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Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини Ла Јолла за двоје

Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини (у трајању од 90 минута) нуди незаборавне туре кроз еколошки резерват Ла Јолла. Сваки обилазак воде искусни водичи који осигуравају да се учесници безбедно крећу кроз јединствена еколошка станишта док виде различите врсте морског живота.<бр><бр>Ово високо заштићено и јединствено подручје има једну од највећих концентрација мора живот на Западној обали. Гости се обично сусрећу са фокама, морским лавовима и мноштвом птица и риба, а срећни гости можда виде чак и делфине или китове!<бр><бр>Ка јужном крају Еколошког резервата, седам морских пећина Ла Јолла стрпљиво чекају, дозвољавајући учесници да сведоче о њиховој лепоти. Ако временске прилике дозвољавају, учесници могу возити кајаком кроз велику морску пећину која иде од океана до Смарагдне увале. <бр>Улазак у Смарагдну пећину зависи од безбедности и није загарантован. Учесници морају имати пет година или старији да би учествовали у турнеји. <бр><бр>Важи за до две особе за вожњу у кајаку дуплом.
Цити: Ла Јолла
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $99.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $99.00
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Кајак за 2 особе са свом потребном опремом
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају имати најмање 5 година и морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Поврат новца неће бити издат ако се обилазак/активност пропусти због кашњења или недоласка гостију <ли>Код облачења је купаћи костим или одећа за плажу (све што може да се покваси)<ли>Ограничење тежине кајака је 425 лбс<ли>Када купите ваучер, молимо вас контактирајте канцеларију за резервације добављача директно на број на вашем ваучеру да потврдите резервацију. Ако то не урадите, то може довести до тога да нећете моћи да учествујете у активности<ли>Резервације, препоручене две недеље унапред, у зависности од расположивости.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена обиласка ради провере у<ли>Највише 6 особа<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема санирано између употребе<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (388)
Dorian A
May 2018
We did the 90 minute tour with our two daughters, age 6 and 10. It was the highlight of our California vacation, the thing both kids talked about the most when they came home. Our guides Cody and Gabbie were both fantastic -- energetic, attentive, interesting, funny, all the while focused on everyone's safety. Everyday California felt like a well-run, very professional business, with every detail thought through. The water was in the 50s on the day we were there, and we were really glad that Everyday California recommended and rented wetsuits -- we could see that some of the competitor companies that use the same beach were taking out groups where none/few of the participants had wetsuits. We were also glad we chose a company that did NOT promise to take their tour into the caves, as it looked really unsafe when we paddled by -- we were glad to trust the guides' advice on that (even though in advance we'd been hoping it would work out to go in). We only have two minor tweaks we would recommend to Everyday California: (1) A little foot-washing station behind the store would be fantastic. Everyone returns with sandy feet, but we didn't feel the need for a full shower. (2) It would be great if the folks who get customers suited up with life jackets and helmets would also remind folks to consider sunblock on their feet/ankles and the backs of their hands, especially if they're from colder climates and haven't been in the sun much in recent months. Several members of our family ended up with sunburns on hands and feet -- we'd put sunblock on our faces but didn't think about how kayaking position would leave those parts very exposed. A big gallon jug of cheap sunblock for customers to use would be icing on the cake! But overall, our experience was wonderful, just right for families with elementary-aged kids.
Apr 2018
We were really excited to check out this tour on our first visit to La Jolla, having done other sea kayaking tours in the past (on the east coast). My husband and I were both pretty disappointed. First - the staff. We were told on the phone prior to our visit that there was plenty of parking on side streets. Ha! Not so much. Took forever to find parking but we still managed to find something (about a half mile or more away) and get to the shop with plenty of time (25 min), or so we thought. Once inside, we had to wait for the customer in front of us, then we paid for a locker and wetsuits and then were told "Hurry up! We need to get going!" Not exactly how you want to start out a tour, but ok. I didn't feel like their attitudes improved much for the remainder of the tour. Second - the tour itself. "Tour" is being generous. You basically row straight out to the caves. Listen to the guide talk for a bit. Then (if weather permits) they take you into the cave, 2 kayaks at a time. I did not realize that we only got about 30-45 seconds in the cave before they took us back out. I thought we would all be going in together and rowing around but apparently thats not allowed. So, 2 kayaks at a time, and the rest of the time you're just sitting there waiting for everyone else to take their turn. At this point I realized that we'd already spent a good chunk of our tour time, and wondered if this was all there was to it. Yep. That's it. Then you row back to shore. The stories were interesting I guess, but even on a first visit to La Jolla, it wasn't anything we hadn't already heard or read somewhere else. We were pretty disappointed and felt that our time and money would have been better spent elsewhere. Since it is advertised as "exploring the sea caves" we really expected more. If you want to kayak, I would recommend renting a kayak and going out on your own (although I don't think you can go to the cave area without a guide). Oh! Also, there was a kid on our tour who asked several questions of the guide (as kids will do) and the guide became visibly annoyed. Seriously could use some better staff at this place.
Apr 2018
The cave kayak tour was awesome! Beautiful scenery! We also learned a ton about the history of La Jolla. Thanks Nathan for making it an amazing adventure!

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