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Оцеан Рафт Аљаска

Резервишете директно код Туроператора: појединци који живе и раде током целе године на Аљасци. Имамо интимно познавање области и начина на који ради индустрија крстарења овде у Скагваиу. Ако имате додатних питања о нашем обиласку и/или вашем искуству у Скагвеју или Аљасци, слободно нас контактирајте и изаберите наш мозак у вези са нашим познавањем овог прелепог места.
Цити: Скагваи
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $189.62
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $189.62
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Коментара (137)
John B
Jun 2012
As someone who has grown up in southeast Alaska, and makes a living on the water I've seen a lot. Ocean Raft Alaskas tour exposes you to such a diverse cross section of the Inside Passage. It is truly one of the best shore excursions in all of Alaska. The speed and comfort of their raft allows you to get such a different perspective of the unique waterways we have here. On the tour I was on we saw almost a hundred seals, countless bald eagles, beautiful waterfalls, a mountain goat, and even a very rare sighting of a black wolf, not to mention the exciting ride in a very quick and responsive boat. I highly recommend this trip to anyone visiting Skagway, it is truly unique and well worth the modest price compared to most tours!
Apr 2012
I have lived and worked in the Skagway area for five years now and have gone on almost every shore excursion out of Haines and Skagway. Ocean Raft Alaska is hands down the most exciting shore excursions available and one of the most breathtaking. One cannot fully appreciate the beauty of the Taiya Inlet from the deck of a cruise ship or even from the deck of the fast ferry. Ocean Raft Alaska gets you the up-close and personal to the numerous waterfalls, bald eagles and harbor seals that thrive in the upper Lynn Canal. You may even get the once in a lifetime opportunity to see eye to eye with an orca or a humpback whale. Unlike the majority of tour guides in Alaska (myself included, lol), Captain Christian and Captain Ashley are locals with a plethora of knowledge about the local flora and fauna. They are both a total hoot while making everyone feel completely safe. The day I went on this excursion it was cold, windy and rainy; I was not expecting to be comfortable. However the red suits that they gave us kept us warm and dry and the special shock-absorbing seats on the boat left us wishing for even rougher seas. I highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Skagway who has the desire to be IN nature as opposed to looking AT nature through a piece of glass. The tour is very reasonably priced and will be fun for your whole family, even the grumbly teenagers. I do not believe that this tour is sold through the cruise ships so you will have to check the schedule online at www.oceanraftalaska.com or go to the "M&M Tours" ticket office located on the Railroad Dock.
Oct 2011
Ocean Raft Alaska....I can't say enough good things about this company. Professional, fun and they promise you eagles!!! I have lived in Alaska for over 20 years, and have never seen such beauty. You can get closer to the wildlife than any tour out there, and don't forget your camera! Get your friends and family to Skagway and take this tour - you will wish you had enough time for more than one trip I promise.

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