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Реза Едге оф Иллусион Схов у Брансону

Реза је препознат као један од најтраженијих забављача данашњице у индустрији илузија путовања, пружајући иновативне, занимљиве и спектакуларне наступе широм света.<бр><бр>Резина недавна турнеја и гостовања на телевизији запрепастила су преко 30 милиона гледалаца из целог света на мрежама као што су МТВ, А&Е, Тхе ЦВ, ПБС, Реелз, ЦКС, Фуји и Телемундо.
Цити: Брансон
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $46.16
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $46.16
Шта је укључено
Гарантована магична представа
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодне за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Реза Едге оф Иллусион
Резин јединствени бренд забаве довео га је до популарних ријалити емисија у 31 земљи, укључујући недавна гостовања на америчким ТВ емисијама у емисији А&Е'с Дуцк Династи и Тхе ЦВ-а Пенн & Теллер: Фоол Ус. Више од магичне представе, Реза уноси елементе уметничке продукције у сцену, мајсторски комични тајминг и бројне интерактивне и инспиративне тренутке, омогућавајући публици да доживи магију из прве руке. Можда је највећа Резина тајна његова невјероватна способност да своју умјетност извођења комуницира на тако личном нивоу. Реза је интригантна, привлачна и задивљујућа. Он није само мађионичар. Он је забављач.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (925)
Jun 2022
This is a flashy (figuratively AND literally) Vegas-style magic show. While children are both invited to the show and actively encouraged to partcipate, be warned that both the visuals and content of the show can rise to the level of PG-13. The most disturbing visual was the potential eviscerating of an assistant in an industrial setting. (None of the assistants, pretty or otherwise, were harmed during the show.) That said, I was impressed with both the quality of the staging and the magic. Reza drifted between the images described above to the very simple and subtle illusions of rings and card tricks. I was most impressed that a good deal of Reza's monologues were dedicated to encouraging children to pursue their dreams of performing magic while paying tribute to his mentor. Along this line he graciously dedicated a portion of his show to his assistant Max, granting the young man time on stage to develop his own magical performance skills. Community is important in magic, and it was cool to experience Reza giving back.
Jun 2022
I rarely offer reviews but I feel like I need to give other families a heads up about this show before they spend their time and money. Everyone told us this was the MUST see show in Branson and honestly it would have been if Reza would’ve kept his illusions to the interactive ones where he involved the audience, those were clean, witty and left us wondering, “How’d he do that??” Unfortunately, those were only half of the show, the other half was disturbing on many levels. The dancing of the assistants was provocative to say the least. I’ve never been to a strip club but the girls were overly suggestive and inappropriate, thank heavens they kept their clothes on. Our children from 7 to 17 were terribly uncomfortable and what a shame because it could’ve been so much better. In addition, the big illusions were disturbing and encouraged human torture. Although we knew everything was fake and no one was truly injured, it was NOT something we would want our children to see, which is exactly why we spent half the time with their heads down. I did appreciate Reza’s interactions with the audience and his encouragement for others to follow their dreams. I just wish I could’ve seen more of that. The innuendos, loud heavy metal music and the illusions that encouraged abuse and torturing of the human body was more than I could bear! I would NEVER recommend this to anyone especially someone with children.
Jun 2022
Everyone should see this show. It was the BEST! Reza puts on an amazing performance and I was sad when it was over! Can’t say enough good things!

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