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Тура Муир Воодс & Саусалито

На изласку у Муир Воодс, прећи ћете преко култног моста Голден Гате са прекрасним погледом на залив Сан Франциско и острво Алкатраз.<бр>Наставите дуж аутопута Пацифичке обале, пружајући задивљујући поглед на обалне планине пре него што кренете даље до Мјуира Национални споменик у Вудсу.<бр><бр>Са мапама у руци, прошетајте кроз спектакуларну шуму и уживајте у свим њеним природним лепотама. Након што смо истраживали Муир Воодс око 1,5 сата у слободно време, упутићемо се у шармантни Саусалито, мали приморски градић у медитеранском стилу у округу Марин, дом неких од најбогатијих грађана земље.<бр><бр>Ако желите да проведете када сте у Саусалиту, можете изабрати да напустите турнеју и уживате у вожњи трајектом назад у Сан Франциско са прелепим погледом на мост Голден Гате, хоризонт Сан Франциска и острво Алкатраз (карте за трајект нису укључене), или можете остати на броду обилазак и повратак у Сан Франциско.<бр><бр>
Цити: Сан Франциско
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $98.76
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $98.76
Шта је укључено
Флексибилност боравка у Саусалиту и повратка трајектом (карта није укључена)
Обилазак са водичем од Сан Франциска до Муир Вудса и Саусалита
Улазница у Муир Воодс (вредност од 15 долара) + паркинг
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Тренутно није потребан доказ о вакцинацији.
Шта да очекујете
Национални споменик Муир Воодс
Лутајте кроз џиновска стабла секвоја.
Мост Голден Гате
Пређите чувени мост Голден Гате
Уживајте у малом времену у приморском граду Саусалито
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (47)
Eden R
Mar 2018
Do not use this company!! I can’t stress that enough. My 5 friends and I bought tickets for a tour to Muir Woods 2 months before going to San Fran. We were told to arrive at 9 am to get on the bus (that was supposed to be a Hop on Hop off bus/ Double Decker bus. When we arrived, it was just a regular van) that was supposed to take us over the Golden Gate Bridge, through Sausalito and to Muir Woods. We got there to redeem our vouchers and were told to go get on the bus that was parked across the street. When we got there, we quickly realize that there is definitely not enough room for all of us, plus the 20 other people who were in line ahead of us. And sure enough, there wasn’t. They told us that they could either give us a refund or we could get on another bus that goes around the entire city of SF, drop us off at the Golden Gate Bridge, get on another bus that will take us across the bridge into Sausalito. The bus that was supposed to pick us up in Sausalito was supposed to be there at 12 pm. Well by the time we rode the bus all the way around the city, scrambled around to find the other bus to get on, we still had 2 hours to kill in Sausalito on a Sunday morning, when nothing is open. Keep in mind, this trip was originally supposed to be over and done with by 12:30 pm at the latest and it was now turning in to a entire day trip. When you plan to spend 4 days in SF, you can't afford to spend 7 extra hours on a trip you only planned to be 4 hours long. So frustrating. We finally got to Muir Woods and when we got back to Sausalito, we missed the Ferry (which we already paid for) so our only options were to either pay more money to get on a different bus or wait 1.5 hours for the next ferry. The most annoying part of this whole thing is that they do this every single day! They sell more tickets than there are seats on the bus and then end up making $5 from every person who didn't get a spot on the bus. They knew exactly what to do and didn't skip a beat. I even asked if this was just a fluke mistake or if this happens regularly and she avoided the question. Luckily my friends and I are young and have good attitudes so we decided to laugh it off after being very frustrated for a while and we made the best of it. But it was not ideal and pretty disappointing. I would suggest you try and find another tour to Muir Woods. Good luck.
Mar 2018
After reading the reviews on here, I was a little worried about our upcoming excursion to say the least! However, I needn't have worried, we exchanged our tickets no problem and boarded the bus at 9am, departing on time and efficiently. Our guide, Danielle, was wonderful, very friendly, funny and telling us lots about SF as we crossed the bridge. We were picked up on time for Muir Woods, had the weather been better, I'd have liked longer than 1hr30 but the torrential downpour meant that was just enough. Danielle told us a bit about Sausalito and gave some food recommendations before dropping us off, the ferry back to SF was also prompt and easy to find - all in all, a good trip!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
I am so happy to hear you you decided to take our tours and that you enjoyed your time on your Muir Woods trip with Danielle! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We hope to see you again on your travels.
Jan 2018

I highly recommend going to Muir Woods when in San Francisco it is a chance to see trees that lived in the time of Christ and through the total history of America.

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