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Оцеан Рафт Аљаска

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Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $189.62
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Коментара (137)
Jul 2012
Our tour with Ocean Raft Alaska was amazing. I wanted to make sure it was safe because my husband and I were bringing his 89 year old dad with us. We needn't have worried. The trip was absolutely exhilarating. We sped through the waters of the Lynn Canal on the kind of raft that is used by Coast Guard rescue teams. The raft is safe, stable, amazingly maneuverable, and fast! We had the opportunity to view the breathtakingly beautiful fjord from a perspective far different from the cruise ship on which we arrived. There were dozens of waterfalls, eagles and seals. Our guide and our captain were both very knowledgeable about the fjord, its origins and its inhabitants. They were a lot of fun and really wanted us to have a wonderful trip. The highlights of our trip had to be the exhilaration of speeding over the water, getting really close to many of the spectacular falls, and the sightings of a group of humpback whales. I think the last sighting left us all breathless. We were just waiting in an area where they had been sighted earlier. The whales emerged no more than 40-50 feet off the port side of the raft! We could see blowholes that together were probably the size of a basketball. It gave us an idea of the enormity of these amazing creatures. What a trip! It was a really wonderful experience.
Jul 2012
I have worked in the travel and tourism industry for years and have been on my fair share of excursions all around the world. That being said Ocean Raft Alaska is most definitely not one to be missed. Ocean Raft Alaska takes you on an exhilarating trip through The Lynn Canal where there are many opportunities to take in all that Alaska has to offer, from wildlife, to plant life, and of course the famous glacially fed waterfalls that can tower over 2000ft. This tour is a great family trip offering something for everyone, fast paced excitement, an educational journey narrated by exceptional guides, and a beautiful scenic ride through the heart of the Alaskan wilderness.
Jun 2012
We had a fantastic Ocean Raft on the Lynn Canal. Our guides were truly outstanding and I would highly recommend them. They truly conveyed how much they love their state and have a thorough knowledge of the local flora and fauna. We had an unbelievable time taking in all the amazing scenery and wildlife! It was our best shore excursion!

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