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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $78.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $78.00
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Манхаттан Скилине
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њујоршка лука
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Еллис Исланд
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Национални споменик острва Гувернерс
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (170)
Aug 2021
Such a relaxing, amazing time! Round trip was a little over two hours and worth every minute! You WILL NOT get a better view of Lady Liberty anywhere else! The leisure trip was relaxing and allowed plenty of time for photo ops with Brooklyn Bridge, Governor Island, Lady Liberty, and Manhattan. The crew was great and even let us help raise the main sail! The boat was a little rocky at the dock, but was smooth sailing in open water. Great bar and restrooms available on board. DON'T FORGET CASH FOR TIPS! THEY DESERVE IT!
Aug 2021
I was very disappointed in our experience. There was no narration of any kind, not even to point out significant points of interest. The 2 hour "cruise" only went a short distance and spent most of the time waiting to get closer to the statue of liberty and then turning around. It was quite boring. The site mentions that drinks and "snacks" are available. The only snacks were chips- plain and barbeque, not much of a selection. While my son enjoyed the opportunity to "help" hoisting the sails, they were somewhat demanding in wanting passengers to help. Three times, she got up and said "We could use a little help with the sails- we have 2 small boys helping". Seemed more like they needed passengers instead of offering it as a neat experience.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
I am sorry you didn’t enjoy your time with us. You are correct in pointing out that we do not make announcements throughout the sail. I am sorry if you believed you had booked a narrated tour. While very welcoming to visitors from far and wide, we at Manhattan By Sail take pride in providing our guests with a non-narrated and serene respite from the intensity of the hustle and bustle of NYC. Because we raise our sails and shut off the engine whenever conditions allow, we have found that our guests generally prefer the more sensory pleasure of hearing the wind rustling the sail l, the slap of the waves against the hull and the call of a seagull or the clanging of the channel buoys more than having a guide point out the many landmarks of NY Harbor. In our introductory welcome speech, we invite guests to ask any questions you may have of our knowledgeable and engaging crew. Because we are operating a vessel affected by elemental forces of Nature many factors determine how much time we can spend sailing on a given trip. A lack of wind or a very strong adverse current may require using the engine more on some trips than others in order to give our guests a proper experience and get out to the Statue and back in our allotted time. Thank you for your comments regarding our snack offerings. Normally we have granola bars, peanuts and beef jerky in addition to our chips. Seems like our crewperson was just trying to playfully engage with passengers; sorry if you did not appreciate that and it landed wrong. Thank you for your comments.
Aug 2021
Absolutely amazing experience, highlight of the weekend, highly recommend. Staff is friendly and efficient.

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