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Национални центар комедије у Џејмстауну у Њујорку је први најсавременији музеј посвећен причању виталне приче комедије у Америци. Као непрофитна културна институција, музеј слави велике умове и јединствене гласове комедије, од Чарлија Чаплина до Дејва Шапела. Ексклузивне колекције и експонати светске класе дају љубитељима комедије невиђени поглед иза кулиса на креативне процесе који су усавршени временом који су уздигли забаву до уметности.
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Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $28.50
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Џејмстаун<бр>203 В 2нд Ст
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ваучери се могу искористити за период до 6 месеци од куповине (не односи се на Луци Цомеди Фест)<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо -саобраћајне области<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Погледајте све наше мере заштите од ЦОВИД-19 за „безбрижно“ искуство на ЦомедиЦентер.орг/ЛаугхСафе
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Национални центар комедије
Уђите унутра и уживајте у импресивним експонатима и искуствима музеја да бисте сазнали како се развијала национална комедија, од водвиља до виралних мема. Станите у ципеле професионалаца, испробајте станд-уп, ставите на листу стрипова великана и још много тога; и надоградњу да би укључили улаз у оближњи музеј Луцилле Балл Деси Арназ.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (72)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2021
We had heard about this museum when researching going to the Lucy and Desi museum. First of all, it isn't clear on the website, but you can visit these on consecutive days with a combo ticket. It says here and on other sites to plan 3-4 hours. We could have spent 2 days here. The exhibits are very interactive and the place has tons of clips. You can watch them for hours.... so decide what your goal is before you go. As you enter, the interactive exhibit asks you about your taste in comedy by asking you to select comedies, comedians and movies you like, then some algorithm pulls up clips and info that it thinks you will like throughout the museum. The museum has displays of comedians notes, scripts from TV shows, stand ups, movies, costumes and clothes. They start you up in a comedy club. And it plays clips of many comedians, gives a short clip on an aspect of stand up and then you can select another clip. Then they take you into late night, many more clips, looks of the late night sets etc. Then there are more exhibits from funny props, animation, sketches and improv, TV shows. All have so many clips. Scripts and clips, guess which comedians.... and so much more. You then have the option of going up to the over 21 blue room, where it gets very raunchy. My very favorite was so many clips of Friar roasts throughout the years. Definitely rated R. Excellent displays. Then you go through comedy awards, some interactive displays, you can be green screened into several comedy clips. The interactive displays are easy to use and very advanced. They have disposable gloves, where needed, lots of hand sanitizer and a stylus to activate the displays. We loved it and would definitely go for a second round. Everyone who worked there was friendly and helpful.
May 2021
I had won the tickets so we decided to take the hour and a half drive to check the place out. They have a free parking lot close by and they had a very organized entry system, you get your temperature taken, then you get your tickets at the counter, from there they give you a band a set of earphones and a stylist pen so you are not touching anything. Then you go to a screen put in your favorite shows, movies, comedians etc it takes your picture and puts it up on the screen. Then you enter the comedy center....they have alot of interactive exhibits for you to enjoy, a ton of things to read, shows you can watch etc. There is something for every age group from Beavis and Butthead, Betty Boop, Dennis the Menace to Garfield. Some very interesting things to see especially if your time Era was The Jeffersons, Archie Bunker, Leave it to Beaver etc. They also have what they call the blue room, which is adult only and raunchy like George Carlin, Bob Cat Gothwait and alot of swearing. We enjoyed ourselves....if you want to read and do every exhibit plan on about 4 hours in the center, we didn't do everything and we were there 2 hours 45 minutes and there were exhibits closed as well as bar closed, but the gift shop is open and that's the last room you go thru.
May 2021
Be prepared that paid admission comes with an attendant that follows you around watching for when the masks drops too far down your nose. I spent 98 percent of the time alone in each room; besides her, with my nostrils covered. Apparently it's policy to harass visitors who aren't wearing their mask to their liking. Can't say much about the exhibits since I wasn't allowed to experience them without her interruption. They say they match up the experience to your humor. Well, they don't very good job. I was paired with the one stye indon't enjoy at all. Cut my trip less third since the harassment quickly outweighed the chance of being amused or even entertained.

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