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Оаху подморница скутер авантура

Уживајте у узбудљивој подводној авантури на Оахуу! На овој тури подморницом кружите заливом Мауналуа поред кратера Диамонд Хеад, а затим зароните испод површине док се возите сопственим електричним подводним скутером на сопствени погон. Пливајте са шареним рибама, зеленим морским корњачама и другим морским животињама на потпуно јединствен и забаван начин! Ваш водич ће водити пут и искуство није неопходно.<бр><бр>Овај обилазак малих група је ограничен на 30 људи, што обезбеђује персонализованије искуство.
Цити: Оаху
Tue 24 Sep
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Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $166.50
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се за путници са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 10 година, а минимална висина је 4 стопе (1,2 метра)<ли>Молимо носити купаћи костим. Понесите пешкир и крему за сунчање.<ли>Примењују се минимални бројеви. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђена алтернатива или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Максимална тежина је 350 лбс. Максимална висина је 6'8". Одрицање је потребно пре авантуре и учесник не сме да има претходне здравствене услове; малолетници морају да имају одрицање потписано од стране родитеља или законског старатеља.<ли>ВРЕМЕ ЗА ПРИЈАВУ ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ПОЛАСКА. . Брод полази ОДМАХ у време поласка.<ли>* Малолетници морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе која плаћа.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо. -саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
Политика отказивања
Ако откажете најмање 4 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај новца.<бр>Ако откажете у року од 3 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Sep 2022
Me and my partner decided to do this on our honeymoon and it was not as expected. We were very excited to see the wonderful sea life through this scuba scooting experience and although the boat ride out was somewhat nice, when we reached our destination it was apparent the sea conditions were not good. The crew didn't provide an informative briefing or health or full health and safety measures (I can confirm this is 100% needed!) It was extremely choppy and I was amazed that as soon as you were asked to get in the sea (without any support/lifejacket), the diver then asks if you can swim- that's a little too late if you ask me! I am a relatively strong swimmer and I struggled to stay afloat, as the waves came crashing over fast and the undercurrent was very strong. The next element to this experience was being told that you needed to swim under the water (at a significant depth), to be able to get into the helmet. Doing this in very choppy waters in the middle of the ocean was not easy at all and quite frankly anxiety provoking. I would definitely not suggest that this activity is suitable for inexperienced or non-swimmers. Once in the helmet, it is very confined and if you start to panic, it's very difficult to get out. Despite giving the suggested signals that I wanted to get out, I ended up being stuck for 20mins panicking inside the scuba scooter helmet. My diver proceeded to accelerate me down on a few occasions, despite me saying that I wanted to get out. This was not helpful at all. The snorkeling aspect to this "disastrous adventure ' also seemed hugely unsafe. The Life jackets were "one size fits all" and there were not enough!! I had to wait until a life jacket became available, so I could go snorkeling. The undercurrent kept dragging people to the back of the boat (where the engine is) which is hugely unsafe in itself. The final disappointment to this situation was how sea sick you will feel on the boat. Most people I spoke to felt severe motion sickness, and a few were sick. We were advised to be sick overboard as this will be fantastic food for the fish 🤢 The snacks and drinks provided were pitiful - it was small paper cone cups - enough to hold a gulp of water and there was small bags of crisps. It is such a shame that this was such a disappointment for me and my partner, as we were very much looking forward to doing this on our honeymoon. Instead it felt very unsafe and extremely anxiety provoking. Think twice before booking this activity. It isn't safe and definitely not suitable for non-swimmers. Don't waste your money.
Sep 2022
Great photo opportunity. The equipment is interesting, but the experience is rather rushed, and you don't get much chance to get comfortable using it before your turn is up, and you have to wait around on the boat while other groups go out. A little food bag attached to the scooter ensures that fish will swarm you. The water is clear, and there were several sea turtles. Not much in the way of choral or other things to see. The staff was kind and competent. The dockside facilities were in shambles.
Sep 2022
The diving team made this a fun and seamless experience. We saw tons of sea-life and had a great time!

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