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РАФТ АДВЕНТУРЕ - На Пали 1/2 Даи Сноркел

На 5,5-сатном обиласку водићемо вас да доживите високе морске литице и нетакнуте плаже обале На Пали. Наш капетан и посада ће поделити историју, легенде и знање о локалном морском животу. Упознајте разигране делфине, зелене морске корњаче и још много тога. Мигрирајући грбави китови (децембар-март). Ако услови дозвољавају, одвешћемо вас у морске пећине, испод водопада и роните на једном од најбољих гребена на Кауаију. Изаберите јутарњи или поподневни полазак; оба укључују ручак, пиће и опрему за роњење. Опис активности<бр><бр>Излети на рафтингу могу бити физички захтевни, поскочни, неравни и забавни. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Будите спремни за узбудљив дан! Сви водени спортови и/или На Пали су услови који дозвољавају.
Цити: Кауаи
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $194.60
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $194.60
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници би требало да имају висок ниво физичке спремности<ли>Турски или вегетаријански оброк, обавестите их у време резервације ако је потребно<ли>Не заборавите да понесете пешкир, крему за сунчање, фотоапарат и наочаре за сунце, носите купаћи костим и покривач.<ли>Без трудница или озбиљних здравствених проблема<ли>ОТКАЗИВАЊЕ. ПОЛИТИКА: Да бисте изменили, померили или отказали БИЛО КОЈУ турнеју и добили пуни повраћај новца, МОРАТЕ ПОЗВАТИ КСТ 24 сата пре времена пријаве на турнеју.<ли>Рафтинг екскурзије могу бити физички захтевне, поскочне, неравне и неравне. пуно забаве. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Припремите се за узбудљив дан!<ли>Сви спортови на води и/или На Пали су услови који то дозвољавају.<ли>Без трудноћа, лоших леђа, оних који су били подвргнути било каквим недавним операцијама, оних који су мало покретни. проблеми
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (858)
Sharissa K
Mar 2019
First if all, I need to thank Kauai Sea Tours for accommodating my boyfriend and I at the last minute. After Googling and searching Trip Advisor for Na Pali Coast boat tours multiple times, and calling about ten other operators only to have them tell me they were fully booked. No fault to any of them as I was calling the day before I was hoping to book a tour for. About an hour before Kauai Sea Tours closed I called on a Tuesday to book a tour for the next day on a Wednesday and the nice representative kindly said they had two more seats ona raft tour! I was so ecstatic as this was my boyfriend's first time to Kauai and I was committed to showing him the Na Pali Coast on a boat. We arrived right on time as they were calling out names to separate people out onto their designated rafts. We had a great pair with Sky as our Captain and CJ as his second mate. The weather was picture perfect! I personally think the raft is the most fun way to discover the Na Pali Coast because you can really feel the water on you at times and they're the boats that can take you into the caves. The ride can definitely be a work out as you must grip onto the ropes on the side of the raft and put your feet under the rope on the floor of the raft, but it's all worth it! Sky handled the waves really well to where there were some moments I thought we might have a wave crash onto the raft, but he went right over it without us barely feeling a thing. Sky and CJ taught us a great deal about the Hawaiian history lived on the Na Pali Coast and it was all told in a very interesting manner. I'm part Hawaiian so having a fellow Hawaiian in CJ on board to discuss some of the history to the tourists was amazing to witness. We got so lucky as we got to see two groups of Hawaiian spinner dolphins, flying fish (which I had never seen before), bottlenose dolphins, and a humpback whale blow water from his spout. We stopped to snorkel at a nice spot, where people spotted a turtle. They also provided us a good snack in the middle of the tour of freah fruit and chips, then for lunch after our snorkel they fed us yummy sandwiches, cookies, and drinks. During the tour Sky showed us the numerous waterfalls along the Na Pali Coast accompanied by some interesting history and even took us into the entrance of a couple of caves. Sky also did some fun tricks with the boat at a couple points where he angled the boat to make for an exciting ride! CJ also gave us a great recommendation to watch the sunset on the road to Waimea Canyon and have dinner by our hotel at Street Burger. All in all, I would definitely recommend Kauai Sea Tours to anyone visiting Kauai!
Feb 2019
It was a really choppy day and captain Shaked was confident and persistent. She also carefully watched the passengers to see when she would turn around as well as watching the weather. The first mate was just 18 (maybe Ray?) and funny and helpful. The snorkel spot is OK but it would be nice if someone from the boat joined us to help point out things- mask fogged up a lot (may be operator error). Great pointing out whales and lunch!!
Danielle B
Jan 2019
We really wanted to see the Na Pali Coast and the raft sounded like fun and something different. It ended up being the highlight of our trip! My 18, 16, and 14 yr old had a blast. While you need to be in good health the teenagers and Mom and Dad loved it. Captain Sky and BJ were a huge part of a fantastic trip - very fun!!! If you have a say in your crew chose them! Highly recommend!

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