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Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини Ла Јолла за двоје

Оригинална тура кајаком у морској пећини (у трајању од 90 минута) нуди незаборавне туре кроз еколошки резерват Ла Јолла. Сваки обилазак воде искусни водичи који осигуравају да се учесници безбедно крећу кроз јединствена еколошка станишта док виде различите врсте морског живота.<бр><бр>Ово високо заштићено и јединствено подручје има једну од највећих концентрација мора живот на Западној обали. Гости се обично сусрећу са фокама, морским лавовима и мноштвом птица и риба, а срећни гости можда виде чак и делфине или китове!<бр><бр>Ка јужном крају Еколошког резервата, седам морских пећина Ла Јолла стрпљиво чекају, дозвољавајући учесници да сведоче о њиховој лепоти. Ако временске прилике дозвољавају, учесници могу возити кајаком кроз велику морску пећину која иде од океана до Смарагдне увале. <бр>Улазак у Смарагдну пећину зависи од безбедности и није загарантован. Учесници морају имати пет година или старији да би учествовали у турнеји. <бр><бр>Важи за до две особе за вожњу у кајаку дуплом.
Цити: Ла Јолла
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $99.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $99.00
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Кајак за 2 особе са свом потребном опремом
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају имати најмање 5 година и морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Поврат новца неће бити издат ако се обилазак/активност пропусти због кашњења или недоласка гостију <ли>Код облачења је купаћи костим или одећа за плажу (све што може да се покваси)<ли>Ограничење тежине кајака је 425 лбс<ли>Када купите ваучер, молимо вас контактирајте канцеларију за резервације добављача директно на број на вашем ваучеру да потврдите резервацију. Ако то не урадите, то може довести до тога да нећете моћи да учествујете у активности<ли>Резервације, препоручене две недеље унапред, у зависности од расположивости.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена обиласка ради провере у<ли>Највише 6 особа<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема санирано између употребе<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (388)
Jun 2021
This should have been a really good trip, but it fell extremely short. We took our trip on Memorial Day 2021, and after getting there very early, and getting fitted with our wetsuits, we were given vague instructions on how to get to the staging area of the beach. On our own we went the wrong way. After asking a few people, we finally got where we needed to be, but we were late. They were nice to wait for us, and it was exciting to be doing this. We however got nowhere near the sea caves, which was supposed to be the highlight. When I asked our guid, Abby, she explained that we were on a tight schedule and didn’t have time because we were late getting out. But then she proceeded to say we were going to slowly make our way back to shore. That didn’t make sense if we supposedly didn’t have time to go to the sea caves. When I got back, I voiced my disappointment. I was told by Ryan that we could get a discount or at least get our wetsuits waived. To date, nothing has happened with any of it. I’m sure this tour is great if everything goes great, but when things go wrong, they’re not inclined to make it right.
May 2021
The description and pictures of this tour are no where near what actually was. It says it was suitable for beginner kayaking. I have kayaked in the ocean before but never in the surf in open water. No where in the description of this tour does it say you will be paddling in open water. The pictures appeared to be in calm water away from the surf. I assumed you would put in in the inlet away from the tide. No where in the description does it say that you will be launched straight into the surf and get saturated wet by freezing pacific water. A towel and dry clothes would of been great to have but was not one of the suggested items to bring. We had to walk 4 blocks back to the store from the ocean dripping wet, freezing then get in my rental car with soaking wet clothes and no towel. Of course they sell towels but that is what their plan is, they would not get another dime from me. In my past kayaking experiences the only thing that got wet was my feet to launch the kayak, you stayed dry after that. So needless to say I was ill prepared and miserable. They recommended to bring swim wear and sunscreen only. Really? The two kayaks who went out before me actually flipped over and dumped both occupants submerging them in the ocean, one girl was wearing a sweater and was just like a drowned rat. The water was extremely rough/choppy and hard to paddle. It was hard for me to keep up with 20 year olds who had two people paddling to my 48 year old self trying to paddle by myself. I missed all the info the tour guide gave because they didnt bother to wait for me to catch up and therefore I got no break in paddling because by the time I got to the group they were leaving. Its not something I will ever do again, ever. They need to do a better job of exactly what this tour entails and tell people to bring a towel and change of clothes because you will get drenched and freeze. A wet suit is a plus too on cold, cloudy days. I went in May and thank goodness the sun was out because if it hadnt been Im sure i would of ended up with pneumonia. Tour guides sucked. The one bright light in this excursion was the sealions basking in the sun on the cliffs. Beautiful, that was worth two stars, if it wasnt for that this tour by Everyday California booked through Get Your Guide would get zero stars.
Одговор домаћина
May 2021
Thanks for coming out on the water with us. La Jolla is rad because we have a natural boat launch. So the surf could be 8foot in San Diego and 2 feet in La Jolla Shores. Basically the underwater canyon creates wave refraction. So the surf heads north and south of the the boat launch where we start the tour. I'm not sure what happened with your guide, but if you read our reviews people rave about our guides, and I have never heard anyone in 2021 say anything but positives about our guides. They love what that do and work really hard. We will be looking deeply into what could have caused a problem. It sounds more like you were upset about getting wet. I'm sure most people are clear on this but yes when you kayak in the ocean there can be waves and you can get wet. This is meant to be an adventure. Where every day is a little different which is what makes is so special and whey myself and our guides love the paddle in La Jolla. -Brian
May 2021
I did the La Jolla Kayaking Tour in the caves by myself and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had! I was really afraid of falling in the water because I didn’t think I had the body strength to pull myself back up on the kayak but despite the waves, I never fell off. I’m fat, out of shape and have never kayaked in my life but the guides and everyone at the shop made it super easy and hyped me up throughout the entire experience. My guide was Trent and Jacob. I was absolutely blown away by Trent’s athleticism. I can not get over how much stamina was required for him to push all 7 kayaks into and out of the caves. It’s been exactly 6 days since my kayak tour and I still think about him. Hope he’s doing well and that all his dreams come true. Anyways, 10/10 experience. Extremely affordable and way too fun to not do it. Would 100% recommend taking dramamine beforehand even you don’t seasick! Not worth the risk.

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