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Цити: Западна Вирџинија
Sun 22 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.00
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $88.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручује се за узраст од 11 и више година<ли>Молимо обавестите о свим специфичним захтевима у исхрани у време резервације.<ли>Позовите да бисте разговарали о инвалидности или услужном смештају за животиње.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Саветујте водича. свих релевантних здравствених стања пре почетка путовања. Консултујте се са својим лекаром о здравственим проблемима пре рафтинга. <ли>Свака група ће уживати у овом путовању на свом сплаву са својим професионалним водичем. Неће се мешати групе између сплавова.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (192)
Ken V
Jul 2018
We had a great trip on the lower New River this past week. We were able to get reservations for the time we wanted. We were able to tweak the count of our party as time got closer. It was a great day on the water. Everyone was safe and had a lot of fun. The guides were enjoyable and fun to be with. We had some who had been rafting before and many for whom it was the first time, but everyone loved it.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Ken, we're glad your group could join us for a fun day on the water! We'll look forward to your next adventure!
Jul 2018
7/23/18 Rafting trip on the Lower New River with West Virginia Adventure. My wife and I had not been rafting for 20 yrs since doing 3 fall Upper Gauley trips, back when we didn't have kids. Reminisced about those days with our 4 boys ages 14-20 yo. We decided to try a tamer river as their intro to this fun activity(plus, my wife is getting a little gun shy just thinking about the Gauley - now that's a river!). So glad we decided to do this and can't say enough about this establishment and our excellent guide, Kirby, who we found quite knowledgeable, well-spoken and confident which belied his young years. Plus he knew the best corny jokes! Esp his last one regarding the Lite Beer at the end of the trip - I won't ruin it for you. My kids are still laughing. Right from the start, he made us feel welcome, just greeting us from our vehicle. Some parts, he was technically amazing, especially one of the last runs where we started in backwards, then forwards, then across - I'm sure I'm not even remembering correctly. He was great at explaining what we had to do prior to each rapid and went over how it went afterwards. Thankfully telling us after the run what could have happened in some parts. Great communicator and obviously technically excellent. Safety to him being of utmost importance. Other two guides, Parker and John Henry, seemed quite nice as well and technically excellent with all seemingly to give weight to John Henry as being the most expert. There were three boats in our group ranging in size from 6-8 not including the guide at the back. Rapids were class 3-4 on this run. Plenty fun and still a chance to fall out altho no one did from our 3 boats. Calm areas afforded us a chance to swim which was quite refreshing. My two littlest got to jump off a rock towards the end altho they would have preferred the higher rock earlier, but that was taken up by a different larger company. Speaking of size, we definitely enjoyed the much smaller size of this group. Not as much waiting. Even when we called to book, the person manning the phones with the big group seemed to have a non-guide as he kept pausing when answering our questions, looking up things. Didn't give us confidence. This group had a very knowledgeable person answering all the questions my wife could think of. Overall cannot go wrong with this group. Highly recommend. Whenever we get some relatives in for an extended stay we'll be sure to bring up this activity. Some of us are thinking of doing the Gauley with this outfit. One tip: bring a waterproof camera. We did get some very nice pics of the amazing scenery. There is a private company taking action pics on a couple of the runs. You can get the name at the end and just order online. Pics are gorgeous!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thanks for riding first class with West Virginia Adventures! Kirby says thanks for the kind words!
Julie S
Jul 2018
We had a blast with Parker today! He kept telling us how good we are at paddling. LOL, we think he says this to all the rafters. :) This was the first trip for most of us in our group, and it was SO FUN!! There is no need to be apprehensive, the guides know their stuff! The river is BEAUTIFUL... breathtaking, even. We loved every second of our trip, and will do this again! Class III/IV, no problem. Let's get some V's next trip! :) We can't say enough good things, the hospitality, knowledge, entertainment.. LUNCH... all wonderful. GO MOUNTAINEERS!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Julie, Parker says you all were great paddlers and are ready for the Gauley! ;) Thanks for choosing our small business for your big adventure!

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