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Пешачка тура Њујорком са приватним локалним водичем

Dive into the life of New York and see its top sights on this private 5-hour tour. Feel the hustle and bustle of lively streets, explore local life and visit places which everyone dreams about.

Start you tour at lively Times Square which is often called “the heart of the world”, walk along the magnificent Broadway – the center of theatric culture.

Feel the majesty of one of the greatest office centers in the world named after legendary Rockefeller and smell the flavor of organic coffee roasted in the best coffee places in New York, read the quotes of famous writers on the walls of Public Library, view statues, elegant clock and arches of Grand Central Terminal.

Honor the memory of victims of 9/11 tragedy in its 9/11 Memorial and finish your tour in the prosperous Wall Street. Your private guide will give you more ideas what to do after the tour.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 30 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $359.00
Sun 30 Mar
Са почетком у $359.00
Шта је укључено
Доступно је више времена почетка
Атракције које морате видети и ван утабаних стаза
Флексибилан прилагодљив итинерар
Приватна тура
Стручни савети где ићи и шта радити након обиласка
Иконична места за фотографисање
Сви порези
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Private walking tour with the use of metro
  • The tour can be modified to meet your preferences
  • Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately
  • Multiple start times available
Шта да очекујете
Тимес Скуаре
Време је флексибилно и обилазак можете започети кад год желите. Ова тура се може прилагодити тако да буде јединствено искуство за вас. Ваш приватни локални водич ће вас дочекати у холу хотела око 10 сати и разговарати са вама о итинерару обиласка на почетку туре. 10.30 „Срце света“, „раскршће света“ – Тајмс сквеер је права легенда и симбол Њујорка и САД. Замислите само: преко 300 000 људи дневно посети Тајмс Сквер! Бићете запањени када видите мноштво светлуцавих илуминација, шарених натписа и осетите јединствену атмосферу овог фантастичног места.
11:00 После, посетићете Бродвеј, место које не треба представљати. Највећа концентрација забавних места, изложби и позоришта, наравно! Наступ на Бродвеју је крајњи успех за сваку звезду. Више од 40 позоришта (укључујући бриљантну Метрополитен оперу) стварају култ Бродвеја који се зове Тхеатре Дистрицт. Уживајте у погледима, постаните део света уметности и уроните у позоришну атмосферу.
Рокфелер центар
11.30 Чак и ако никада нисте били у Њујорку, сигурно сте чули за огроман Рокфелер центар. 19 пословних зграда чине један од највећих комплекса на свету и импресионираће вас својом величином. Овде не можете прескочити Топ оф тхе Роцк Обсерватион Децк, Тхе Ринк, Радио Цити Мусиц Халл и бројна модерна кафића.
Њујоршка јавна библиотека
12.00 Потом погледајте Њујоршку јавну библиотеку која није само храм читања и знања са више од 53 милиона предмета већ и архитектонски драгуљ који је био највећа мермерна зграда у САД почетком 20. века.
Гранд Централ Терминал
12.30 Ваша следећа станица је запањујући Гранд Централ Терминал. Сваке године овде дође преко 20 милиона посетилаца. Монументална и импресивна беаук-артс зграда са масивним скулптурама, осликаном ћелијом и чувеним сатом оставиће вас без текста.
Централни парк
13:00 Заустављање за укусни амерички ручак. Након тога - посетите легендарни светски познати Централ Парк
Национални меморијал и музеј 11. септембра
14.00 Сваки посетилац Њујорка памти застрашујућу трагедију 11. септембра. У Њујорку постоји место где људи могу да дођу да одају помен жртвама – Меморијал и музеј 11. септембра који заузима површину од 10 000 квадратних метара. на месту порушеног Светског трговинског центра.
Њујоршка берза
Ваздух овде је засићен духом успеха, богатства и просперитета. Погледајте легенде са Волстрита као што су Њујоршка берза (највећа на свету) и њујоршки одбор за трговину.
Цхаргинг Булл (Валл Стреет Булл)
И не заборавите да се фотографишете са локалном атракцијом - биком који се пуни.
Валл Стреет
15.00 Завршите обилазак Волстрита – улице за коју сте сигурно чули!
Times Square
Timing is flexible and you can start the tour any time you prefer.   This tour can be customized to make it a unique experience for you. Your private local guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at approx 10am and discuss the tour itinerary with you at the beginning of the tour.   10.30am “The heart of the world”, “the crossroad of the world” – Times Square is a real legend and a symbol of New York and the USA. Just imagine: over 300 000 people visit Times Square daily! You will get amazed when you see a myriad of sparkling illuminations, colorful signboards and feel the unique vibe of this fabulous place.
11.00am After, you'll visit Broadway, a place which doesn’t need any introduction. The highest concentration of entertaining places, exhibitions and theaters, of course! To perform on Broadway is an ultimate success for any star. More than 40 theaters (including brilliant Metropolitan Opera) create the cult of Broadway which is called Theater District. Take in the views, become a part of the world of art and immerse into theatrical atmosphere.
Rockefeller Center
11.30am Even if you have never been to New York you surely have heard about huge Rockefeller Center. The 19 office buildings create one of the largest complexes in the world and will impress you by their scale. Here you can’t skip Top of the Rock Observation Deck, The Rink, Radio City Music Hall and numerous trendy coffee places.
New York Public Library
12.00pm Then see New York Public Library which is not only the temple of reading and knowledge with more than 53 million items but also an architectural gem which was the largest marble building in the USA in the beginning of 20th century.
Grand Central Terminal
12.30pm Your next stop is stunning Grand Central Terminal. Over 20 million visitors come here every year. Monumental and impressive beaux-arts building with massive sculptures, painted cell and its famous clock will leave you speechless.
Central Park
1.00pm Stop for delicious American lunch. After that - visit the legendary world-famous Central Park
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
2.00pm Every visitor in New York remembers about the terrifying tragedy of September 11. There is a place in New York City where people can come to commemorate the victims – the 9/11 Memorial and Museum which occupies the area of 10 000 sq.m at the place of the destroyed World Trade Center.
New York Stock Exchange
The air here is saturated with the spirit of success, wealth and prosperity. See such Wall Street legends as New York Stock Exchange (the largest in the world) and New York Board of Trade.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
And don’t forget to take a photo with a local attraction – the Charging Bull.
Wall Street
3.00pm End your tour at the Wall Street – the street you surely heard about!
Times Square
Timing is flexible and you can start the tour any time you prefer.   This tour can be customized to make it a unique experience for you. Your private local guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at approx 10am and discuss the tour itinerary with you at the beginning of the tour.   10.30am “The heart of the world”, “the crossroad of the world” – Times Square is a real legend and a symbol of New York and the USA. Just imagine: over 300 000 people visit Times Square daily! You will get amazed when you see a myriad of sparkling illuminations, colorful signboards and feel the unique vibe of this fabulous place.
11.00am After, you'll visit Broadway, a place which doesn’t need any introduction. The highest concentration of entertaining places, exhibitions and theaters, of course! To perform on Broadway is an ultimate success for any star. More than 40 theaters (including brilliant Metropolitan Opera) create the cult of Broadway which is called Theater District. Take in the views, become a part of the world of art and immerse into theatrical atmosphere.
Rockefeller Center
11.30am Even if you have never been to New York you surely have heard about huge Rockefeller Center. The 19 office buildings create one of the largest complexes in the world and will impress you by their scale. Here you can’t skip Top of the Rock Observation Deck, The Rink, Radio City Music Hall and numerous trendy coffee places.
New York Public Library
12.00pm Then see New York Public Library which is not only the temple of reading and knowledge with more than 53 million items but also an architectural gem which was the largest marble building in the USA in the beginning of 20th century.
Grand Central Terminal
12.30pm Your next stop is stunning Grand Central Terminal. Over 20 million visitors come here every year. Monumental and impressive beaux-arts building with massive sculptures, painted cell and its famous clock will leave you speechless.
Central Park
1.00pm Stop for delicious American lunch. After that - visit the legendary world-famous Central Park
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
2.00pm Every visitor in New York remembers about the terrifying tragedy of September 11. There is a place in New York City where people can come to commemorate the victims – the 9/11 Memorial and Museum which occupies the area of 10 000 sq.m at the place of the destroyed World Trade Center.
New York Stock Exchange
The air here is saturated with the spirit of success, wealth and prosperity. See such Wall Street legends as New York Stock Exchange (the largest in the world) and New York Board of Trade.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
And don’t forget to take a photo with a local attraction – the Charging Bull.
Wall Street
3.00pm End your tour at the Wall Street – the street you surely heard about!
Times Square
Timing is flexible and you can start the tour any time you prefer.   This tour can be customized to make it a unique experience for you. Your private local guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at approx 10am and discuss the tour itinerary with you at the beginning of the tour.   10.30am “The heart of the world”, “the crossroad of the world” – Times Square is a real legend and a symbol of New York and the USA. Just imagine: over 300 000 people visit Times Square daily! You will get amazed when you see a myriad of sparkling illuminations, colorful signboards and feel the unique vibe of this fabulous place.
11.00am After, you'll visit Broadway, a place which doesn’t need any introduction. The highest concentration of entertaining places, exhibitions and theaters, of course! To perform on Broadway is an ultimate success for any star. More than 40 theaters (including brilliant Metropolitan Opera) create the cult of Broadway which is called Theater District. Take in the views, become a part of the world of art and immerse into theatrical atmosphere.
Rockefeller Center
11.30am Even if you have never been to New York you surely have heard about huge Rockefeller Center. The 19 office buildings create one of the largest complexes in the world and will impress you by their scale. Here you can’t skip Top of the Rock Observation Deck, The Rink, Radio City Music Hall and numerous trendy coffee places.
New York Public Library
12.00pm Then see New York Public Library which is not only the temple of reading and knowledge with more than 53 million items but also an architectural gem which was the largest marble building in the USA in the beginning of 20th century.
Grand Central Terminal
12.30pm Your next stop is stunning Grand Central Terminal. Over 20 million visitors come here every year. Monumental and impressive beaux-arts building with massive sculptures, painted cell and its famous clock will leave you speechless.
Central Park
1.00pm Stop for delicious American lunch. After that - visit the legendary world-famous Central Park
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
2.00pm Every visitor in New York remembers about the terrifying tragedy of September 11. There is a place in New York City where people can come to commemorate the victims – the 9/11 Memorial and Museum which occupies the area of 10 000 sq.m at the place of the destroyed World Trade Center.
New York Stock Exchange
The air here is saturated with the spirit of success, wealth and prosperity. See such Wall Street legends as New York Stock Exchange (the largest in the world) and New York Board of Trade.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
And don’t forget to take a photo with a local attraction – the Charging Bull.
Wall Street
3.00pm End your tour at the Wall Street – the street you surely heard about!
Show 37 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Коментара (2)
Nov 2023
We did our walking tour with Adam. We enjoyed seeing the highlights of the city. Adam was very knowledgeable about the buildings and landmarks in the city. He met us at our desired meeting point and went above and beyond by guiding us all the way to Newark airport, because the train we were taking was along his route home. We really appreciated that. What we didn’t appreciate was that Adam was very open about his political beliefs, both locally and internationally, and although we told him we didn’t agree with his beliefs, he continued to push them on us throughout the entire tour. Without our inquiring, Adam divulged that he usually receives a tip of $40-$100 for a tour like the one he gave us. We took a break for lunch, and a couple of subway rides and a train ride, all of which we paid for, as Adam said he did not carry any cash with him, and we didn’t mind. However, I didn’t like how it felt like he expected us to pay those things before we offered. We considered this part of a tip to him. Adam reminded us probably three times about tipping at the end of the tour. We would not have forgotten to tip as we always tip, and we definitely felt that he should receive some thing extra for the time he spent with us and we were happy to leave him a tip of $60 in addition for those other items and the $359 for the 5 hour private tour. All in all, we spent 6.5 hours together including the break for lunch which we all agreed to do, and the train ride to the airport on his way home. Without the political banter and multiple reminders about tipping, I would’ve given this tour 5 stars. Unfortunately, those items left us feeling annoyed, so in being fair, we will leave this 3 star review.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2023
Dear Julie, We're very sorry about unwelcome comments of the guide on tour. We regret that our guide made you feel uncomfortable and not enjoy the tour as much as you could have. Rest assured, we had a talk with the guide to avoid such situation in future. Please let us know if there's anything else we can do for you and we'll gladly do it. We hope to see you on our other tours in NYC. Happy holidays!
Apr 2023
We saw, Central Park, Times Square, Grand Central Terminal, Statue of Liberty, and much more, it was great to have Adam as a tour guide. We would have never been able to see so much on our own.

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