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Обилазак колица у области Миртл Бича: духови, пирати и историјске породице

Идите пола сата вожње јужно од Миртл Бича на колицима са контролисаном климом до рибарске заједнице Мурреллс Инлет, СЦ, и шире. Слушајте кључне приче о духовима са којима су локално становништво одрасли, позадину о гусарима за које се говорило да су посећивали локалне обале пре 300 година и историјски коментар о утицајним породицама које су живеле у овој области и помогле у обликовању историје наше нације. АКО ЈЕ ВАШ ЦИЉ ДА ПРОВОДИТЕ ВРЕМЕ НА АТРАКЦИЈАМА У ОБЛАСТИ, ОВО НИЈЕ ОБИЛАЗАК ЗА ВАС. Ова 2-сатна тура са приповедањем служи као увод у дивна места поред којих ћемо пролазити и која ћете желети да се вратите и посетите, док вам успут преносите велики део локалног фолклора и историје. КРАТКА СТАЊА, на које ће путници искочити на само НЕКОЛИКО МИНУТА, укључују село за лежање на острву Павлеис Исланд и поглед достојан фотографије у Мурреллс Инлет. Укрцај у 9:45 испред Гранд 14 театра на Маркет Цоммон. ГОСТИ МОРАЈУ ДА ИМАЈУ НАЈМАЊЕ 3 ГОДИНЕ ЗА ОВУ ТУРНЕЈУ.
Цити: Миртле Беацх
Sat 09 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $40.00
Sat 09 Nov
Са почетком у $40.00
Шта је укључено
Посети село Павлеис Исланд Хаммоцк Схопс Виллаге где ће уживати у демонстрацији прављења висећих мрежа
Напричана, повратна вожња до чудног села морских плодова Муреллс Инлет и острва Павлеис
Кратак увод у светски познате вртове Броокгреен у Тхе Гарденер'с Цоттагеу
Могућност фотографије природног панорамског погледа на залив Мурреллс
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Праћени су сви здравствени и безбедносни протоколи који одговарају датуму обиласка.
Шта да очекујете
Броокгреен Гарденс
Накратко ћемо се зауставити у Тхе Гарденер'с Цоттаге-у који је информативни центар Броокгреен Гарден-а (на овој станици нема тоалета) да бисмо добили преглед вртова и информације о томе како најбоље уживати у овој дестинацији светске класе.
Хаммоцк Схопс Виллаге
Гости ће посетити студио Хаммоцк Веаверс и упознати легендарног локалног мајстора који ће им показати како се праве светски познате висеће мреже на Павлеис Исланд. Тоалети су доступни пре повратка у колица.
Мурреллс Инлет
Колица ће се зауставити ради фотографисања панорамског погледа на залив Муреллс, СЦ, који делимично изгледа као пре 300 година када су пирати били међу посетиоцима залива. На овој станици нема тоалета.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (28)
Jul 2021
Please avoid this at all costs. You are paying $40 for the privilege of local businesses to advertise to you to "come back later." The first stop was at the Brookgreen Gardens where we visited the information booth so that the woman running it could try to sell us on 7-day tickets because "there's too much to see in a day." Then we were told that if we enjoyed it so much we wanted to pay to become "members," the cost of the 7-day ticket would be rolled into the membership fee. We were literally taken to a map on the wall to see all the things the place has to offer before getting back on the trolley and moving on. I'll point out that single day tickets were absolutely available and advertised in the information booth. Why anyone would want to buy a membership on vacation in South Carolina is beyond me. The second stop was at a shopping center where we were taken to a local business that specializes in making hammocks. Our tour guide emphasized how amazing the other shops were and that we must make it a point to come back later. At first, I thought she meant we would have time to look at the other shops but in reality we stared at a poor man knitting away at a hammock while basically being shoved out the door to pee and get back on the trolley. This was another location we should plan to come back to, apparently. The third stop was at an inlet where we were asked if we would like to get out to take photos before getting back on. It's literally a piece of South Carolina coastline - but the "tour guide" told us to come back because it's worth paying another $40 to see the inlet at low tide vs. high tide. While moving between these stops, the tour guide begins telling you local "ghost stories" that are not the least bit entertaining. I thought the tour would have you stop at locations that are relevant to local legends and folklore, but instead we got to pass by a horse statue that a 76 year old woman sculpted, a graveyard that had an "Alice" gravestone in it with no significance to anything, and a plantation we could not see through the trees. A daily ticket to the gardens is half the price of this "tour," and Huntington beach is only $8. Either one of these activities would offer many more hours of entertainment at significantly less money. A pamphlet would have been more useful than this two hour trolley ride. With the money that I'm sure the tour guide is getting to advertise for these local businesses, the cost of these tickets needs to be significantly reduced. There were 25 people on the trolley, and at $40 a person, it must be a lucrative hassle - don't get taken advantage of.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Actually, I get paid NOTHING from the places where we stop. It was all I could do to get them to ALLOW our tour to stop there. In fact, once the fees are paid to the platform that you have used to convey your review, and the trolley expenses are covered (sometimes they’re not), then I get paid, if there are enough guests aboard. Since the pandemic, I don’t get paid at all for most of my tours. I never felt that there was a need to share that with anyone, but your misrepresentation that my guests are somehow being taken advantage of hurts me to the core. I don’t know who you are or how you booked this tour, but on our ticketing platform, not only do I specify exactly where we stop, but state how long we are at each place. I am very sorry that the experience did not remotely meet your expectation. The reason that I take my guests to these places is because I think these places are wonderful. I have loved going to them all of my life. I also love the stories that I share. My objective is to share the happiness that I have gotten from them with my guests. My hope is that enough guests will continue to take these tours that I can continue to do them. Thank you for helping me endorse (without any compensation) going to Brookgreen Gardens and Huntington Beach State Park as they truly are wonderful.
Jul 2021
Very nice and informative tour. Narrator was enthusiastic and you could feel how much she loved the history and stories. I highly recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
You are precious to say that. You're right. I've loved these stories all of my life and it is a joy for me to share them. Thank you and your family for being a part of the tour.
Jun 2021
Very knowledgeable guide. Really knew stories very well. This gives you ideas of places to visit on days you don't want to go to Beach. Or if you'd rather visit historical sites.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
Thanks so much for being a part of this tour experience. I truly love sharing the stories that I grew up with and introducing people to some of my favorite places.

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