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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $69.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $69.00
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Пропусница за центар и град (истог дана) Ова пропусница укључује обилазак центра града и обилазак града и Харлема. Уз опцију да ускочите и искочите, можете провести онолико (или мало) времена колико желите на свакој атракцији. Ограничена пропусница за град (48 сати) Уз обилазак центра града, обилазак града и Харлема, крстарење Статуом слободе и изнајмљивање бицикала у Централном парку, можете истражити Њујорк са копна и воде. Алл Цити Пасс (48 сати) Довнтовн, Уптовн и Харлем, Бруклин, Бронкс, ноћни обилазак, крстарење Статуом слободе, улаз у Музеј града Њујорка и изнајмљивање бицикала у Централ Парку су укључени. Користите их било када у року од 48 сати. Алл Цити Пасс (72 сата) Улазница укључује центар града, горњи део града и Харлем, Бруклин, Бронкс, ноћне обиласке, плус крстарење статуом слободе, улаз у Музеј града Њујорка и изнајмљивање бицикала у Централ Парку. Алл Цити Пасс (5 дана) Улазница укључује центар града, горњи део града и Харлем, Бруклин, Бронкс, ноћне обиласке, плус крстарење статуом слободе, улаз у Музеј града Њујорка и изнајмљивање бицикала у Централ Парку.
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Коментара (138)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Oct 2019
TopView - Trip Advisor TopView, a.k.a.: ToiletView, is a scam. They are very deceitful. The tour was supposed include both lower and upper Manhattan which we were not able to fully utilize (for upper Manhattan). The ticket said we could use the bus service until 11:59 pm - see attached photo. They did not make it clear that they would stop their service at 5 or 6 pm. We found that after the fact (on their pamphlet which we also got later on) and through the bus driver. They, meaning their sales staff on the street, did not state that before the trip either. Gee, I wonder why not? And why would they state that we can use the ticket until almost midnight when they close at 5 or 6 pm? Again, it states that right on the ticket - right in black and white. That doesn't make any sense. When we confronted the driver, along with another passenger who had the same complaint, he just shrugged and said there was nothing he could do... kind of like one of those: "not my problem buddy" expressions. All we asked for was a refund on the portion of the ticket for the tour for upper Manhattan which they failed to deliver. When I complained to both Consumer Affairs in New York and the BBB, they said that ticket was "within the timeframe" which of course is extremely and deliberately misleading. Copies of the ticket have already been provided. As far as I am concerned this company is nothing but a scam - and there are enough publicized posts of complaints online to confirm it. When I emailed them for a partial refund, they accused me of being "aggressive" and "making threats", which was also an exaggeration and was being used to distract from the facts as it really had nothing to do with asking for the partial refund. I kindly asked for my money back at first and they refused with their ignorant, customer dissatisfaction "strict policies". Well, it's my "STRICT POLICY" not to get scammed, which unfortunately I did. It's only natural for people to get angry like I did with their obtuse and condescending "who cares?" responses. No matter what I tried, they just refused to refund the money because they are simply con-artists and thieves. It has nothing to do with my "attitude" which I also find very insulting for them to say. I did not have a "beautiful experience to last a lifetime" in New York (their words) with this business and it is disgusting that they pretend to be ethical because they are definitely not. They are being sarcastic if anything. How is refusing to not refund money back in part for a tour not used "striving" for good customer experiences? It's absolutely sickening. I don't live in NYC and I don't plan on visiting in 5 years time. They offered a 5-year extension after all this.... well... what good is an extension offer now that I am back home and far away? There is no way in the world I would ever engage with this unscrupulous company, which I will rename "ToiletView", again anyway nor do I recommend anyone do business with them. They have demonstrated that they have no principles, no sense of fairness and are very immoral, unethical and have ruined what would have been a good experience in New York. Asking for a partial refund for something that they failed to deliver is not asking much. Most customer-centric companies would recognize that and oblige to keep a good name. This company, ToiletView, is anything but a good company. Terrible service and I am out of money because of their dishonorable practices. In short, they have treated me and my family very badly and that is upsetting. This business has and never had any intention of acting in good faith as an ethical business. Their refusal to be nice and refund money for a service they failed to deliver speaks volumes of the kind of people that they are. Perhaps a lawsuit may be my next course of action. We will see. I hope this warning will keep most people away. If so, then at least I saved someone(people) from getting their money stolen. If you do get scammed from them make a post here on Trip Advisor, the BBB, Google Reviews and make sure you complain to Consumer Affairs and the BBB. Also make a dispute with your credit card company. Don't let them get away with their scam!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
We apologize that your visit seemed to have fallen short of this. We would love the opportunity to speak with you about your experience and see if we can do anything to help. Please give us a call at 212.664.0300
Sathah S
Oct 2019
TopView employee have us incorrect information which made our tickets invalid and the company failed to give us refund for it. Beware of your ticket purchase as it is only valid 24 hours post purchase and NOT 24 hours from time of first use. The company wouldn't give us a refund even though it's employee told us otherwise!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
We try to maintain the highest standards of service, but clearly that's not what happened here. I am terribly sorry to hear about your experience with us. Please give me a call at 212.664.0300 at your convenience. We like to find out what I can do to make your situation right. 
Oct 2019
We booked this after being persuaded by salesman outside Empire State Building, he said the buses are frequent and we won’t be disappointed, this was so untrue, I can’t recall any time where the buses were frequent. Today was a complete disaster, we were at the stop near Empire State Building waiting for a bus for an hour before the bus came which was so busy, anyway, at least it came. On the return journey, from Near World Trade Centre, there was a queue of around 30 people before us, after half hour of waiting and no sign of bus, we decided to walk back- took over 1 1/2 hours. Some drivers were great, yet there are a few who really were rude, they didn’t even wait for people to be seated before setting off. Would I recommend? Some drivers were great. I think there needs to be improvements and more vehicles to provide a better service.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
We're extremely sorry that you had to face such difficulties, problems in customer service are not something we are known for. We pride ourselves in providing great customer service and we'd like to do the same for you. We may not be able to change the past but if you give us a chance, we will completely make it up to you. Please email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 212.664.0300. We hope to resolve this to your benefit and earn you back as a customer.

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