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Обилазак хране и коктела Мидтовн Атланта

Проведите се сјајно у богатој гурманској сцени Атланте на забавној пешачкој тури са храном заједно са упарењима алкохола и хране и једите као локални у познатим установама и скривеним драгуљима. Наше мале групе од 4-15 гостију стварају интимно, бутик искуство (оставите сточарство фармерима!) и приближавају вас вашем забавном домаћину гурману, партнерима у ресторанима и вашим колегама ентузијастима у храни. Вечерајте мешавину јужњачких класика и кухиње јединствене за омиљени Мидтаун. Прогресивни оброк је довољан за ручак или вечеру, уз додатну корист од учења историје Атланте и локалних посластица које ће вам омогућити да се боље упознате са Атлантом за 3 1/2 сата.
Цити: Атланта
Fri 08 Nov
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Са почетком у $114.99
Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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Довољно хране за пун ручак /вечеру
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3 алкохолна пића
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Молимо вас да контактирате организатора путовања у вези са свим алергијама/ограничењима у исхрани о којима би ваш водич требало да буде свестан пре времена обиласка. <ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>Седишта за бебе су у зависности од доступности<ли>Не може аццоммодете ВЕГАНС <ли>ВЕГЕТАРИЈАНСКЕ опције се могу сместити уз претходну најаву <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са ограниченом покретљивошћу јер постоје подручја са неравним тереном и степеницама. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
Шта да очекујете
Кућа Маргарет Мичел
Научите основе о Маргарет Мичел и њеном утицају на историју Атланте
Банка федералних резерви Атланте
Гости ће научити нешто о овој важној знаменитости током нашег обиласка хране
Јужне кулинарске туре
Уједињена методистичка црква Светог Марка није само место окупљања Соутхерн Цулинари Фоод Тоурс-а у Атланти, већ и историјско место од интереса. Гости ће сазнати о његовим занимљивим историјским коренима и архитектонским елементима.
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Коментара (576)
Lisa M
May 2015
My husband and I were visiting Atlanta with our daughters (18 and 21) for 2 days and knew we only had limited time to plan activities. After reading the reviews on Peachtree Food Tours we decided to book it. We were so IMPRESSED!! We had such a wonderful time and John was such a delight to spend the afternoon with. We have never done a food tour before and because of the AMAZING time we had I am sure it is something we will plan on every vacation. This is definitely A MUST DO IN ATLANTA!
Одговор домаћина
May 2015
L. - Yep! I would agree! A must do! (Ha!) Lovely family! Great kids, both lots of fun! Everyone had a blast on a beautiful Atlanta afternoon, tasting and sipping! Then you all headed off to a Braves game! Yikes! That sure makes for a day full of adventures! Food Tours are a perfect way to learn about your vacation destination! But....a suggestion. Sign up for a Tour early in your stay. Learn about the area not only through the Tour but you'll have access to a "local" who always is full of great ideas...and insider tips! I think I heard Seattle was next? A couple of Tours to choose from! So much fun! So little time! And....Thanks for taking some "time" to write your review! I know TA readers appreciate every bit of info when trying to make decisions. My best to your entire family!
May 2015
I admit, I live in Atlanta. But not in this part of Atlanta. For the past few years I have driven through Midtown on may way home from work, watching the area come alive with all sorts of new restaurants. I wanted to try them out, but where to go? John has solved that dilemma! John sets the stage to present an informative historical overview of the area (guess I didn't know everything after all). In addition to the history, John is just a great, funny, personable guy that you'll want to invite to your next party. John introduced us to 6? 7? (I lost count) restaurants. I won't name any here in case things change, but be assured I did not leave hungry. Don't be in a rush, however, the tour took awhile but honestly, the other guests were so interesting, I was busy chatting and didn't notice that time was passing. I have been on a few food tours and I would definitely recommend this one for locals as well as tourists! I hope to see John around town now that I have some new restaurants for my family to try in his 'hood.
Одговор домаћина
May 2015
A. - Wow! Great review! And...if you ever invite me to a party, you can count on sweet Jeri and I to show up at your door! We'll even bring a pink bag full of those "surprises" you ended up taking home! Perfect hostess gift! Often, for me, the best part of my Food Tour is when all of my guests carry on as if they were best friends getting back together! A wonderful afternoon in Midtown shared with some pretty wonderful folks! Let's do this again! Get a group of your friends, buy some (discounted!) tickets, and you can help me with the Tour! Just make up stuff! I do! (Ha!) I'll keep my eyes out for you in my neighborhood! We're all about fun! (and food!)
craig S
May 2015
What a great food tour! We met John on a Thursday afternoon. Our first time to Atlanta and the Midtown area. Got a great history lesson and architectural history. Had the worlds best burger, ate some great fried chicken and grits. Coke and peanuts, to kale salads. You even end the tour with a goodbye treat for later. :) Visited a bunch of local spots that the average tourist would've never found. Then we revisited a few of those during our trip. John is a wonderful host. Bring your appetite, you won't leave hungry. This is a must do tour!
Одговор домаћина
May 2015
C. - Quite the Thursday afternoon! Just the three of us wandering around my neighborhood! Lots of food! Lots of fun! You and R. were great sports as we started with that outrageous burger to that pretty pink bag we finished up with! Thanks for the great review and now that you two have gotten a real "taste" of Midtown Atlanta, I would expect to see you back on Peachtree Street. Or...how about you guys try my new Tour, "Discover Buckhead"?? Different food! Same fun! (Sweet discount!) My best to you both!

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