The Buffalo Roundup,in October, in the park in South Dakota's Black Hills, is a black long furred frenzy wonderous live event to take in with all your senses. This year over 20,000 people came and watched as real cowboys hearded the buffalo or "tentonka" as the Santee Sioux American Indians would call them. The Momas, babies, young wild teenagers and small bulls are all gathered. As they group the animals together with horses, a few 4 wheelers and a few pickups. The tetonka run over the hill, into a large green valley, over a creek, over a green meadow and finally into a fenced pen to get their yearly physical exam by veterans, vaccinated for diseases and some are separated to control the size of the herd in the park. It is a beautiful sight to see the huge family of tetonka run free in the park as they were meant to run on God's green earth. Only real cowboys/girls with expertly trained horses compete for the privilege to do this honor. And the entire time this is all happening the real bulls of the park are left to graze as they are definitely not in the mood to be roused and herded as they are in rut. It is their job to be the bulls of the park and no one argues with their stomping hooves, large horns, massively strong thunder or loud snorts of frustration and repeated warnings of "GET LOST". The Rangers of the park gather the bulls with only the best and only when they are in the right mood. They are all highly respected animals in the park as they have helped the herd survive all the long cold winters with bitter winds over centuries. They shield the entire family of tetonka. Absolutely a beautiful family!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Dear Roxann,
What a beautiful review! Your description of the Buffalo Roundup was SPOT on and we appreciate you sharing this information with other reviewers who might be considering visiting the Black Hills themselves in the upcoming future.
It is absolutely an unbelievable sight to behold and your words captured it perfectly.
Thank you so much for the stellar review and warmest regards from all of us here at Fort Hays Chuckwagon & Stage Coast West!