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Пешачка дегустација Милвокија са Сецрет Фоод Тоурс

Милвоки се назива многим именима; Брев Цити, Град фестивала и Цреам Цити, али је најпрепознатљивији као место за одлично пиво и сир на Горњем средњем западу. Велико германско становништво из 19. века наставља да утиче на наше локалне прехрамбене производе и јела, док су неки од најбољих ресторана од историјског Трећег одељења до центра Источног града. Када резервишете нашу зимску ексклузивну обилазак хране Скивалк-ом, моћи ћете да доживите и уживате у свему најбољем што можемо да понудимо из топле перспективе другог спрата. Моћи ћете да искусите и уживате у свему најбољем што имамо када резервишете нашу турнеју Сецрет Фоод Тоур: Милвоки.
Цити: Милваукее
Sun 16 Mar
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Са почетком у $98.00
Sun 16 Mar
Са почетком у $98.00
Шта је укључено
Обилазак хране
Немачки чоколадни колач са пеканима и кокосом
Кобасица из родног града направљена по класичном рецепту из 19. века
Похована скута од сира, са сосовима за потапање
Локални стручни водич
Наше укусно тајно јело (биће откривено на дан)
Шлиц помфрит бакалара са стране
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>*Имајте на уму: итинерар и мени су подложни променама у зависности од локација доступност, временске прилике и друге околности.<ли>Контактирајте нас пре него што резервишете обилазак да бисте видели да ли смо у могућности да удовољимо вашим потребама у исхрани.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима. <ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства
Шта да очекујете
Бронзани Фонз
Бронзани Фонз је јавно уметничко дело америчког уметника Џералда П. Сојера, које се налази на шеталишту Милвоки у центру Милвокија у Висконсину.
Стари свет 3. св.
Некада срце немачке заједнице у Милвокију, данас Трећа улица старог света одржава ту традиционалну атмосферу са модерним ноћним животом.
Милваукее РиверВалк
Милваукее Ривервалк привлачи мешавину врхунских стамбених, комерцијалних и рекреативних објеката на своју обалу, стварајући тако веома активно, пешачко окружење дуж реке.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (75)
Oct 2022
I’ve taken a fair number of food tours, and this was objectively terrible. The worst part, was that our tour guide, Brandon, told us almost nothing. There was Almost no information about the food we were eating or the areas we were visiting. The best food tour guides act as a host, explaining about their city, any location to go to, and of course the food. Brandon seem to have been given a one-page fact sheet that he occasionally touched on. For example, he told us that fried fish was a regular thing because of the Catholic edict no meat on Fridays. Not only is this beyond basic, but it doesn’t give any explanation for why this was a particular thing in Milwaukee. He could’ve talked about the large Catholic population, which is not as big in other parts of the state. Also, the places we went to eat didn’t seem to be expecting us, there was often no place to sit often or we had to sit in a side room. While the food was fine, I think Milwaukee has a few more things to offer that would be both interesting and provide more diversity of experience. And for heaven sake’s, make sure people have something to drink, at least water, when you get something to eat!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Hello. Thank you for your feedback. We welcome each and every guest's feedback and we do take action. What you described as your experience is exactly the opposite of what we want a food tour to be. An experience, in which the tour guide takes the guest's on a journey of food history, fun stories, sharing information, and of course, delicious items. We are deeply sorry that this wasn't what you got, and that you finished disappointed. Bear in mind that this guide is undergoing additional training so he can better engage with his audience and share more useful and fun information throughout the tour. All your recommendations are being revised by our local managers. If you want to discuss this matter further please email us at [email protected] We would love to have you back in one of our 50+ Secret Food Tours around the world and show you that we do deliver excellent experiences. Thank you
Sep 2022
I’ve got a mixed review for this tour - I almost always do a good tour in every city we visit. These type of walking food & history tours are always a good way to get a lay of the land/city. The tour guide & the food make or break the experience for me. Our guide was nice and pretty informative of the areas history. The negative was the food organization & preparation with the restaurant/vendors. Typically my experience on food tours is the guide preps with restaurants so we have a private experience in each restaurant- food prep set-up in a private room or area to eat, sometimes even a picnic. The meeting place did not have any tastes for the group, it was a 1 minute look around and then out to walk down the street to try cheese curds in a store - the curds we tried is what anyone walking in the store could taste on a toothpick. The Safe House was interesting but the area we were put to eat was in a separate bar area outside of the fun part of the Safe House to eat fried cheese curds, it seemed disorganized with restaurant staff. The Milwaukee Public Market stop had very tasty fried fish, but it seemed disorganized again with the vendor. The tour overall was a good experience but has room for improvement.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
We're happy to hear about your experience on the tour and we really appreciate your feedback. This will go a long way in helping improve our tours. If you could spread the word to your family and friends about us, that would be great! Hoping you can join us again in one of our many tours worldwide!
Sep 2022
All food choices were good. The tour details for departure are incorrect and we missed the first part if the tour due to being in the wrong starting location.

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