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Јутарњи лет балоном изнад Феникса

Уживајте у прелепој пустињи Соноран у Аризони као никада раније! Лебдећи 2.000-5.000 стопа изнад пустиње у балону са врућим ваздухом, неометан поглед од 360 степени и мир лета одузимају дах. Након вашег 45-60-минутног лета балоном на врући ваздух, гости се часте охлађеним шампањцем и храном у срцу пустиње, што је савршен почетак дана.
Цити: Пхоеник
Sat 16 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $214.92
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $214.92
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел (ако је изабрана опција)
Топли доручак за седење који обезбеђује локални омиљени ресторан Винцент'с он Цамелбацк
Комеморативни летнички сертификат
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Није погодно за труднице <ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са повредама/проблемима у леђима<ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са сломљеним костима или који су недавно имали операцију<ли>Путници морају имати могућност да скоче друга степеница мердевина на тлу<ли>Минимална старост је 5 година, минимална висина 48 инча<ли>Стварна време лета је приближно 1 сат<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Плаћено политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Пхоеник Соноран Десерт Пресерве
Све туре балоном на врући ваздух се пријављују на паркингу за вожњу балоном на аеродрому Деер Валлеи, осим ако није изабрана опција повратног хотелског трансфера. Гости ће плутати изнад пустиње Соноран која изазива страхопоштовање и посматрати локалне знаменитости, дивље животиње и биљни свет одозго.
Цамелбацк Моунтаин
Уживајте у задивљујућем погледу на култну планину Цамелбацк у срцу долине Феникс. Пилот ћете поделити историју овог фасцинантног града и указати на локалне дивље животиње и биљке.
Довнтовн Пхоеник
Моћи ћете да видите центар Феникса у даљини док се винете изнад долине. Када почнете да слетите, видећете сто са постељином и порцуланом у срцу пустиње, наговештај у чему ћете уживати! Дочекује вас традиционална прослава која укључује сјајно припремљену гурманску кухињу из награђиваног ресторана Винцент'с он Цамелбацк. Летци који први пут буду почашћени легендарном церемонијом балониста коју балонисти широм света деле више од једног века.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Nov 2017
We were in Phoenix for a girls week. Two of us decided to check hot air balloon rides off our bucket list. Tommy and Todd were wonderful. Saw the sunrise on this fabulous ride. Just spectacular. Had breakfast afterwards in the dessert which was delicious and learned so much about the area. Thank you for a great time! Highly recommend the company and experience.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2017
Chefgirl50, A big check mark for Hot Air Ballooning on that Bucket List. We are always thrilled to help our wonderful passengers mark those lifetime dreams off that list. But, we hope that once you have been bitten by the ballooning bug, you will want to go again and again.
Nov 2017
For the sake of Ken and Tommy, who were absolutely wonderful, I really wish I could give this experience a better rating. Ken and Tommy were very pleasant and professional -an excellent driver and hot air balloon pilot! In addition, the actual act of flying in a hot air balloon is magnificent. BUT, I don't feel I was given what was advertised. The biggest disappointment? The evening flight - which is more expensive than the morning ride - is advertised as a sunset flight. But, you do not take the flight at sunset. You get in the hot air balloon an hour or so before sunset. The ride is 45 minutes - 15 minutes less than the morning flight. You are back on the ground before the sun even sets! Granted, you do get to watch the sunset in the desert. But, I don't think that is what people are looking forward to. I would have liked to be able to see the sunset in the sky (and take beautiful pictures!) And let's talk about when the flight was back on the ground. The brochure promised that we would be "greeted in the traditional manner with flutes of champagne and scrumptiously prepared gourmet food". Instead of saying "greeted", it should say that we will have to wait about 10 to 15 minutes for the staff to set up. And gourmet food? Uh...NO! One or two little slices of an apple, a round thing that reminded me of a pizza bite, and a two truffles. The saving point was the champagne - it was good. Lastly, the brochure said that the trip would be taking in a "luxurious, oversized basket." This was not the case and evidently is never the case. The basket was small and standing room only. If you think you're going to be able to walk around, forget about it. Your confined to just one place in the basket because it is so small. So again, I really hate to give this a bad review because the staff was wonderful, but I don't think the experience was worth the $200+ dollars that I paid for it. Maybe the morning flights are better.
Oct 2017
I, too, had this on my bucket list. I got picked up at my resort at 5:50 a.m. by Nick. We picked up two couples, then made our way to the lift site. The balloon was on the ground, but soon was upright and ready for the five of us to board. Since there were only five of us, we had a smaller basket. I guess they have some that can hold twenty. Soon, we were smoothly on our way and saw a beautiful sunrise. You could see how fast we were going by how the ground past. It was about 10 mph. Very peaceful. Our pilot, Tommy, was informative and funny. We were in the air about an hour, and time flew by. When it was almost time to land, Tommy told us to try “the position” in case the basket tipped on its side. Well, we were soon told to take the position as the balloon skidded across the ground and rocks, with all of us in position and laughing hysterically. It was actually added fun! We were all still laughing as we rolled out of the basket. The crew then had a picnic table set up with champagne, apple, cheese, a croissant, and a veggie quiche type thing. Very tasty and fun. One of the ladies was celebrating her birthday, and we had a cake. I cannot recommend this any more — thank you Tommy, Nick and the entire crew, and the other passengers. It was a fun adventure I won’t soon forget.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2017
Woo Hoo, you and your fellow flyers got the extra special bonus landing and we are so glad that it made you laugh! Your experience is the whole reason that we all give it our best every day. It is magical and peaceful floating over our beautiful Sonoran desert while watching the sun rise, so glad that you did it with us! Thank you for letting us know how your bucket list adventure went. Many thanks from Captain Tommy, Nick and all of us at Hot Air Expeditions! Cheers

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