips/fritos. It would have been helpful if the company recommended bringing a picnic lunch which we could have easily enjoyed on the picnic tables we walked around. 5. The company says that the price included the cost of entering the park. There were NO fees when we entered the park - entry was free on the day we went.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
I'm sorry to read you did not enjoy your experience with us Wayne. We called and spoke with you 5 days before the trip to confirm our details of time and place to meet, length of trip, etc, as we do with every guest. I'm sorry that was confusing. We ran the van 20% empty and people are usually very happy with a new van with bucket seating and complimentary snacks and water. We stand behind our outstanding customer service record and are happy to address anyone's concerns in real time if they would like more satisfaction than simply hiding behind a review. BTW, you experienced the FIRST National Public Lands Day (no fees) , how cool is that!
Aug 2021
Directions for meeting place was conflicted. Phone call said one place and email said another. Couldn’t reach anyone for confirmation early before we had to be heading toward the email one which was last communication so we went there. It was wrong. Van was crowded and hot. It was a free admission day to park but our price was not. At very least should go to your guide
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
We tried really hard Terry! I'm sorry to hear there was confusion about the meeting point Wednesday, August 4th. The half day location for meeting our guests was sold on July 20th which is why we called you: Jennifer 8/3/21 @ 9:24am Called her went over CP closure, masks, and is meeting in Durango gtg And Emailed You: Jennifer 8/3/21 @ 9:22am Sent confirmation email to b**********[email protected] SentDeliveredOpened Turns out the phone call was the last communication, but only by 2 minutes. The park offered a free day to commemorate the America Outdoors legislation which I lobbied for by calling and emailing my representatives to vote for. I'm glad they didn't have problems understanding my phone call and email! We will try harder next time!
Aug 2021
A great tour experience of an amazing place done by an experienced, knowledgeable and fun guide (Rowan). Rowan was really into everything about Mesa Verde and many other Southwest sites and he is clearly passionate about his work. The site is incredible and he made it even better by him, well worth the longish trip from Durango and the money. A great time.

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