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Цити: Парк Цити
Sat 28 Dec
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Коментара (2)
Aug 2020
This operator (Karen) is a MONSTER! A kinder title would be scam artist. We texted and canceled 24 hours before the scheduled hike. She did not respond so I called her and she said to cancel online and she would refund us our money. Then she acted like she did not know how to do it and said she would do it later... for the next 3 days she would make excuses like: I’ll do it later I’m making dinner, can’t right now I’m doing a project, with a friend so I can’t do it right now. After 3 days of this she texts saying she is now only giving us half a refund because it has been such a hassle for her!! She could have done it in 5 mins after we called her but SHE was the one who put it off. I called her and she yelled at me on the phone and then hung up on me when I tried to speak. SHE IS A NASTY PERSON. Also the description says the guide will bring snacks, WRONG. She told us we had to bring all of our food for the hike. So basically you are paying her $100 per person for her to take you on trails that we found on an app! She’s a snake. Lied to us several times. And was horrible to communicate with. Living up to her name, a true KAREN.
Sep 2019
Working around the old town will help you build up an appetite or walk off that wonderful meal you just enjoyed. It is a mountain town so the streets go up and down but luckley there are plenty of place to stop and catch your breath, rehydrate, and rest.