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РАФТ АДВЕНТУРЕ - На Пали 1/2 Даи Сноркел

На 5,5-сатном обиласку водићемо вас да доживите високе морске литице и нетакнуте плаже обале На Пали. Наш капетан и посада ће поделити историју, легенде и знање о локалном морском животу. Упознајте разигране делфине, зелене морске корњаче и још много тога. Мигрирајући грбави китови (децембар-март). Ако услови дозвољавају, одвешћемо вас у морске пећине, испод водопада и роните на једном од најбољих гребена на Кауаију. Изаберите јутарњи или поподневни полазак; оба укључују ручак, пиће и опрему за роњење. Опис активности<бр><бр>Излети на рафтингу могу бити физички захтевни, поскочни, неравни и забавни. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Будите спремни за узбудљив дан! Сви водени спортови и/или На Пали су услови који дозвољавају.
Цити: Кауаи
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $194.60
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $194.60
Шта је укључено
Капетан са лиценцом и искусна посада обучена за реанимацију и безбедност на води
Сок, сода и вода
Појединачно упаковане ћуреће или вегетаријанске облоге (наведите своју опцију)
Опрема за роњење и стручна упутства
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници би требало да имају висок ниво физичке спремности<ли>Турски или вегетаријански оброк, обавестите их у време резервације ако је потребно<ли>Не заборавите да понесете пешкир, крему за сунчање, фотоапарат и наочаре за сунце, носите купаћи костим и покривач.<ли>Без трудница или озбиљних здравствених проблема<ли>ОТКАЗИВАЊЕ. ПОЛИТИКА: Да бисте изменили, померили или отказали БИЛО КОЈУ турнеју и добили пуни повраћај новца, МОРАТЕ ПОЗВАТИ КСТ 24 сата пре времена пријаве на турнеју.<ли>Рафтинг екскурзије могу бити физички захтевне, поскочне, неравне и неравне. пуно забаве. Учесници треба да буду у натпросечној физичкој форми. Морате бити у могућности да се попнете на чврсте вертикалне мердевине да бисте се вратили на сплав након роњења. Ова тура је веома авантуристичка, мокра, дивља и вау! Припремите се за узбудљив дан!<ли>Сви спортови на води и/или На Пали су услови који то дозвољавају.<ли>Без трудноћа, лоших леђа, оних који су били подвргнути било каквим недавним операцијама, оних који су мало покретни. проблеми
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Nov 2022
Great captaining of the boat. Experience was top notch. We were able to see all of the coast and lots of marine life.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Awesome, thank you for sharing.
Nov 2022
Such a wonderful experience with Josh and Nohili. I guess there were a few bad weather days before our tour and luckily the day of our tour the stars aligned. We were able to enter the caves and got to see spinner dolphins. The coast was beautiful and such a wonder to experience,
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
We are so happy to hear you had a good time and that the weather was cooperating....Mahalo for sharing with us!
Jessica P
Nov 2022
We woke up at 4:45am to make it to check-in by 630am because we were told to leave two hours early since we were staying in Princeville. Our group of 4 (two single moms and two teenagers) were really excited because it was the only excursion we had booked for our entire stay. We took Bonine to ensure our experience would not be ruined with sea sickness as described in their email. What started out as fun, hitting the waves with a solid music Playlist from the captain, turned sour. Three people began to get sick and started throwing up. (They should have prepared much better.) So by the time we approached Napali the captain said we'd be turning back around because of those that were sick and his concerns for their medical safety. We didn't get the full Napali experience, no sea caves, no snorkel, we never even got to get in the water (except the two that peed.) We made a very slow trip back to the port (my legs fried even with sunscreen) so that the sea sick people would be comfortable. Unfortunately, the people that weren't sick got stuck with a very mediocre trip. The captain (Jake) was nice and felt bad so he instructed those that weren't sick to go back to the front desk and see if we could be placed on another excursion. Well, as soon as my group walked up they immediately knew what we were there for and told us not to bother rescheduling. They instructed us to write them an email. Ha! Literally, $800 is what we spent for a hot raft ride and a turkey wrap, and they told us go away and write an email. Me and my friend refused to be treated so horribly by the front desk and asked to speak to management. They gave us every excuse in the book as to why management wasn't available. After 30 mins of us not leaving, front desk eventually said she could put us on another tour the following day but needed manager approval. We waited for approval. Then another woman came down and attempted to get us to leave without an approval and threatened to call the police. (Note: Another passenger on the tour with us also decided to stay and wait for a solution.) We told her to go ahead and call the police.  By the time police came, management was suddenly available. Deven. Who said he was the good guy and would see what he could do for us. Well, Deven said we'd get $20 back per person for not snorkeling. We weren't happy with that solution but told them we'd take it since they refused to reschedule us. The most upsetting part is the customer service. Their own cancelation policy is unclear, says if they cancel due to safety concerns, which was the reason, then they'd refund you or reschedule you. Beware! If someone is seasick (and not in your group) you will not get your money back. I've done many tours with other companies where if someone gets seasick, they keep going. It's up to the passengers to take care of themselves and follow guidelines. Can you imagine how many tours would be canceled if it was dependent on seasickness? All of them. I recommend going to Captain Andy's, Holo Holo, Blue Dolphin - other companies I've had great tours with but were booked already. Lastly, I really hope they do not reprimand the captain because they kept saying he knew better than to tell us to ask for another tour. The captain knew we didnt get we paid so he should not be held responsible for trying to do the right thing. As of 11/16/22, they have not refunded any money to my credit card as they stated.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Jessica - We're extremely sorry to hear about your excursion. I will be contacting you by the end of this week.

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