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Обилазак једрења приватним шкунама у Салем Соунду

ФАМЕ је чамац број 1 у Салему годишње и једна од најбоље оцењених активности у целом граду, према ТрипАдвисору. Не пропустите најбоље од онога што Салем може да понуди! У нашем граду има више од вештица!<бр><бр>СЛАВЕ је потпуна реплика приватне шкуне из рата 1812. која је освојила преко 20 награда! Пловимо до пет пута дневно између маја и октобра из марине Пицкеринг Вхарф у центру Салема. <бр><бр>На нашој традиционалној шкуни са гафовима, имаћете прилику да подигнете једра, па чак и да управљате чамцем док пловимо Салем Соунд-ом и причамо о рибарима, трговцима и приватницима који су играли тако централно улогу у саги о Салему, Масачусетсу и младим Сједињеним Државама.<бр><бр>Ово је сјајна практична авантура за све узрасте — али можете и само да седнете и уживате у пићу и узмете све док крстаримо поред историјских тврђава и светионика Салема, Беверлија и Марблехеда.
Цити: Салем
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $49.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $49.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање за напојнице и додаци
Шта да очекујете
Историјски Салем Соунд - воде око Салема, Марблехеада и Беверлија, Масачусетс - где пирати, приватници, источноиндијски људи и ратници стварају историју већ 400 година.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (393)
Jun 2017
I recently had the pleasure of taking my daughter and niece out for an afternoon on the Fame. Our first impression of the staff came when I walked up to the ticketing booth. Much to my surprise, Melissa, who was manning the booth, knew my name and said hello. I'm sure it was because she was engaged with the list of reservations but, to me, it was a true bit of Salem Magic. I was stunned and I called her The Magic Lady for the rest of the time we were with her. She couldn't have been sweeter or more welcoming. Once we boarded The Fame, Captain Mike and his crew (John and Parker), got us involved with getting the ship underway. We had a chance to furl the sails and to use the tiller to steer her. It was a lot of fun and had us calling each other 'Captain'. All three crew members were very informative and engaging, telling us about the history of the ship as well as the history of the harbor. 'Nice' doesn't go far enough to compliment all three men. The ship itself was beautiful, seventy feet long and probably fifteen feet wide. It was very comfortable and, although you knew you were on a boat, it never felt rough or unsafe. Overall, the tour took about 90 minutes and we enjoyed every one of them. Even my fifteen-year-old niece, who expected to be bored, came away from the ship with a huge smile and a remark that she was wrong about the tour. For us, it was a five-star trip.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2017
We will all call Melissa "The Magic Lady" from this point on :) Thanks for the great review!
Shawn M
Oct 2016
Who needs to be packed onto a boat with 100 other people and have no space to move. My father and I spent two hours cruising with Captain Mike and enjoyed every moment of it. While we were able to enjoy booze, we were also able to enjoy steering the ship and learning what a nineteenth-century privateer could actually do. Captain Mike was friendly, outgoing and was able to answer all of our questions. This is the highlight of our trip to Salem and I would recommend it to anyone over any other attraction.
Sue B
Sep 2016
We took our staff out for an evening cruise and it was PERFECT, the skipper and his crew were outstanding. They helped get all the catering onto the ship and ensured everyone understood the safety guidelines, and then we were underway. We learned some interesting history about the Fame and Salem as well, and the skipper fired one of the small canons on board! The ship is super clean and has plenty of places to sit and relax. I was worried a late September evening cruise would be cold, but it was a breezy 70 degrees, we toured the outer Salem harbor islands and then returned to port in time to see a beautiful sunset. We really enjoyed it and will hopefully be back for another trip. If you are looking for a fun trip for a group of 40 or less this is a great idea! While parking isn't ideal if you park in the garage down the street you will have only a short 2 minute walk to the dock. Located behind Victoria Station in Salem Harbor.

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