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Постоји онолико метафора да се опише оно што локални становници називају 'доле у ​​јелевој кожи' колико и људи који су тамо били. Одабрао сам реч „у“ јер се буквално налазите унутар зидова најдужег кањона на свету.<бр><бр>Према веб локацији Бироа за управљање земљиштем (БЛМ), Буцкскин Гулцх је дугачак 16 миља (око 26 км) од Буцкскин Траилхеад до кањона Париа и преко 500 стопа (око 150 м) дубоко на њеном ушћу у реку Париа. Постоје места у Буцкскин где можете да додирнете оба зида кањона у исто време.<бр><бр>Буцкскин Гулцх је Мека за фотографе и планинаре. Сваки угао који скренете се непрекидно мења; литице су од воде и ветра извајане шаре боја, светлости и сенки. Такође се можете чудити и збуњивати значењу записа на стенама (петроглифа) из раног архајског периода (неки су стари чак 9.000 година).<бр><бр>Натионал Геограпхиц Адвентуре Магазине пре неколико година.<бр>
Цити: Страна
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $389.62
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче.<ли>Маске за лице неопходне за водиче и путнике у возилима.
Шта да очекујете
Буцкскин Гулцх
- Невероватан дан пешачења у најдужи кањон на свету - Очаравајућа подземна тура у усковитланом извајаном пешчару - Сјајне могућности за фотографисање - Одлична алтернатива за Тхе Ваве или Соутх Цоиоте Буттес ако немате среће у жребу за дозволу. Нећете бити разочарани!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (40)
Jul 2021
First of all, the place is gorgeous. Also first of all, the guide, whose name is Angie, is excellent; the fact that she knows not just where to go, but what to look for and what it means, made the gulch even more beautiful. She understands the importance of safety as much as she understands the importance of fun. But I tell you, this place is breathtaking. Also, it’s a little cooler than some other places, because of the canyon formation. So glad I went!
Jul 2021
The hike to The Wave with our guide (Hunter) from Seeking Treasure Adventures LLC was excellent. The guide was friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. He selected a perfect meeting spot and was there on time. He judged our hiking capability and helped us decide when to stop (it was 103 degrees at the end of the hike so we appreciated his honesty on telling us when to stop). He also made sure we stopped and rested in shade and drank a lot of fluids throughout the hike.
Jul 2021
We did the Buckskin gulch tour, difficult to moderate version. Hunter our guide did an amazing job of telling us local history and interesting facts of our adventure at hand. It starts with an hour long down hill hike to reach the canyon entrance. Several stops along the way to hit us with local history and petroglyph sightings this also allowed us to hydrate to keep the group in shape for our hike. At one point we go from hiking to climbing down a 40 to 60 foot side of a hill. Hunter was very thorough in instructing us step by step of where the best places were to plant your feet or hand holds to use so that you make it safely to the canyon bottom. He would even brush away sandy areas to keep us as safe as possible. Lesson 1 (dead people don’t tip). We safely made it down. I would definitely recommend the difficult to moderate route for extreme rush. We then headed thru the canyons, the views were more than amazing. We explored till we ran into flooded parts of the canyon. Off came the shoes and we continued on thru the water. Bring water shoes just in case, water was two feet deep at its deepest. I do not recommend hiking thru it in bare feet like we did. You will go from land to water land to water for miles if you want. Once again more petroglyphs to amazing rock formations like you have ever seen. Hunter constantly chimes in on more local lore and reminders that we need hydration breaks. With enough visual stimulation for a life time it was time to go. Once out of the slots it is time for an hour and a half up hill hike. It all started with a 40-60 foot climb up a fairly steep hill to get back home. Once again Hunter was very thorough with step by step instructions on how to get up the hill. Lesson 2 ( dead people’s daughters don’t tip either). Made it up the hill safely due to stellar instructions. I was sucking wind big time after our climb. Then an hour uphill hike to our vehicle. At this point I didn’t care about interesting facts about anything, me AKA fatty magoo just wanted to survive. My lovely daughter offered to carry our 20 lb back pack with about a mile to go. Without hesitation I forked it over. Hunter made sure throughout I was still alive and hydrated of course. We finally made it to the top of the hill 452 foot elevation game according to my watch. I saw the vehicle and knew that I was going to see 57 after all. Hunter got us to the promised land and for that I am eternally thankful. Really cool dude . 100 % worth it. Just to rank the activity I have sky dove, bungee jumped, cliff repelled 250 feet, white water rafted a day after a hurricane in Costa Rica, this is my new number two. Bungee has a slight lead on this adventure. Will never forget this day until I enter the dementia zone.

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