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Тура Муир Воодс & Саусалито

На изласку у Муир Воодс, прећи ћете преко култног моста Голден Гате са прекрасним погледом на залив Сан Франциско и острво Алкатраз.<бр>Наставите дуж аутопута Пацифичке обале, пружајући задивљујући поглед на обалне планине пре него што кренете даље до Мјуира Национални споменик у Вудсу.<бр><бр>Са мапама у руци, прошетајте кроз спектакуларну шуму и уживајте у свим њеним природним лепотама. Након што смо истраживали Муир Воодс око 1,5 сата у слободно време, упутићемо се у шармантни Саусалито, мали приморски градић у медитеранском стилу у округу Марин, дом неких од најбогатијих грађана земље.<бр><бр>Ако желите да проведете када сте у Саусалиту, можете изабрати да напустите турнеју и уживате у вожњи трајектом назад у Сан Франциско са прелепим погледом на мост Голден Гате, хоризонт Сан Франциска и острво Алкатраз (карте за трајект нису укључене), или можете остати на броду обилазак и повратак у Сан Франциско.<бр><бр>
Цити: Сан Франциско
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $98.76
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $98.76
Шта је укључено
Флексибилност боравка у Саусалиту и повратка трајектом (карта није укључена)
Обилазак са водичем од Сан Франциска до Муир Вудса и Саусалита
Улазница у Муир Воодс (вредност од 15 долара) + паркинг
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Тренутно није потребан доказ о вакцинацији.
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Национални споменик Муир Воодс
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Мост Голден Гате
Пређите чувени мост Голден Гате
Уживајте у малом времену у приморском граду Саусалито
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (47)
Apr 2018
We have been to San Francisco hundreds of times....in fact we lived there years ago! We had never been to Muir Woods and wanted to take some grandchildren there while we were staying in San Francisco to catch some Giants Games. There are some new policies in place about parking, you must make a reservation I read, new this year. I could make a reservation but there were no shuttles running to the woods during the week. I considered Uber but had read a lot here about a 'curvy road"....yes it was! Didn't think that might be a good option. Finally decided to just forget the hassle and book with City Sightseeing and was so glad we did. We had a great guide/driver and have to , say I would not really have cared to have driven the road to Muir Woods, but I scare easily! What we liked was that we had the option for a later pickup and had enough time to enjoy this beautiful park. We had two and a half hours, which probably varies depending on how many tours they do. We were lucky that she was making another run after our tour, I think Anyway, she was there to pick us up at the appointed time and let us off in Sausalito. We had time for a quick bit to eat before taking the ferry back to SF. It was such a great day and so much fun for our grandsons. Two of them earned their first Junior Ranger badges at the park. We had time to listen to a ranger give a presentation too. Just was a very carefree fun day.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
So happy to hear you had a good time on our Muir Woods tour and thank you for sharing your experience! Hope to see you again along your travels.
Apr 2018
We did the Muir Woods/Sausalito tour 4/2/18 and had a great experience. Guillermo was a great guide, very friendly. We saw him around the city after and he smiled and waved every time! Loved that this tour offered pick up at our hotel. Would recommend to anyone!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
I am so happy to hear you had such a wonderful time on your tour to Muir Woods with Guillermo! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience.
Apr 2018
No. Just don’t do it. This is a disreputable company without any accountability to its customers. Move on to a tour with better reviews. I’m sure Muir Woods is a wonderful place but alas, I never saw it. We waited at the pick up spot( after verifying the correct time and place) and the company whiffed on picking us up. They left without us and then didn’t answer the phone when we called to find out where the bus was. And their were two families waiting! Then they refused to make good. We lost a precious half day of vacation in San Fran because this company is not reliable- and spent HOURS on the phone just trying to get our money back- forget them giving us comp tickets! Never again will I consider this company.

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