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Цити: Западна Вирџинија
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $88.00
Шта је укључено
Само за путовања у 9 ујутро – ручак на бази шведског стола обично укључује сендвиче које сами направите, свеже воће и поврће, чипс, пасуљ, кромпир салату, салату од купуса, хумус, десерте, пића.
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручује се за узраст од 11 и више година<ли>Молимо обавестите о свим специфичним захтевима у исхрани у време резервације.<ли>Позовите да бисте разговарали о инвалидности или услужном смештају за животиње.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Саветујте водича. свих релевантних здравствених стања пре почетка путовања. Консултујте се са својим лекаром о здравственим проблемима пре рафтинга. <ли>Свака група ће уживати у овом путовању на свом сплаву са својим професионалним водичем. Неће се мешати групе између сплавова.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (192)
Michael W
Sep 2016
We took the Lower New River trip, and it could not have been more fun. This is a smaller outfit--there were only 10 people in two rafts on our trip, and it seemed we had the river to ourselves. Our guide Randy was both VERY competent and VERY entertaining! Our adventure included a couple of fairly rough and scary Class 4-5 rapids because of the low water levels this time of year, as well as many easier but still exciting runs. We got a really nice lunch halfway thru, and an opportunity toward the end to jump off a 30 foot high rock into the water and a chance to swim/float downstream for a long stretch. I was impressed with both the professionalism of everyone involved, as well as how much fun they all seemed to be having--including us in all the goofy stunts and tall tales. I think we're going to have to go again!
Aug 2016
The trip with west Virginia adventures this past weekend was great. So glad our family went with this company. The staff is very knowledgeable and experienced. I highly suggest "special Ed" as your guide, he really knows his stuff. He made the rafting trip fun. While on the water, our raft was definitely having the most fun. He was very personable with the people in the rafting. He would joke and carry on conversations, but he was serious when needed to be. On the trip he gave great details and information about the area. He knows the river very well. He makes you feel relaxed and in very capable hands. The " movie producer", Ron was very fun and interactive with the people on the raft. He made you feel very involved. The video was great. My 17 year old was not excited about the trip, but he ended up loving it mostly because of the staff. The river rapids were great and exciting. My family loved it. Thanks for a great family day on the water. Thank you Special Ed and Ron. We will definitely be back. Ron and Ed my son, "Fabio" said thanks for a great time and the new nickname. See you guys again, hopefully soon.
Jul 2016
We had a fantastic whitewater rafting trip on the New River through Class 4 and 5 rapids with Monroe, aka, "Special Ed". Monroe grew up on the New River, so he knows the river lore and are history as well as anyone. To top it off, this guy could seriously have a 2nd career as a stand-up comic! He kept us laughing from the time we stepped for on the bus, the whole time in the water, and all the back back to base camp. My daughter was sharing tidbits about the river that she learned on this trip days later while telling people about the trip. He encouraged team camaraderie by calling for "attitude checks". He'd yell out "attitude check" and we'd all rise our paddles to the center and whoop and holler. Because he was so fun and so funny, the two times he told us that we needed to contain our enthusiasm and listen hard for his commands, we knew to be serious and pay attention. As a result, no one was bumped from our boat. And because no one was bumped from the boat, but everyone wants to be wet, Special Ed would give us some time in the eddies to hop out and swim. Lunch was quite a spread: sandwich fixin's, pasta salad, potato salad, carrots, salad, chips, cookies, and PB&J for anyone who didn't get enough. Sure it took a few minutes to set up (as another reviewer complained about), but I'd take that over pre-packed sandwiches any day of the week. Oh, and as a person who hates water, that ice-cold water was so refreshingly perfect! Some tips: Wear a rash guard, preferably long sleeve. Capris are a smarter choice than shorts. The tops of several people's legs were sun burnt, but good. Bring a dry-bag to take your phone in if you want pictures; tie it to your life vest with a double eight knot. Definitely sunscreen before you go, and bringing a tube to reapply is not a bad idea either. Sit in the front if you want to get wet, the back for the bumpiest ride, and the middle to avoid either of those. Get in Monroe's boat. Trust me on that. The guides never asked for a tip, but it's a service industry, so bring a few bucks in case you love your ride as much as I did. Regrettably, I was without cash, so I'm hoping this review makes up for that a little. Thanks, Monroe! We'll definitely be back to raft the Gauley sometime down the road.

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