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РАФТ АДВЕНТУРЕ - На Пали 1/2 Даи Сноркел

На 5,5-сатном обиласку водићемо вас да доживите високе морске литице и нетакнуте плаже обале На Пали. Наш капетан и посада ће поделити историју, легенде и знање о локалном морском животу. Упознајте разигране делфине, зелене морске корњаче и још много тога. Мигрирајући грбави китови (децембар-март). Ако услови дозвољавају, одвешћемо вас у морске пећине, испод водопада и роните на једном од најбољих гребена на Кауаију. Изаберите јутарњи или поподневни полазак; оба укључују ручак, пиће и опрему за роњење. Опис активности<бр><бр>Излети на рафтингу могу бити физички захтевни, поскочни, неравни и забавни. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Будите спремни за узбудљив дан! Сви водени спортови и/или На Пали су услови који дозвољавају.
Цити: Кауаи
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $194.60
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $194.60
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници би требало да имају висок ниво физичке спремности<ли>Турски или вегетаријански оброк, обавестите их у време резервације ако је потребно<ли>Не заборавите да понесете пешкир, крему за сунчање, фотоапарат и наочаре за сунце, носите купаћи костим и покривач.<ли>Без трудница или озбиљних здравствених проблема<ли>ОТКАЗИВАЊЕ. ПОЛИТИКА: Да бисте изменили, померили или отказали БИЛО КОЈУ турнеју и добили пуни повраћај новца, МОРАТЕ ПОЗВАТИ КСТ 24 сата пре времена пријаве на турнеју.<ли>Рафтинг екскурзије могу бити физички захтевне, поскочне, неравне и неравне. пуно забаве. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Припремите се за узбудљив дан!<ли>Сви спортови на води и/или На Пали су услови који то дозвољавају.<ли>Без трудноћа, лоших леђа, оних који су били подвргнути било каквим недавним операцијама, оних који су мало покретни. проблеми
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Коментара (858)
Jun 2018
We have done various tours of the Na Pali coastline, ranging from Catamarans, small fishing vessels to rigid hull inflatable rafts such as this one. We have also launched from both East and North shores of the Island. I would say this was the best zodiac tour we have taken. Even though it launched from the "less popular" east side (Port Allen). We actually preferred it over launching from the North. Here's why... we have always seen many dolphins when launching from the East and have never seen any when launching from the North. Its also nice to have to wait a bit to actually get to the Na Pali coastline. When coming from the North, it appears almost too quickly. For our Kauai Sea Tours crew.. Captain John, deckhands Colin and Sky were the best crew we've ever had! Cap't John was awesome! He was clearly experienced and made us feel safe at all times but was also friendly and genuinely concerned about making sure we had the best experience possible. Getting to land on the beach and snorkel off the shore of Nuololo kai was definitely an advantage. I believe this company and Cap't Andy's are the only 2 that are allowed to do this. I would say that of all the companies we have used in the past (Cap't Andys for Catamaran, North Shore Charter for Zodiac, a private charter and a couple others I can't remember the name of), all were wonderful experiences and crews. However, this is my first Na Pali coast tour review, so that should say something about Kauai Sea Tours. Its the second most amazing and memorable Na Pali experience we've had. The first being a non-commercial tour we took several years ago. Finally, please understand that a zodiac tour is NOT for the faint of heart, It is best suited for adventurous, thrill seekers. It's a bumpy but incredibly fun ride for those prepared for it. Just know what your are signing up for. Lastly, if you have never done a boat tour of the Na Pali, its a "can't miss" if you are visiting the beautiful garden isle of Kauai.
Jun 2018
Well, figuratively, but maybe literally. While snorkeling I swam over to the boat to hand my phone in it's waterproof case up to one of the crew. While pulling it from around my neck, my wedding band somehow slipped off my finger and wound up at the bottom of the cove. Captain Sky jumped into action and free dove what I'm guessing as 30 feet of water (maybe more) and came up with my ring the first dive. I was stunned! I could barely make it down 5 feet before my ears were hurting. Like it or not, he got a hug (and a tip) from me. As to the rest of the trip, I second all the positive things already said in other reviews. We didn't see any dolphins, which was a bit disappointing, but that's just the luck of the draw. Just be prepared for a thrilling, and somewhat brutal, ride back. That said, I'm so glad we picked this over the catamerans! Thank you again to Captain Sky and crew!
Jun 2018
This is a rough ride especially coming back but totally worth the bumping and hanging on to see the coast up close. The stop for snorkeling, lunch and a visit to an old village was a perfect break from the fast pace of the raft. Sky was a great captain and was very considerate of everyone's comfort and safety. He stopped for a pod of spinner dolphins. I put my go pro in the water for some great underwater video, can't do that from a big boat or helicopter! Collin was friendly and was passionate and informative about the stories he told and sights he showed us. The ride is rough and I've got a sore butt and arms today but I also have video and pics from inside caves and on the shore of the Na Pali coast so it was worth it!

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