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Постоји онолико метафора да се опише оно што локални становници називају 'доле у ​​јелевој кожи' колико и људи који су тамо били. Одабрао сам реч „у“ јер се буквално налазите унутар зидова најдужег кањона на свету.<бр><бр>Према веб локацији Бироа за управљање земљиштем (БЛМ), Буцкскин Гулцх је дугачак 16 миља (око 26 км) од Буцкскин Траилхеад до кањона Париа и преко 500 стопа (око 150 м) дубоко на њеном ушћу у реку Париа. Постоје места у Буцкскин где можете да додирнете оба зида кањона у исто време.<бр><бр>Буцкскин Гулцх је Мека за фотографе и планинаре. Сваки угао који скренете се непрекидно мења; литице су од воде и ветра извајане шаре боја, светлости и сенки. Такође се можете чудити и збуњивати значењу записа на стенама (петроглифа) из раног архајског периода (неки су стари чак 9.000 година).<бр><бр>Натионал Геограпхиц Адвентуре Магазине пре неколико година.<бр>
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Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $389.62
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче.<ли>Маске за лице неопходне за водиче и путнике у возилима.
Шта да очекујете
Буцкскин Гулцх
- Невероватан дан пешачења у најдужи кањон на свету - Очаравајућа подземна тура у усковитланом извајаном пешчару - Сјајне могућности за фотографисање - Одлична алтернатива за Тхе Ваве или Соутх Цоиоте Буттес ако немате среће у жребу за дозволу. Нећете бити разочарани!
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Коментара (40)
Sep 2019
When my husband and I first began planning a long dreamed of trip to Utah and Northern Arizona one of the must see things on my list was Antelope Canyon in Northern Arizona. My husband who is not a big fan of crowded "tourist destinations" began reading accounts of visitors to Antelope Canyon that recalled crowds and waiting in line. Because this was one of my top picks to visit he quickly set to work researching whether their might be some alternative that was equally special but without the crowd factor. In his search he came across Seeking Treasure Adventures who offered private tours into a canyon called Buckskin Gulch. He asked me to take a look at their website to see if this is something I would consider in lieu of a visit to Antelope. Once I saw photos of Buckskin Gulch I was sold! I read some reviews which were all stellar, so immediately called the number to reach out about availability and scheduling. Our guide Yermo answered and I knew immediately after speaking with him that this would be a primo experience to kick off the first two days of our adventure in Utah! I found Yermo to be very personable and extremely helpful. I booked two days of touring with Yermo that day by phone. One for Buckskin Gulch and the other to be determined by the availability of permitting. Yermo did a great job of communicating in advance of our day together and we were extremely happy with our experience touring with him. He was prompt, knowledgeable, flexible and gave us two experiences of a lifetime! Our first tour day was Buckskin Gulch and it was truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. It felt otherworldly to walk through this beautiful canyon. Yermo is a seasoned guide and he gave us a first class experience full of details about local plant life, ancient petroglyphs, dinosaur foot prints and ancient pieces of pottery and tools. Oh and the acoustics in the canyon were magnificent!! My husband and I are both musical and when Yermo started vocalizing to demonstrate the beautiful acoustics we both joined in making for a truly magical and moving experience in one of earths most beautiful natural cathedrals. The other detail I would share about Yermo is that he lead us, but in a very effortless way let us have time to explore on our own. I also appreciated that when he wasn't sharing pertinent information he was quiet to let us enjoy the sacred space of the canyon and surrounding area. Thank you Yermo! You gave us memories we will treasure for a lifetime!
Gonzalo R
Sep 2019
Went on my own It's fantastic. It took me almost a whole day but it's worth it Remember to carry a lot of water
Suzanna M
May 2019
This adventure was the highlight of my trip. I don't think I could have asked for a better guide and with my fear "respect" of heights, I don't think I would ever have gone down into the gulch without him. There were so many things that made this a special and unique adventure for me. I really want to thank Yermo for not only guiding me on the hike, but for the conversation, as my mother passed away less than a week before my trip and Yermo said some things to me that helped me to deal with my grief. This is a rather personal review, but besides being very knowledgeable of the area, showing me everything and explaining everything, he took the time to listen to me and share his experience with what I was going through. Yermo really is the best guide and also a pretty great person. I would highly recommend him as a guide and the gulch is beautiful. I hope to get over that way again and when I do, I will book another hike with Yermo.

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