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Јутарњи лет балоном изнад Феникса

Уживајте у прелепој пустињи Соноран у Аризони као никада раније! Лебдећи 2.000-5.000 стопа изнад пустиње у балону са врућим ваздухом, неометан поглед од 360 степени и мир лета одузимају дах. Након вашег 45-60-минутног лета балоном на врући ваздух, гости се часте охлађеним шампањцем и храном у срцу пустиње, што је савршен почетак дана.
Цити: Пхоеник
Fri 15 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $214.92
Fri 15 Nov
Са почетком у $214.92
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел (ако је изабрана опција)
Топли доручак за седење који обезбеђује локални омиљени ресторан Винцент'с он Цамелбацк
Комеморативни летнички сертификат
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Није погодно за труднице <ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са повредама/проблемима у леђима<ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са сломљеним костима или који су недавно имали операцију<ли>Путници морају имати могућност да скоче друга степеница мердевина на тлу<ли>Минимална старост је 5 година, минимална висина 48 инча<ли>Стварна време лета је приближно 1 сат<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Плаћено политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Пхоеник Соноран Десерт Пресерве
Све туре балоном на врући ваздух се пријављују на паркингу за вожњу балоном на аеродрому Деер Валлеи, осим ако није изабрана опција повратног хотелског трансфера. Гости ће плутати изнад пустиње Соноран која изазива страхопоштовање и посматрати локалне знаменитости, дивље животиње и биљни свет одозго.
Цамелбацк Моунтаин
Уживајте у задивљујућем погледу на култну планину Цамелбацк у срцу долине Феникс. Пилот ћете поделити историју овог фасцинантног града и указати на локалне дивље животиње и биљке.
Довнтовн Пхоеник
Моћи ћете да видите центар Феникса у даљини док се винете изнад долине. Када почнете да слетите, видећете сто са постељином и порцуланом у срцу пустиње, наговештај у чему ћете уживати! Дочекује вас традиционална прослава која укључује сјајно припремљену гурманску кухињу из награђиваног ресторана Винцент'с он Цамелбацк. Летци који први пут буду почашћени легендарном церемонијом балониста коју балонисти широм света деле више од једног века.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Barbara S
Oct 2017
Hot Air balloon ride was on our must do bucket list! Our pilot, Tommy was experienced and knowledgeable! He provided us with information about where and how we were! Jim, crew chief, provided us with a memorable breakfast and safe travel to and from the launch site! If thinking about a hot air balloon ride, I would recommend this company! Incredible experience!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2017
Barbara, As I've said before, thank you for your kind words. We love hearing from our passengers, especially their praise of our pilots and crew. Yes, Tommy and Jim are at the top of their game. That breakfast is a nice touch after a wonderful morning flight. We highly recommend our Sunset flights that start the first of November. We hope to have you back again soon. Thank you.
Oct 2017
We have used this company twice before and had good experiences, so we chose to take another couple of friends. Unfortunately the pilot we had last time no longer works there. It made a huge difference to our experience as our pilot this time was very gruff and rude. Anything he said , sounded like he was reading from a bad script and he yelled at the passengers several times for doing things he hadn't explained clearly, or people were not there when he explained. One lady was very upset, I thought she was going to cry! The flight itself was O.K, although there was very little wind which meant we landed on a quiet street but only a couple of cars passed by The breakfast was disorganized, not enough food for everyone. so we shared and we had to stand in the heat whil they st it up.There was no apology other than Tommy the pilot said ' I don't do the breakfast!' Later he said to go see him if we hadn't had breakfast, but by then most of us were either laughing at him and his rudeness or else were angry or upset. Most of the passengers I spoke to thought he was unnecessarily grumpy and rude and they wouldn't book again. I think we are very lucky to be able to have the experience of being up in a hot air balloon but I'm sad to say that we wouldn't book again with this company.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2017
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and comments on your ballooning experience with us. It is our goal to not only meet, but exceed expectations, and are disheartened to hear that your ballooning experience was not up to par. Our main priority during any ballooning excursion is to firstly ensure everyone is safe, and abiding by safety practices, and secondly that everyone has a fun, enjoyable time. On occasion, your pilot may have to repeat information that has already been discussed to ensure all passengers understand what is required for a safe and enjoyable time up in the air. It is our company's practice to educate, never to scold, and we sincerely apologize if it felt more of the latter. We will pass your comments along to your pilot to ensure an increased sense of mindfulness is used moving forward, so you and/or other guests, do not walk away with the same feeling. Unfortunately, on the date of your flight there was a rare mix up with our kitchen, as misinformation was provided in terms of food requirements requested for guests with special dietary requirements. This was a very rare occasion, and as much as we would like to say that we are perfect all of the time, in rare instances there are errors that occur. This is never ideal, and never our goal. We are incredibly sorry that this impacted your experience, and steps have been taken to ensure that this does not happen again on future ballooning experiences. Everything said, we would like to make this right with you, and would be grateful if you would contact our office at (800) 831-7610 to make this experience a positive one. Thank you again for your feedback, we will absolutely utilize this to improve our operations moving forward.
Oct 2017
We thoroughly enjoyed our hot air balloon ride. Taylor, our pilot, was professional but still easy-going. We were extremely fortunate to ride with with another couple. Others were crammed into a crowded basket, which I cannot imagine being comfortable nor affording unobstructive views. The continental breakfast after a totally smooth landing was enjoyable.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2017
DocPsych, We are glad to know that you had a "terrific experience". That is what we strive for with every flight. I will make sure to pass your words of praise on to Taylor. Thank you. We would note that we do not "crammed" our passengers into a "crowded basket". We have several different sizes of baskets. Our largest does how up to 20 people. Mind you, the reason we ask for our passengers weight is so that we can properly calculate the maximum weight and passengers for the safest and most comfortable flight possible. It may look as it our passengers are crammed. But I guarantee, that we do not over fill any basket. We are FAA certified and inspected. We follow all the "rules" set by the FAA. Also, each basket is sectioned, each passenger has their "own space". We ensure that everyone is able to see and not be blocked by another. We hope that if you have the opportunity to return to Phoenix, we would love to have you go up, up and away with us again.

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