Daniel was their guide,I a 66 yo Mom, got to watch while also walking through the Awesome,not to be missed Garden of the Gods. Just bring yourself,everything provided by the climbing company. I was Shocked and awed by first climb,Daniel has such a positive,enthusiastic, reassurancing/ calm manner and is a great teacher, that my very verbally nervous daughter and fear of heights son were able to enjoy 5 different experience climbs. Meanwhile I vicariously got to watch and walk the entire Garden myself. Daniel said the youngest he ever took was 2 1/2, no problem with any age or wright he is able to next to or rescue a climber if they freeze on rock. Daniel has also given my daughter,now a rock climbing enthusiast recommendations for places to perfect her new skills in LA and suggestions for my son in NYC area. My son actually is planning to return New Years for a ice climbing lesson with Daniel. Me,I'm staying on the ground! Worth every penny!