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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Fri 20 Sep
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Са почетком у $78.00
Fri 20 Sep
Са почетком у $78.00
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Коментара (170)
Jun 2022
We picked this to view the Statue. What a great choice. As we walked to slip 2, we passed a large number of people waiting in line. We saved so much time and hassle riding this boat. It slowly meanders towards the statue and then hugs the bay. You dont get that close but close enough for a good view. There was no constant chatter from the crew which was nice, but we weren't fond of the rock music. Definitely would go again.
Oct 2021
I did enjoy the experience- sailing on the East River, viewing the NYC/NJ skylines, the staff was very cordial & I left them a nice tip. I was disappointed that we only navigated from Pier 36 to Liberty Island & back. I would have loved to have seen the Empire State Building/NBC Top of the Rock or other iconic sites on the Hudson. Despite the weather, I recommend bringing a sweater/hoodie. Furthermore, I recommend eating before you depart. There are no restaurants near these Piers to grab food.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thanks for leaving comments for us! Thanks for showing your appreciation to the crew! They work very hard to ensure a safe and relaxing experience. Because we are a sailing vessel, we try to stay in our zone and emphasize the serene sailing aspect of the experience so we don’t motor up to midtown to see those landmarks as that would add an extra hour (or more) to the trip and the view is not that great from the Hudson River. Definitely bring an extra layer as it can always be cooler out on the water. We do have a limited supply of blankets for guests that come unprepared. Regarding food, starting in spring 2022, we will be moving Clipper City operations back to our permanent departure location on Pier 17, in Manhattan’s Seaport District. There are many dining options available there so you needn’t worry going forward.
Oct 2021
Gorgeous views on a very chill ride. There was a full bar with drinks and a few snacks like bags of chips for purchase. The bathrooms onboard were teeny and very clean. The capacity was much larger than I had realized from pictures, so a lot more folks onboard than I had anticipated, but not overcrowded. The location was also not as advertised so we had to change plans to board on the east side 35th pier instead of Chelsea pier. The company communicated the change was for the remainder of the year, so it’s not clear why they can’t update the website.

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