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Посматрање северног светла у Мурпхи Доме

Придружите нам се у нашем обиласку једног од најпознатијих места за посматрање северног светла, који се налази северно-северозападно од Фербанкса - Мурпхи Доме.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Wed 08 Jan
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Wed 08 Jan
Са почетком у $110.00
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Обуците одговарајућу топлу зимску одећу<ли>Обезбеђујемо топле напитке и грицкалице за ову турнеју.<ли>Тамо. нема доступних тоалета<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Да би били у складу са ЦДЦ-ом и државом Аљаска: Гости нису обавезни да носе маске за лице, али могу ако желе. Такође вас позивамо да прегледате ажурирани број здравствених савета 2 на хттпс://цовид19.аласка.гов/хеалтх-адвисориес/.
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Коментара (108)
Feb 2022
Our tour guide Raydene is kind, sweet and wonderful. She’s very knowledgeable and also a great van driver. We came up Murphy Dome when the roads were covered in ice but we felt safe. She also made sure everyone in our tour had warm mittens, and she prepared hand warmers and foot warmers for us. We came there in a super windy night but despite the extreme cold and windy she still went to the back of the car to make us hot chocolates and hot teas. She made sure you see the aurora and will go the extra miles for you to be able to see it and take good photos of it. She also helped to take photos for me. She’s one of the best person I’ve met in Fairbanks and I felt fortunate to have her as my tour guide.
Feb 2022
The evening was clear but very cold and windy on Murphy Dome. Our guide Raedene did her utmost to position us for protection from the wind with slight success. The aurora did not start it’s middle intensity display until less than an hour before our scheduled return to the hotel, so Raedene asked everyone if they wanted to extend and we did so for more than an hour extra. Snack bags with water and some chips and cookies were provided to each person as well as hot (actually warm due to quick chilling by the wind) chocolate, coffee and tea via hotpot’s of water in the van, whenever requested. Except for numerous 5 minute durations out of the van, we all appreciated getting back in the van to warm up. Murphy Dome is a small mountain about 2000 feet above and overlooking Fairbanks. The aurora was mid intensity that night but still impressive and some good photos were taken by other participants. The only thing that adequate clothing could not compensate was no restroom (not even a pot-a-potty neither on the route to and from Murphy Dome nor on the dome summit nowhere) from 10:00 pm hotel pickup to 4:30 am return to the hotel. Charlie Brown frowns or try to find privacy behind a snow bank on the summit.
Feb 2022
This was easily one of the most scary experiences I've had. The guide was not communicative at all. We were sat in the very back of the van and the windows were frosted from the inside so we spent close to 4 hours not being able to see anything whatsoever. At some points the lights came out for 5 minutes but because our windows were frosted we were unable to see it. The guides driving was erratic and aggressive, leaving us sore with how the car was jumping on the ice. After the last pickup she forgot to close the van door and started driving. We sat in the car for maybe 2 hours waiting to see something while our guide was on the phone. Otherwise dead silence the whole time, at one point I over heard her say she saw it again for a minute but it went away. This was not communicated so we were not able to experience it. Around 2am she drove off without saying anything to anyone and started dropping us off. I realize it was not guaranteed that we'd see anything, but at least being able to see out the window while feeling safe would've been nice
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
We are sorry to hear that your experience on this tour was less than stellar. The safety of our guests is always the top priority for us here at Alaska Wildlife Guide. This winter Alaska has gotten a lot more snow than usual as well as a wonderful freezing rain storm after Christmas. The Department of Transportation has been working diligently on clearing the roads but most of the roads have snow and ice packed down on them. This makes driving on the roads bumpy at times and can be felt even more in our passenger van versus a passenger car. In regards to the windows fogging up, we are working on rectifying this situation on all of our vans. It can be difficult to keep all the windows from fogging up while we have a full van with air temperatures outside below 20* and we are sorry that you did not get to see the lights if they did come out. We expect nothing but excellent customer service from all of our employees and it sounds like this was not what you received. The guide has been talked to and is working on bettering her communication while on the tour. Again, we do apologize that you did not have an amazing experience with us. If you would like to further discuss your experience, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours. If you are even back in Alaska we hope that you will give us another chance to provide an amazing experience.

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