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Врхунски обилазак вина и хране Валле де Гуадалупе

Дођите да видите о чему се ради, путујући попут локалног водича кроз мексичку винску земљу - Валле де Гуадалупе! <бр><бр>Све у вези са овом авантуром имаће ваш Инста и Фацебоок феед!!<бр><бр>На први поглед:<бр><бр>Посјетићете три реномирана бутик произвођача вина у срцу Валле где ћете уживати у дегустацији укусних црвених, белих и розе. Да ли смо споменули храну!?<бр><бр>Турнеја почиње са укусним такосима у локалној продавници такоса у Росариту док путујете обалом Баје у приватном комбију напуњеном хладним пивом и водом. Доживите обиласке процеса производње вина до укусних јела од фарме до стола у једном од најбољих ресторана у Валлеу. Обилазак почиње у 8:30 и повратак на границу око 20:00. <бр><бр>Времена су приближна, винарије и ресторани подлежу променама у зависности од расположивости и временских услова. За обилазак потребно је најмање осам путника. Ово је јавна турнеја.
Цити: Сан Диего
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $269.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $269.00
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Тацо станица у Росариту (2 такоса и мало пиће)
Ручак од фарме до стола са предјелом и алкохолним пићима
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Три бутик винарије (укупно 10-12 врхунских дегустација вина)
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Имајте на уму: Ова активност захтева 6 учесника за трчање. Ако не будемо у могућности да попунимо 6. место у разумном временском периоду, контактираћемо вас у вези са потенцијалним одлагањем или придруживањем другој групи, или ћемо вам обезбедити пуну повраћај новца<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Пажљиво пратимо препоруке ЦДЦ-а и покушаћемо да удовољимо сваком захтеву како би се наши гости осећали безбедно!
Шта да очекујете
Плажа Росарито
Док путујемо јужно низ прелепу обалу Баје, брзо ћемо се зауставити у успаваном граду на плажи за невероватне такосе од рибе и шкампа!
Валле де Гуадалупе
Истражите најтоплију винску регију Баја Калифорније! Баја Социети Тоурс ће обезбедити свеобухватне, вођене дегустације и укусну храну у бутик винаријама дуж чувене „Рута дел Вино“ у долини Гуадалупе.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (75)
Dec 2019
We had a great time with a relatively small group of four of us! Ryan was fantastic and super easy to get along with plus super knowledgeable. We hadn't done any research ahead of time, but I get the feeling if there was a specific winery we had wanted to add to the agenda he would have been open it. Two of the three wineries we went to were amazing experiences with great wine: the first was really boutique with a very personal conversation with the wine maker, and the second was a little more popular/upscale but we still had a great time hanging out in the caves with the winemaking staff and getting some extra inside info. The last one was a little anticlimactic with less than stellar staff and wine, but the view was beautiful!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Thanks you for the 5-star review Kelsey! I had a fantastic day with you all, as it felt like I was traveling with a group of my friends. Talking to Tom before the adventure, we try and understand the "vibe" of each group and curate the perfect day. This typically includes a range of boutique wineries, with different experiences at each, and one amazing lunch. I'm glad to hear you all enjoyed the personalized experience at Cava Maciel with the owner, and the very special tank/barrel tasting at Rondo del Valle. Apologies for the last spot, missing the mark. Thought it would be nice to round out the day with sunset views and a little bit more of a relaxed environment, as we've received positive feedback about their wine. Appreciate the candid feedback nonetheless! Hope to see you all very soon!
Dec 2019
This is hands down the best tour company to use when visiting Mexico!! Ryan has such a great personality and really knows all the best spots whether you want to spend a few hours or days in Mexico! I’ve used Baja Society several times, and really enjoyed my experience. They are your experts for navigating south of the border!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Thanks for the 5-star review Kaushal! I really enjoyed spending the day with you two, exploring, eating and drinking are way around Rosarito and Tijuana! Looking forward to the next adventure. Saludos!
Dec 2019
Wonderful experience in Baja California Norte and the Valle De Guadalupe visiting wineries and learning about the overall agricultural variety in this area. My wife and I along with six other women celebrating a birthday had a great tour with a combination of wineries and a great restaurant. Ryan met us on time and ready to go at the West Ped border crossing and we crossed together and fulfilled all our paperwork that Ryan had helped us prepare ahead of time. Very smooth and effortless. We had a quick coffee and met Mesac the Baja side of the team with a nice and clean van. We were ready to go! It was about 1-1 1/2 hour drive and Ryan and Mesac gave us great tourist tips and points of interest along the way. We stopped in Rosarito at "Los Cabos" for some shrimp tacos that were so very fresh. There are a series of valleys to explore in northern Baja and the food products include wine of different varietals, olive oil, honey, and goat cheese. We were in Valle De Guadalupe. We started with La Reina and learned about their wines, including Malbec and Nebbiolo varietals. Continuing onto Rondo del Valle we were met by their sommelier and the winemaker, "Chuey". A joining this winery is the restaurant "King and Queen" a Mr.Tiempo property and the food and staff were excellent. We finished in the late afternoon at Hacienda Guadalupe with more wonderful wine, fun times with new friends, and watched a slow-motion sunset right out of the movies. Ryan told us about an annual wine festival that I am looking forward to and also he and Baja Society Tours handle corporate events too. I will go again!!....
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Hello Jim. Good day and thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to provide us with a thoughtful and comprehensive review. It was a pleasure having you and your wife on the tour. We take great pride in providing the very best experience to our guest and reading through your review makes us very happy. We look forward to having you as our guest again in the future and thanks again for taking the time to provide us with your review above. Regards,

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