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Постоји онолико метафора да се опише оно што локални становници називају 'доле у ​​јелевој кожи' колико и људи који су тамо били. Одабрао сам реч „у“ јер се буквално налазите унутар зидова најдужег кањона на свету.<бр><бр>Према веб локацији Бироа за управљање земљиштем (БЛМ), Буцкскин Гулцх је дугачак 16 миља (око 26 км) од Буцкскин Траилхеад до кањона Париа и преко 500 стопа (око 150 м) дубоко на њеном ушћу у реку Париа. Постоје места у Буцкскин где можете да додирнете оба зида кањона у исто време.<бр><бр>Буцкскин Гулцх је Мека за фотографе и планинаре. Сваки угао који скренете се непрекидно мења; литице су од воде и ветра извајане шаре боја, светлости и сенки. Такође се можете чудити и збуњивати значењу записа на стенама (петроглифа) из раног архајског периода (неки су стари чак 9.000 година).<бр><бр>Натионал Геограпхиц Адвентуре Магазине пре неколико година.<бр>
Цити: Страна
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $389.62
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $389.62
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче.<ли>Маске за лице неопходне за водиче и путнике у возилима.
Шта да очекујете
Буцкскин Гулцх
- Невероватан дан пешачења у најдужи кањон на свету - Очаравајућа подземна тура у усковитланом извајаном пешчару - Сјајне могућности за фотографисање - Одлична алтернатива за Тхе Ваве или Соутх Цоиоте Буттес ако немате среће у жребу за дозволу. Нећете бити разочарани!
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (40)
May 2021
This hike was the best park of an amazing vacation! The hike definitely would not have been the same without the guide, and specifically our guide, Hunter! If you can request him, we recommend you do. He was super nice and extremely knowledgeable. He felt like he was part of the family early on and really made our 6 and 7 year old kids comfortable, and had inside knowledge about some of their favorite video games. The hike is long - the longer you go, the more you see! With drive time we spent about 7 hours with Hunter and he was full of info, tips, tricks, local insights and more. The canyons are incredible and go on for miles. We found a comfortable stopping point before turning around but were not disappointed at all.
Apr 2021
Our family of 4, including 11 and 12 year old daughters, did the Buckskin Gulch tour with Yermo and Hunter. As we hiked to the more remote entrance to Buckskin Gulch, Yermo made the "executive decision" to hike back to the Hummer and take the easier hike/route in. The decision was the right one, but the way he handled it was a bit condescending and was not particularly tactful. The other hike in was scenic and relatively easy. He mentioned it would be very crowded compared to the "harder" route in, however we did not find it that crowded. Yermo is very knowledgeable. His care of the environment and concern for the overuse of the area is his passion. That was his overarching message of the day. His assistant guide, Hunter, was amazing and really made our day. He engaged our kids at every turn, helped them when they needed it, and was a genuinely nice guy. He even hiked up the painted cliffs with our 12 year old, kept going all the way to the top, then proceeded to run down!! Left us shaking our heads....Hunter was amazing!
Apr 2021
I sent a complaint against this tour company. The guide/ driver was smelling alcohol, hands shaking, told me she needed to keep her sunglasses on as she was very sensitive to light after LASIK surgery and it was a very cloudy morning. Well she was in No condition to drive us safely. She offers two options one of them the middle trail requires ropes and not be afraid of heights as you have to rappel to the bottom of the gulch and you better be able to pull yourself out as she is not strong enough to help you... great option to be left in the bottom of the gulch. The other option as her boss said that no one ever complained and he had taken people from 5-80 years old is the easy way by driving on house rock Valley road to Wire pas to the start of the trail. Anyone with a brain check out road condition here to avoid getting stuck. I stopped at BLM at Big water to inquire about this road condition as I was planning to go 4-5 miles down the road to find some beautiful colored hills and go to Maze rock art site. The person at the BLM assured me that the road was in excellent condition as she drove it the day before. So We would not have needed a guide. The access to the trail is excellent and the hike is pretty easy as much as it is beautiful. Anyone offered this two options will chose the easy trail. And end up paying a pretty penny for it. I feel I have been scammed as this was not the description you provided. This company takes advantage of people coming from various places who do not know the desert. I live in the Phoenix area for the last 28 years and I am an avid hiker. So I know the risks involved with the wilderness. So I hope you do not keep this company on your listing. I did not get proper information ( going into the gulch with ropes) to cancel in the required time (24 hrs).
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Dear Nicole, Thank you for your review. We take guest grievances very seriously. Unfortunately even before the start of the tour, you decided that you did not need a guide and therefore did not want to experience our tour. Your allegations over our tour guide are totally unfounded. We meet with our guides before each tour and check the vehicles with them to make sure they are fully sanitized and ready to go. The alcohol smell may have emanated from our sanitation products and in no way was related to the guide. Buckskin Gulch is accessible via 2 main routes and we explain both options to guests who can choose depending on their abilities and preferences. While WirePass Trailhead is easily accessible when the road is in good condition, many people still choose to hire a guide for safety issues and also educational content. Our tours are much more than just taking guests to the trailhead as we offer extensive knowledge on the geology, history and wildlife while safely guiding the guests through the canyon. This review is defamatory at different levels and does not reflect in any way the services we provide to our guests who did experience our tours, as all other reviews can confirm.

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