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Цити: Ketchikan
Thu 09 Jan
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Са почетком у $525.00
Thu 09 Jan
Са почетком у $525.00
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Флаширана вода и разне газиране пића су бесплатни.
Нудимо разне грицкалице.
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Коментара (297)
Aug 2016
We are a family of 2 adults and 4 children. Captain Mike was fantastic! We took the 4 hour tour, which worked perfectly for the kids. We caught tons of fish and he always told us what a great job we were doing. He had some snacks and drinks for us as well. Overall, I would recommend Alaska Catch. Thank you for a great experience.
Aug 2016
So, I'm a freak about reading reviews before we do anything and I was happy with what I read about Captain Mike. I was still a tiny bit skeptical, though, because I don't really know what other people expect or their experience has been. This fishing charter completely exceeded our expectations!!!! We could NOT have been happier! Captain Mike is young and still building his business. He cares. He wants you to have a great time. He's still enthusiastic about fishing and that is really obvious. We love that. Our charter consisted of me (mom), my husband, and our 17 year old son and his friend (also 17). I was worried about seasickness and emailed Captain Mike before booking to ask about that. He was great in his response and I felt comfortable with booking. It's expensive to go on a private charter, but you absolutely get what you pay for. It was just the four of us and Captain Mike. He obviously takes pride in his boat. It was super clean. He also had a cooler of drinks and snacks. That was a nice bonus! We got incredibly lucky with the weather and enjoyed a wonderful day of fishing. We were in Ketchikan as part of an Alaskan cruise, so we had to be cautious on time and Captain Mike was great about that. We squeezed every bit of fishing time out that we could, then headed back with plenty of time to do a little shopping in town and be back on board (not like the two people we saw running down the dock as the boat was leaving - OOPS!) Captain Mike took us halibut fishing (caught our limit) and pink salmon fishing (caught 11). We also caught 2 rockfish. We didn't have to do anything when we got back to the dock other than fill out an order form for what we want to do with the fish. I'm expecting them to be delivered tomorrow and we are super excited! Thank you, Captain Mike. We would love to do a longer fishing trip in Alaska and you will be the first person we reach out to. We absolutely loved it. Folks - don't hesitate to book with him. You won't regret it! Kim
Aug 2016
Our fishing charter with Captain Mike exceeded our expectations and was a highlight of our Alaskan cruise! We were a family of four (two teens) traveling with grandparents, and Mike was patient (even when one of us had to walk back to the ship for her fishing license), funny, a great story teller, knowledgeable, and down to earth. And most of all--we caught lots of fish. We booked the four-hour salmon fishing trip and within 20 minutes of getting in his boat, our first one was hooked. In total, we kept more than 15 salmon and 2 rockfish to ship home to Florida. Mike is very accommodating, with lots of fun stories, and best of all knows how to catch! My husband, an avid fisherman in Florida, remarked afterwards that Mike was "one of the coolest guys he had ever met!"

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