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Цити: Ketchikan
Mon 13 Jan
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Са почетком у $525.00
Mon 13 Jan
Са почетком у $525.00
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Коментара (297)
Oct 2017
This is a long overdue review. Sorry Mike! Back in August, my partner and I had an AMAZING time with Captain Mike on a salmon charter. To be frank, I went into the trip with low expectations thinking we were probably going to ride around in the boat for a few hours, see a few bald eagles, catch nothing, and just have a fun experience. Neither of us has really fished much per se and it has been decades since I had my hands on a fishing rod. How wrong was I? Mike met us at the dock from our cruise ship, escorted us over to his boat (maybe a 5 minute walk? At most?). I had purchased our fishing licenses ahead, per Mike’s excellent e-mailed instructions. I also had purchased a King stamp because you just never know, right? Mike motored us out to a beautiful spot, explained the basic procedures, baited up one rod, and before he could bait the second, we had a fish on the line. No joke, fish after fish emerged. After the 3rd or 4th fish, I began to think this whole thing was rigged somehow like the Anthony Bourdain Sicily episode. We trolled around for a while, having a great time, seeing bald eagles, fish jumping out of the water, and even a humpback whale surfacing nearby! It was a beautiful foggy morning (perfect for us Northern California folk) and things could not have gone any better. Finally, near the end of our troll, a King Salmon hit my line to round out the perfect trip. Got to use my King stamp! We had great conversation throughout the cruise. Mike was a great host, had snacks, drinks, etc. for us. In about four hours’ time, we caught 8 salmon (approx. 60 pounds worth!) (6 coho, a pink, and a King) which we had shipped back to us. Mike was also super patient with us taking photos during the trip. Mike decided to do charters this year rather than selling seats on a boat like most other outfits. Is it pricier to charter your own boat? Yes. Is the fish shipping crazy expensive? Yes. Welcome to Alaska. However, we had an amazing experience; one you can’t really put a price on. When we look back on our amazing trip to Alaska, the fishing trip stands out as one of the highlights. So pony up the extra cash and do it. Having the boat and the rods to yourself are worth the extra cash-o-la. Also, bring some cash for a tip. 10-20 percent of the charter fee is recommended. Thanks Mike! We hope to return in another year or so for another great fishing trip.
Oct 2017
We were on an Alaska cruise in August and had booked a fishing expedition with the cruise line. My brother found Alaska Catch, and we ended up canceling the booking with the cruise and booking 2 boats with Alaska Catch. My brother's family went with Capt. Mike, and we went with Capt. Jimmy. The boat was really clean, and Capt. Jimmy was great. We quickly caught our limit of 4 halibut and then went salmon fishing. To our surprise, we caught 15 salmon. Capts. Jimmy & Mike had our fish sent to a processing plant, and we received our salmon and halibut at our home on a specified date after we returned from our trip. We had a great time and would definitely book again with Alaska Catch!
Oct 2017
We chartered a half-day salmon trip with Captain Mike in August. Capt. Mike was a nice guide, very knowledgable about the local waters and fish, and has a new clean boat and motors. He put us on the fish and we caught our limit in 2 hours. With the extra time, we toured the local waters and, unexpectedly, came upon a whale breach! What a day! Captain Mike took the fish to a local processor to fillet, pack and ship to our homes in Florida and Nevada without any hassle on our part. I highly recommend Alaska Catch Charters in Ketchikan Alaska. It will be a lifetime memory. Jim M. Stuart, FL

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