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Једнодневни излет из Мајамија у Ки Вест са опцијама активности

- Возите се преко 34 острва и 42 моста позната као Флорида Кеис. Путоваћете кроз мост од 7 миља - један од најдужих на свету! Пут је омеђен смарагдном водом Мексичког залива на западу и Атлантским океаном на истоку. Обавезно сликајте! Имаћете 6 слободних сати у Ки Весту да истражите острво у слободно време. Ки Вест се налази на крају ланца острва познатих као Флорида Киз и најјужнији је град у континенталним Сједињеним Државама.<бр>- Ки Вест је познат по бистрим плавим водама, небу испуњеном сунцем и опуштености став. Поред тога што је био одлично место за одмор, град је служио и као уметничко уточиште, председничко склониште и војна пошта.<бр>- Водене активности су веома популарне и у Ки Весту! Нудимо туре роњења, парасаилинга и чамца са стакленим дном.<бр><бр>Напомена: Ако активности буду отказане из било ког разлога, ми ћемо им рефундирати, међутим, НЕЋЕМО рефундирати обилазак Ки Веста (вредност од 49 УСД). <бр>
Цити: Флорида
Mon 23 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $39.00
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $39.00
Шта је укључено
СТАНИ за ДОРУЧАК на путу за Ки Вест (храна и пиће нису укључени)
Активности, ако је изабрана опција (можете додати роњење, чамац са стакленим дном, колица)
Мапа Ки Веста и Водич знања о томе шта радити/видети и како се кретати!
ПРИПОВЕДАНА ТУРА током путовања и 6 САТИ БЕСПЛАТНО у Ки Весту
Превоз климатизованим аутобусом (аутобус има тоалет и ви-фи)
Преузимање и/или одлазак, изаберите хотеле у Мајами Бичу, центру Мајамија и Регенци Миами Арпт.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Напомена: Ако активности буду отказане из било ког разлога, рефундираћемо им, међутим, НЕЋЕМО рефундирати обилазак Ки Веста (вредност од 49 УСД)<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
Шта да очекујете
Кеи Вест
Преузимање: У зависности од ваше локације, ово ће се кретати од 6 до 7:30 ујутро. Уверите се да сте ВАН вашег хотела/локације за преузимање 5-10 минута пре наведеног времена. Опустите се док путујете до Киса и преко прекоморског аутопута у нашем добро одржаваном аутобусу са туристичким водичем који говори о богатој историји и култури Ки Веста. Долазак у Ки Вест око 11:30. Истражите и доживите Ки Вест 6 сати. Погледајте град шетајући улицама. Све је на пјешачкој удаљености! Дајемо вам мапу града тако да можете да се снађете. Крените из Ки Веста око 17:30 и вратите се у Мајами око 21:30 – 22:45 (у зависности од саобраћаја и локације одласка).
Мост од седам миља
На овој локацији постоје два моста. Савремени мост је отворен за саобраћај возила; старија само пешацима и бициклистима. Старији мост, првобитно познат као Книгхтс Кеи-Пигеон Кеи-Мосер Цханнел-Пацет Цханнел Бридге, изграђен је од 1909. до 1912. године под руководством Хенрија Флаглера и Цларенцеа С. Цоеа као део проширења Ки Вест железнице Источне обале Флориде, позната и као прекоморска железница.
Најјужнија тачка
Ки Вест је познат по томе што је најјужнији град у континенталном делу Сједињених Држава. Када посетите, неопходно је да стигнете до најјужније тачке на острву, која се налази на раскрсници Улице Вајтхед и Јужне улице.
Маркер америчке 1 миље 0
Занимљив оријентир за америчке аутопутеве. Маркер миља нула означава почетак аутопута за САД.1. УС.1 се протеже од Ки Веста на Флориди, више од 2000 миља до Форт Кента, у држави Мејн, недалеко од границе Сједињених Држава и Канаде. Аутопут повезује неколико великих градова дуж источне обале, као што су Бостон, Вашингтон, Д.Ц., и Портланд, Мејн. Такође се обично назива и прекоморски аутопут на Флориди, јер се протеже преко Флорида Кеиса.
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Коментара (538)
Giancarlo S
Jan 2020
Trip was good, I would recommend to leave something on the seat if you want to keep your seats, the back seats are very uncomfortable, we returned to the bus in the afternoon and our seats were taken. Also there's a free bus in Key West that covers a great deal of places is called de "Duval Loop", check it out before paying the trolley or the train. Key West is a great place to visit!!!, Reminds me of a California vibe!
Jan 2020
This trip only includes is transportation from Miami to Key West, it is not a guided tour in Key West. They provided a free map with the attractions. However, the guide offers Key West tours and activity purchases, such as trolley ride, parasailing, snorkeling and glass-bottom boat- all for an additional price. This was a great option because you could book it on the bus, and didn't have to wait in line somewhere else. They gave us 6 hours of free time to explore Key West on our own. After some google search, I found out about the free Pink bus (operated by the city) which takes you to different sites in Key West. The guide did not tell us about it, he insisted that we book the trolley through him, which was an additional $30. The bus was okay... the seats were not very clean, some seats didn't recline, and if you sit in the back next to the bathroom, it sinks. The bus was packed, with no empty seats. (Its funny that the guide instructions that no one should use the bathroom, and if you really have to go then "#1" is okay.. "but absolutely no #2". Regardless, it was super stinky if you sit in the back) The bus offers hotel pickup from select hotels. They didn't offer pick up from my hotel, so I UBERed to the nearest pickup location. The bus was exactly on time for both pickup and departure. We got to Key West around 11:30 am. In between, they stopped for breakfast at an inexpensive diner (food not included). It departed from Key West around 5:45 pm and got back to Miami close to 10:30 pm. You must get back to the bus on time, they actually left behind 2 people who didn't show up on time. Just follow their instructions and do your research on things to do in Key West, you are on your own. Overall, I would recommend this to any first-timers. It is a 4-hour drive each way, so taking the bus is the hassle-free option. But you must plan how to spend the 6 hours in Key West and must find your way back to the meeting stop and get on the bus on time.
Jan 2020
Our guide, David, was great. He was very friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to help. I would give him 5 stars. However, we had several issues with this trip. The bus was old and very uncomfortable. My seatbelt was broken as was my foot rest. The windows were filthy, especially the window by our seats. It had a white film on it like soap that had dried on and hadn't been washed off. We asked if it was possible to have the window cleaned so that we could see out the window. It never got cleaned. This is a very scenic trip, yet we were unable to enjoy it because the windows were so dirty. We also ended up in the last two seats on the bus so we didn't have a view on the right side because of the restroom. Our guide offered to move people so we wouldn't have to sit there, but we didn't want to inconvenience anyone. The issue was that there were several single riders who sat in seats and put their backpacks on the other seat. While I understand this, it seems that they need to figure out a way to seat single riders or odd numbered groups so that nobody has to sit in the last seats. Those seats don't recline, have a poor view, and on this bus, were broken. The young men in front of us reclined the seats the entire way, basically having their seat about 6 inches from our chests. Very uncomfortable. The other issue was that they didn't drop us off at our pick up spot. They picked us up at a hotel across from where we were staying, but they dropped us off about a half a mile away from our hotel. We assumed that they would be returning us to our original pick up spot. We were never informed that this was not the case. We had to walk back to our hotel which was difficult because i had an injured knee which made walking difficult. They said that they couldn't drop us off closer because of the trees on the street, but that wasn't the case at all. I think they just did it to save time. Key West was great, but the trip was disappointing. We were looking forward to having a nice bus ride to Key West and enjoying the scenery, but we were unable to do that. At the very least, they should make sure that the windows are cleaned and that the seatbelts and foot rests are in working order.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank you for your review. We do our best to keep the bus clean and in working order for all of our passengers, however, I can see that this wasn't the case for you. For this, we apologize and we will make sure that we inspect the coach better after washing. As far as the seats being broken, it is up to the passengers to inform us if things are malfunctioning otherwise we have no way of knowing what needs repair. We thank you for the information and will make sure the repairs are completed. Our sitting works on a first come first serve basis, however, solo passengers should not be taking up two seats. You did mention that the driver offered to have some of them moved which would have opened up space for your party to seat in better seats. I am unsure where your pickup and dropoff location was, but during dropoff, we normally stay in Collins Ave so as to expedite the dropoff process and get everyone back in a timely manner. The drop off is normally within a block or two of the pickup location. We do our best to advise passengers that they are going to be dropped off at a different location so that there are no surprises at the end of the day. We do apologize if you were not informed of this.

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