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Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини Ла Јолла за двоје

Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини (у трајању од 90 минута) нуди незаборавне туре кроз еколошки резерват Ла Јолла. Сваки обилазак воде искусни водичи који осигуравају да се учесници безбедно крећу кроз јединствена еколошка станишта док виде различите врсте морског живота.<бр><бр>Ово високо заштићено и јединствено подручје има једну од највећих концентрација мора живот на Западној обали. Гости се обично сусрећу са фокама, морским лавовима и мноштвом птица и риба, а срећни гости можда виде чак и делфине или китове!<бр><бр>Ка јужном крају Еколошког резервата, седам морских пећина Ла Јолла стрпљиво чекају, дозвољавајући учесници да сведоче о њиховој лепоти. Ако временске прилике дозвољавају, учесници могу возити кајаком кроз велику морску пећину која иде од океана до Смарагдне увале. <бр>Улазак у Смарагдну пећину зависи од безбедности и није загарантован. Учесници морају имати пет година или старији да би учествовали у турнеји. <бр><бр>Важи за до две особе за вожњу у кајаку дуплом.
Цити: Ла Јолла
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $99.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $99.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају имати најмање 5 година и морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Поврат новца неће бити издат ако се обилазак/активност пропусти због кашњења или недоласка гостију <ли>Код облачења је купаћи костим или одећа за плажу (све што може да се покваси)<ли>Ограничење тежине кајака је 425 лбс<ли>Када купите ваучер, молимо вас контактирајте канцеларију за резервације добављача директно на број на вашем ваучеру да потврдите резервацију. Ако то не урадите, то може довести до тога да нећете моћи да учествујете у активности<ли>Резервације, препоручене две недеље унапред, у зависности од расположивости.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена обиласка ради провере у<ли>Највише 6 особа<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема санирано између употребе<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (388)
Apr 2015
Recently my cousin and I purchased a Groupon deal for A La Jolla Sea Cave 90 minute guided tour. Upon our arrival the staff was super nice. The shop was well stocked with everything one would need for kayaking or surfing. They had a separate wetsuit/helmet rental area, changing rooms, lockers and a very clean restroom. The tour: We had two female guides;both were nice, informative, supportive and had a nice sense of humor. We were given thorough instructions before heading out on the water and once out on the ocean we were told a few stories about the cliff-side homes and owners. It was rather difficult to hear the guides sometimes, with waves and floating kayaks. It would be great if the guides had waterproof "whispers" for the tours (do they make those ... hmm). We were not very fast with the paddling, so one of the guides hung back a bit for us and others that were paddle-deficient. The bummer was that we were not taken into the caves. We just float near, but not too close. I watched another guide get out of his kayak and carefully guide his tour group though one of the caves. One of the guides told me that the tide was too high for us to go through. I know it can be difficult to predict, but try to go when it's low tired; you may have a better chance of going through the cave. Oh, street and meter parking is available, but you may have to walk a bit.
Apr 2015
I can’t say enough great things about our Snorkel and Kayak tour with guides Tug and Lindsey! We are so glad we went on this adventure with them! Tug was the lead guide and he did a great job at making sure the entire group was safe and having a great time. He was so personable and taught us a lot about the marine life in the Sea Caves of La Jolla. We were fortunate and got to see a lot of amazing sea life including a baby Garibaldi. And right after we got our kayaks back on shore, we spotted a group of dolphins playing in the waves. It was truly an amazing experience!
Ann L
Jul 2014
Everyday California really knows how to be certain their guests have an enchanting, pleasurable and exciting experience on their kayak tours of the La Jolla Sea Caves and coastline! My two daughters (age 11 and 16) went out on a tour yesterday with Daniel and Alex. What an invigorating experience! From the moment I called to inquire about their services to the very end of our expedition, we had a great and time! When I called to book our tour with a Groupon voucher, the woman who answered the phone was very informative, jovial, and helpful. She answered all of my questions and helped me choose the best time for my girls and I to kayak. When we arrived at Everyday California, we were greeted by several employees checking us and other people in for tours. There was no wait, and they were so helpful and kind. I was rattled from a near accident on the way there, and the staff noticed I was clearly in need of assistance checking in. Several employees gave me assistance with huge smiles and talk of what a great experience this would be for us! We got our life vests and helmets and were on our way to kayak! Daniel and Alex demonstrated on the beach how to paddle and gave us all of the safety tips for our tour. We could ask any questions and they were more than willing to answer them. They were SO enthusiastic! It was contagious! We all got so pumped up for a great experience! They got us off into the water and started guiding us along the shoreline. Daniel told us amazing and funny stories about some of the homes along the coast, as well as some of his experiences touring. We couldn't help but learn some amazing facts in a very fun way! Alex was personal and was sure to keep up with those in the back of the pack! We had about 14 people, two to a kayak. Alex talked to us along the way, telling funny stories, and answering any questions we had. He also took many photos for us to get all of us together with some great shots of the caves and shoreline :) We saw so much marine life including sea lions, leopard sharks, colorful fish, huge kelp and more! Daniel and Alex were always sure to point out all of these amazing creatures as we toured. They had fun contests among our group to ensure that we all got to know one another a bit and have fun. Going in the cave and seeing the multitudes of sea lions hanging out was truly amazing! Alex got in the water with his wetsuit, fins, and goggles and guided two kayaks safely in and out of the cave at a time. What an experience! One we will never forget! We paddled back along the shoreline and got to "catch a wave" with our kayaks to get back onto the beach. From beginning to end, this was a fabulous experience! We want to thank Daniel and Alex for an amazing time. We will be back for snorkeling fun with them! Thanks from, Ann, Elizabeth, and Hannah

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