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РАФТ АДВЕНТУРЕ - На Пали 1/2 Даи Сноркел

На 5,5-сатном обиласку водићемо вас да доживите високе морске литице и нетакнуте плаже обале На Пали. Наш капетан и посада ће поделити историју, легенде и знање о локалном морском животу. Упознајте разигране делфине, зелене морске корњаче и још много тога. Мигрирајући грбави китови (децембар-март). Ако услови дозвољавају, одвешћемо вас у морске пећине, испод водопада и роните на једном од најбољих гребена на Кауаију. Изаберите јутарњи или поподневни полазак; оба укључују ручак, пиће и опрему за роњење. Опис активности<бр><бр>Излети на рафтингу могу бити физички захтевни, поскочни, неравни и забавни. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Будите спремни за узбудљив дан! Сви водени спортови и/или На Пали су услови који дозвољавају.
Цити: Кауаи
Thu 10 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $194.60
Thu 10 Oct
Са почетком у $194.60
Шта је укључено
Капетан са лиценцом и искусна посада обучена за реанимацију и безбедност на води
Сок, сода и вода
Појединачно упаковане ћуреће или вегетаријанске облоге (наведите своју опцију)
Опрема за роњење и стручна упутства
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници би требало да имају висок ниво физичке спремности<ли>Турски или вегетаријански оброк, обавестите их у време резервације ако је потребно<ли>Не заборавите да понесете пешкир, крему за сунчање, фотоапарат и наочаре за сунце, носите купаћи костим и покривач.<ли>Без трудница или озбиљних здравствених проблема<ли>ОТКАЗИВАЊЕ. ПОЛИТИКА: Да бисте изменили, померили или отказали БИЛО КОЈУ турнеју и добили пуни повраћај новца, МОРАТЕ ПОЗВАТИ КСТ 24 сата пре времена пријаве на турнеју.<ли>Рафтинг екскурзије могу бити физички захтевне, поскочне, неравне и неравне. пуно забаве. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Припремите се за узбудљив дан!<ли>Сви спортови на води и/или На Пали су услови који то дозвољавају.<ли>Без трудноћа, лоших леђа, оних који су били подвргнути било каквим недавним операцијама, оних који су мало покретни. проблеми
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Feb 2020
Allow me to take this opportunity to let everyone know that this adventure is not suitable for anyone who has any preexisting condition or injury. The boat is too small and the operator is good enough to let everyone know about this prior to going out. This information would have been helpful prior to purchasing a non refundable ticket. The operator also let me know that if the ticket is purchased through a 3rd party, they can't allow a change to a tour with a larger boat. Not exactly the aloha spirit!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
We’re sorry to hear about this huge misunderstanding. We are looking into posted verbiage, as you’re right, there are some boating experiences not suitable for those with preexisting conditions. Again, apologies this was not clear.
Feb 2020
I want to be fair and as objective as possible with this review. I also want to warn others as well as it relates to the Tripadvisor cancellation policy and this operator. My fiance and I prepaid this tour and prior to boarding the boat were warned about the nature of the ride and how it isn't appropriate for people who have existing injuries including neck or back injuries. These salient facts weren't disclosed prior to purchasing the tour on Tripadvisor. At that time my fiance elected to not go on the tour due to the existing injury and we weren't eligible to get a refund which is the stated policy. I accepted that policy however, they weren't willing to accommodate us with using those funds towards a different tour. The representative from the tour company told us that if we booked direct with the tour company, there was more they could do for us. We also purchased clothing for the trip from their shop, no refunds. Also not stated anywhere. In summary don't book this trip if anyone in your party has prior injuries or is in less than optimal shape. Also book direct as these operators won't work with you in some cases to accommodate any changes.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
We are all very sorry to hear about this. I am wondering if I can discuss this with you. Please email me if possible [email protected]. Or I can be reached at 808.335.5309. Thank you. Dre Paskal
Feb 2020
This trip was something we looked forward to and we were not disappointed! The Napali Coast is absolutely beautiful and seeing it from the water allows you to appreciate the magnitude of the size of the coast. It was beautiful!! Our guides, Nono and JR were so kind and helpful. They were great!! They shared Hawaiian culture and history with us along the way. We felt very safe on the trip and were glad we chose the raft ride rather than a catamaran. We saw two sea turtles while snorkeling and beautiful fish. We were also able to travel inside two sea caves. We were a little anxious about entering the caves, but Nono and JR made us feel confident about this exciting part of the adventure. While the water and wind seemed fairly rough, we felt very confident in the safety of the raft. One suggestion is that when offered gloves to wear while you "hang on" to the ropes of the raft during your travel, take them. Apparently I was "hanging on" in such a way that I developed a couple of small blisters. Nothing major, but again, take the gloves. :) All in all, we would recommend this trip to everyone!!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
We’re so glad to hear you had a great time! Generally gloves are offered, apologies for that part. Again, Mahalo for sharing your experience :)

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