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Оцеан Рафт Аљаска

Резервишете директно код Туроператора: појединци који живе и раде током целе године на Аљасци. Имамо интимно познавање области и начина на који ради индустрија крстарења овде у Скагваиу. Ако имате додатних питања о нашем обиласку и/или вашем искуству у Скагвеју или Аљасци, слободно нас контактирајте и изаберите наш мозак у вези са нашим познавањем овог прелепог места.
Цити: Скагваи
Fri 03 Jan
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Са почетком у $189.62
Fri 03 Jan
Са почетком у $189.62
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Коментара (137)
Lori P
Jul 2018
We did this excursion on a cruise to Alaska with Princess. I booked the trip because I knew my twenty something kids would enjoy it. It was a rough day on the water that day and I got nervous because two ladies who had taken the tour before us talked about how rough it was. I shouldn’t have been concerned. I spoke to Alyssa and she couldn’t have been nicer about where to sit in the boat to not get as rough a ride. They suit you up in full waterproof suits and offer hats and goggles as well. Captain Jenn was a great captain. We did lots of donuts and fast riding and I did not feel seasick at all. We stopped numerous times and saw eagles and a lot of harbor seals. There were some great waterfalls as well. My whole family loved it and said it was better than the seaplane ride we took in Juneau. The company had the nicest employees that were just interested in making sure everyone had a great time. If you have the chance take this excursion!
Jul 2018
We just came back from our third cruise and second to Alaska with Norwegian. This is by far the BEST excursion we have ever done. I am not a thrill seeker like my husband but I will tell you this was AMAZING!! My husband had an absolute blast. I felt very safe and would have done it a second time if we had more time on port. Captain Ashley and Alyssa were so great! They made the trip fun! The views and waterfalls are so incredible. The orange suits/flotation kept us very warm (we were lucky to have some sunny skies during our trip) I would recommend this to anyone!! It was the highlight of our entire cruise/trip!!! This is so worth the money. We booked directly through their website, not through our boat. The booking was the most painless thing I have ever booked. They were super fast with really great customer service, through email and on the phone.
Jun 2018
Water and wildlife! Easily one of the BEST tours!! The guides were amazing; they not only knew their stuff, but asked everyone in our tour group separately what they would like to know more about! The Ocean Raft provides a personable experience for anyone who likes a little thrill, seeing harbor seals and bald eagles, and some of the most humbling waterfalls I've ever seen!! This tour will leave you with plenty of available time to catch another adventure and/or explore the town during your stop in Skagway! You will feel very at ease with the Ocean Raft guides, as they provide you with detailed knowledge of the area, pulling up to the BEST spots to help snag you and your crew that perfect Instagram-able shot! This tour would be great for teens, families, couples, and various adult groups!!

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