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Нев Хавен Греен
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Гроове у улици Грове
организовано 1796. као Њу Хејвен Буриинг Гроунд
Градска скупштина
Дизајнирао Хенри Остин и изграђен 1861
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Коментара (41)
Bianca E
Jun 2019
I took my boyfriend with me and we had such a great time, I’m such a fan of ghost tours and he had never done one before up until now, and it was just so interesting learning about history while also enjoying a lot of spooky stories. I highly recommend choosing this as a date night activity, and also so much good food in the area!!
Michele Y
Oct 2018
When the opportunity arose to travel to New Haven from Pennsylvania, I agreed to go IF there would be a ghost tour scheduled during our trip and IF Chrystyne McGrath would be the tour leader. Three of us thoroughly enjoyed her tour during a trip to New Haven three years ago. I've taken ghost tours in Philadelphia, Gettysburg, London, Alexandria, etc, and Chrystyne's New Haven Ghost Tour was my favorite by far. I am very spiritual and am practicing to become a medium, so a tour conducted by a psychic medium was just perfect for me. My boyfriend, however, is completely skeptical. Chrystyne's knowledge of the area and engaging personality kept him engaged and entertained. I felt like the tour was just the right length of time for adults, it included information about the Yale campus, and the walking was very easy. Even if ghosts aren't your thing, the information Chrystyne shares on New Haven history and architecture will make this a great way to spend the evening. Plus, Chrystyne directed us to BAR Pizza, which is unequivocally my boyfriend's and my favorite pizza EVER. (As an aside, I booked an appointment during my visit for a mediumship reading, meditation and energy healing with Chrystyne McGrath. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! I felt the essence of my mother and grandmother during the reading, and the energy healing was better than I could have ever imagined. While I wasn't expecting this to happen, the healing even took away the excruciating shoulder pain I had been having for several days. It's been gone ever since! )
Rocio S
Sep 2018
I’ve done numerous ghost tours (mystic,Milford & Mark Twain). All those I mentioned were great! The new haven ghost tour has been the worst. First off the tour guide waited 3 min for everyone to show up and started the tour immediately. A couple people were 5 min late and had to follow us down the street because we started walking immediately. She was a terrible story teller saying “like” and “ummm” after all her words. She also didn’t know her facts. She was wrong on a few historic facts. She actually said that Indian tribes became extinct? Really? Last I heard they are still around. The walk was nice and there is some amazing history in New Haven. The group was large and it was hard to hear her over the traffic and just the busy streets. She needed a microphone! She mentioned that there was another guide who was a actual medium and I’m Guessing she is a better guide. This girl had note cards and did the tour as if she had to for extra credit in one of her classes or something.

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