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Оцеан Рафт Аљаска

Резервишете директно код Туроператора: појединци који живе и раде током целе године на Аљасци. Имамо интимно познавање области и начина на који ради индустрија крстарења овде у Скагваиу. Ако имате додатних питања о нашем обиласку и/или вашем искуству у Скагвеју или Аљасци, слободно нас контактирајте и изаберите наш мозак у вези са нашим познавањем овог прелепог места.
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Mon 06 Jan
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Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $189.62
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Коментара (137)
Dec 2017
A super fun experience with great photo opportunities. They made the ride great fun by adding high speed donuts while still stopping & spending time for some great photo opportunities. We had a sunny day and stayed plenty warm in the orange outfits they provided (and I get cold easily). While going fast I never felt like I was going to fall off the raft & felt safe carrying my camera (although I did protect it under my outfit to keep from getting wet from water spray). This was our favorite "fun" activity on our Alaska trip and we would do it again.
Sep 2017
We did an Ocean Raft tour in Skagway. From the minute we met Tessa at the dock, we were already having a blast even without getting on the raft. The tour suits you up in a warm/dry suit, so you feel like an orange marshmallow man, but it really worked! Our Captain Jenn and mate Alyssa gave us a great ride-fun, great fast turns, and lots of beautiful sites! This high speed raft can get up close into the sides of the glacier bay and we got to sea harbor seals and some beautiful waterfalls! Alyssa was a wealth of knowledge, and so much fun! This entire operation is first class, and even if it'd been a slow ride, the sights were so breathtaking that we loved it. The fast, wild portion of the ride made it even more exciting! Every part of this excursion was awesome-great customer service, great staff, and so many wonderfully beautiful things to see. Showing off the high speed maneuvers to the other cruise ships was an added bonus! Definitely worth every penny! Great time!
William B
Aug 2017
Ocean Raft Alaska is a top-rated attraction in Skagway, Alaska. The scenic boat ride through the Lynn Canal delivers both amazing views of the Alaskan wilderness and wildlife as well as a thrilling boat ride. Guests are provided with comfortable exposure suits that keep guests warm and dry. They had an exposure suit that fit me comfortably, despite my above-average size. They also provided bins during an orientation session to store our backpacks, jackets, and other valuables. The ride on the 750 HP Tongass Explorer was surprisingly smooth. The Lynn Canal was very still throughout our journey. All of the seats were comfortable. I tried both the bench seat at the back of the boat and one of the saddle seats on the edge of the boat. I was able to take my digital SLR camera on the excursion. I had no problem keeping it dry and safe. I would recommend bringing a lens cloth or very small towel (I purchased a very small, soft towel from Mountain Warehouse that can clip to my camera strap) to keep your lens dry. I would have no concerns recommending the excursion to young adults or seniors. While the trip was very exciting, it was not too strenuous. Captain Ashley did a great job of controlling the boat. Both Captain Ashley and Alyssa provided answers to all of our questions about the local wildlife and the scenery. On our excursion, we saw many eagles (approximately 20), a small group of harbour seals, and numerous waterfalls. It was a highly memorable experience that I recommend to anyone interested in experiencing Alaska up-close.

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