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Нијагарини водопади из Сједињених Америчких Држава

Погледајте и доживите најбоље од Нијагариних водопада на овом 4-сатном обиласку Нијагарине америчке стране. Поред потпуно испричаног обиласка аутобуса, ова турнеја такође укључује вожњу чувеним крстарење клисуром Маид оф тхе Мист и улазак у торањ за посматрање Проспецт Поинт за спектакуларан поглед на водопаде. <бр><бр>Покупите из САД само у одабраним хотелима у центру Нијагариних водопада у САД.
Цити: Нијагарини водопади
Mon 21 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $110.45
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $110.45
Шта је укључено
Превоз и одлазак у изабрани хотел у центру града у Нијагариним водопадима, Њујорк.
Превоз доступан за инвалидска колица, морате обавестити приликом потврде резервације
Вожња чамцем Маид оф тхе Мист
4-5 сати обилазак Нијагариних водопада у САД
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирана
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Нијагарини водопади
Државни парк Нијагарини водопади један је од најстаријих паркова у САД. У парку се налазе амерички водопади, водопади Бридал Веил и део водопада Хорсесхое.
Дама магле
Приближићете се моћним водопадима на чувеном крстарењу клисуром Маид оф тхе Мист
Хорсесхое Фаллс
Устаните и приближите се и лично уз Хорсесхое Фаллс са палубе Маид оф тхе Мист.
Торањ за посматрање Нијагариних водопада
Са Проспецт Поинт Обсерватион Товер (улаз укључен) погледајте водопаде
Козје острво
Током турнеје, заустављања ће бити направљена у свим кључним областима за посматрање укључујући Гоат Исланд
Пећина ветрова
Прићи ћете близу моћних водопада на чувеном крстарењу клисуром Маид оф тхе Мист, а затим истражити шеталиште Цаве оф тхе Виндс који се налази тачно у подножју водопада Бридал Веил.
Бридал Веил Фаллс
Пешачите низом дрвених стаза до ураганске палубе да бисте се суочили са жестоком базом водопада Бридал Веил.
Државни парк Вхирлпоол
Погледајте спектакуларне брзаке дуж доње реке Нијагаре док стварају један од највећих вртлога те врсте на свету.
Острво Три сестре
Погледајте и доживите најбоље од Нијагариних водопада на овом 4-сатном обиласку Нијагариног Американца страна.
Show 6 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Nov 2021
We had a great time on this tour! We covered all the major aspects of Niagra Falls, the guide was amazing! Larry was great with our kids and keep them interested the whole time! They share all the stories Larry told with anyone who would listen. Thanks for a great time! We highly recommend the tour and Larry!
Nov 2021
Bill was wonderful, very informative and great personality , chatty and fun Really made it a great day The boat had been pulled for the season but we went to the power plant and it was a great learning experience
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2021
Thank you for taking the time to give your guide a great shout out! We always love hearing about the memorable experiences our staff provide to our guests. It's wonderful that you enjoyed our new Power of Niagara Tour. This tour was just introduced this season and we are so excited to hear your positive feedback!
Oct 2021
The guide (George) should STAY WITH THE GROUP!! (keep the group together) I am a female traveling alone So I even tipped him IN ADVANCE a GENEROUS $40!!! The first stop off the bus, he would just stay in one spot and tell the group to meet back in 20 minutes after we walked from one spot to another…after Cave of the winds when I got off elevator alone I asked if I was the first one back? (apparently some had gone on to NEXT walk but some were NOT finished at the FIRST but he told ME to go to Horseshoe falls then meet back at THE BUS 20 after the hour so I even got back 2 minutes EARLY and there was no bus!! I waited about ten more minutes then started to panick because a saw a bus leaving on the other side of parking lot so I called the Tourist place I had made reservations at and had also tipped this guy $20 before I got on the bus because he had been so nice AT FIRST (I will NEVER tip in advance again) and he was even being rude, YELLING at me to call another number!! so I called the other number to call the bus driver and here he comes with about 4 other people on the bus…When I told him I thought he had left me he told me that he had a lot of places to take a lot of people and was trying to let everyone see as much as possible and basically just to sit down and let him drive me (no apology) So then George DROVE US to the second stop (Three Sisters Islands) where some of the group were ALREADY AT!!?? He told the few of us on the bus we only had about 5 minutes so I walked quickly there and back (not much to see anyways) At this point I could barely enjoy myself because after spending $80 for the trip and $60 on tips, I had been ABANDONED, YELLED AT and basically told to SIT DOWN and SHUT UP! Then after getting back on the bus, he was about to pull off AGAIN to leave some OTHER PEOPLE!!! We finally got to observation point to see the best view of The Falls and all the time I thought I could have spent a lot less money and had a better time…The next (and final) stop was the power plant and I have already seen Hoover Dam so I sat that one out in the front of building (didn’t want to miss the bus) I really felt like asking for my tips back and getting a refund on my tour because I was treated so badly but just got in my car and drove off! I will NEVER use this touring company again!!! Lessons learned!!!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2021
We are extremely sorry for the series of events and treatment you received while on one of our tours. We work very hard to professionally train and license our guides and drivers. In general, we are exceptionally proud of the unique and personalized experience each one provides to our guests. For you, as a company, we failed to provide that to you and others on your tour. Our deepest apologies for this and would like to ensure you, this is not how we conduct business. Thank you for bringing your experience to our attention and invite you to contact our main office at 877-285-2113 in order to discuss your tour in greater detail.

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