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Обилазак хране и коктела Мидтовн Атланта

Проведите се сјајно у богатој гурманској сцени Атланте на забавној пешачкој тури са храном заједно са упарењима алкохола и хране и једите као локални у познатим установама и скривеним драгуљима. Наше мале групе од 4-15 гостију стварају интимно, бутик искуство (оставите сточарство фармерима!) и приближавају вас вашем забавном домаћину гурману, партнерима у ресторанима и вашим колегама ентузијастима у храни. Вечерајте мешавину јужњачких класика и кухиње јединствене за омиљени Мидтаун. Прогресивни оброк је довољан за ручак или вечеру, уз додатну корист од учења историје Атланте и локалних посластица које ће вам омогућити да се боље упознате са Атлантом за 3 1/2 сата.
Цити: Атланта
Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Молимо вас да контактирате организатора путовања у вези са свим алергијама/ограничењима у исхрани о којима би ваш водич требало да буде свестан пре времена обиласка. <ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>Седишта за бебе су у зависности од доступности<ли>Не може аццоммодете ВЕГАНС <ли>ВЕГЕТАРИЈАНСКЕ опције се могу сместити уз претходну најаву <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са ограниченом покретљивошћу јер постоје подручја са неравним тереном и степеницама. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
Шта да очекујете
Кућа Маргарет Мичел
Научите основе о Маргарет Мичел и њеном утицају на историју Атланте
Банка федералних резерви Атланте
Гости ће научити нешто о овој важној знаменитости током нашег обиласка хране
Јужне кулинарске туре
Уједињена методистичка црква Светог Марка није само место окупљања Соутхерн Цулинари Фоод Тоурс-а у Атланти, већ и историјско место од интереса. Гости ће сазнати о његовим занимљивим историјским коренима и архитектонским елементима.
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Коментара (576)
Nathan E
Dec 2015
My wife and I have lived both in the city of Atlanta and the surrounding metro area for the past 15 years. We thought we had seen most of what the city, until we met John for a food tour. John walks you through the history of Atlanta while taking you to some of the best restaurants she has to offer. I had never been on a food tour, and typically prefer pizza and beer on the couch. My wife insisted and I obliged. I was thoroughly impressed and had a great time! John's tour was so good that we're going back to one of the restaurants tonight!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2015
N. - First, Thanks for the review!! Often my "locals" can be my most challenging guests...during the first 15 minutes! Then..."I didn't know that!"...and "I've never been to this restaurant! I didn't even know it was here!" Plus, of course...If you wife insists, you should go! Just sayin"... A Peachtree Food Tour is truly an afternoon well spent! Trust N. !! My best to you both! John
Dec 2015
I took this food tour in November with 5 friends celebrating 30 years since we graduated from college together in Canada. I've lived in the Atlanta area for 13 years but didn't know much about Midtown. Not anymore! John was a great food tour guide and told us a lot about the history of the area. I took the second tour with my husband and friends because I loved the first one so much! Both tours were great but different mainly because of the people on the tour. I would highly recommend this tour if you are visiting the city for the first time or are a long time resident of the Atlanta area. You will not be disappointed!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2015
Thank You, L.!! "You will not be disappointed!" Wow! High praise from a guest that has been on my Tour...twice!! L. has a great point! Each Food Tour has its own energy and it's my job to get everyone connected. I truly want you to enjoy my neighborhood...and each other! Come take a Tour and see how I make that all work! My best to you...always! John (The video you all were in is coming soon! Going "viral" is certainly next. Ha!!)
Nov 2015
I'll break this review down into 3 parts: 1. The Guide 2. The Food 3. The Tour 1. The Guide- John was our guide. He greeted us in the parking lot and learned our names (12 of us) without having to ask them again. He accurately referred to all of us by name the whole day. He was funny, knowledgeable and easy to relate with. John was funny but not over-the-top annoying funny. One of the things I liked most about John was that he is a true Atlantan, so he had both factual knowledge and experience knowledge far beyond just the food. John made the tour. 2. The Food- First off there was plenty of food, but not too much. The walking of the streets and the time between stops was perfect. I also enjoyed the variety of the food that we got. We had an incredible, and I mean incredible burger. Before eating it, John gave us recommendations on how to eat it to enjoy it the best, but he also provided us with knowledge and history surrounding the burger and the neighborhood in which the restaurant was located. The burger was insane. After leaving stop number one, we moved on to a cool local restaurant where we enjoyed a southern classic of peanuts and Coke (with a little bourbon). This was a good stop, but probably my least favorite of the tour. We has a small kale salad- it was good. It was a cool part of town. After this we walked a good bit, learned more about our city from rules around auctioning old buildings, to future growth, to history behind the Margaret Mitchell house. We landed at Einsteins, and Atlanta classic. This is where we enjoyed the most wonderful drink, a Mississippi Mule. We were served elegant southern classics here to eat. We had a fried green tomatoes and shrimp and grits. After this delicious stop, we walked more, learned more and landed at Cafe Intermezzo where we had coffee (just when we needed it), an elegant setting and a HUGE piece of whatever cake/pie/torte/dessert our hearts could desire. At this point, we were full, but he wasn't done. The grand finale which was probably my favorite stop was in a cool pastry market where we were able to select two pastries for later. The choices ranged from sweet treats like chocolate peanut butter donuts, to unique choices like bacon maple donuts to savory Asian classics like chicken curry buns or bacon seaweed cheese roll ups. I chose to two latter. :) These treats were individually wrapped for us to bring home and enjoy later. This was a great treat for my jealous husband who just went to regular work today. 3. The tour- Overall, the tour was great. We walked a lot, learned a lot, and laughed a lot. We learned about the current status of the area as well as the history of the area. I am definitely more inclined to leave my suburban town and head into Atlanta now that I have more insight on the places to go. Overall, this was a great experience and I would do it again with out of town guests for sure!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2015
M. - Great review! Thanks! Just enough info to tease a TA reader, especially the piece about the "insane" burger! Yep! 80% of my guests have never been on a Food Tour...and after the burger, I have everyone's attention. OMG! What's next! Again, during the Tour the most common remark from my locals is always, "I didn't know that!" Or, "I had no idea that there was a restaurant down that side street!" So...M. Don't be a stranger to my little bit of heaven. I'm just a quick email away! And now you know where to park free!! My best to you...and your Team!! John Note to TA reader : M. was on a custom, corporate team-building adventure that didn't quite duplicate my Classic Tour. It was actually a bit abbreviated to allow time for some White Elephant gift fun!! Yep! There was a lot of laughter!!

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