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Риггинс Идахо 1-дневни рафтинг излет на реци Салмон

Ајдахо је познат као "држава Вајтвотер" и ниједно путовање није употпуњено рафтингом. Река Салмон у близини Ригинса у Ајдаху је савршен једнодневни излет да доживите најцењенију реку Ајдаха, моћног лососа. Заједно са великим таласима и топлом водом, ово путовање ће повремено подићи адреналин, а истовремено ће омогућити обиље могућности за пливање и опуштање.
Цити: МцЦалл
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $129.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $129.00
Шта је укључено
БЛМ накнаде за коришћење земљишта укључене
Укључен је превоз до реке и назад до наше продавнице
Укључен ручак поред реке
Укључена сва речна опрема.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст: 8
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (28)
Aug 2016
11 of our family ranging in age from 8-69 just finished a 3 day trip on the Rogue River in Oregon with this outstanding company. The family has done many adventures together from hiking in the Sierras, to exploring the California Coastline, to spending time in Maui, doing Disneyland several times, and many other memorable vacations. This is rated as the best ever. This is our 3rd trip, with my son and I doing it first 24 years ago when he was a teenager. The river is beautiful, the waters challenging, and the guide crew excellent! This trip we had a non-swimmer who bravely agreed to come (grandma who is willing to sacrifice all for the grand kids). We all had a wonderful and safe time. The lodging was rustic but comfortable, the food (all prepared and served by staff) was very good, the equipment was top notch, but it is the personality's of the guide crew that make this special. They all go out of their way to be helpful, courteous, and professional. There is no doubt, safety is first always on this type trip, but customer service is a close second, and could not be better. A big shout out "GREAT JOB" to Tim, the head guide....to Inky, the skilled and knowledgeable oared raft guide who kept grandma from getting wet (most of the time)....to Brian, the paddle raft guide who got us thru many difficult spots, and to Ben and Laz who "rescued" my kids many times and kept them safe. What a great bunch of folks! Thank you again for the wonderful and memorable time, it was truly the best.
Jul 2016
We had another great trip kayaking the the lower portion of the Salmon River with Orange Torpedo Trips. My son and I went on a kayaking trip last year with Orange Torpedo Trips on the lower portion of the Main Salmon River with Richard, Bubba, and Ben as our guides. We liked it so much, the whole family and my daughter's friend went this time on the lower Salmon. We were lucky enough to get Richard as one of our guides again, plus Matt, Ty, Quin, and Mark. Everyone of them was terrific and each had unique stories and perspectives about rafting and kayaking. The food was delicious, and served with a smile. The kayaking and capsizing in white water was fun and exciting. The beaches were awesome. The other family in our party was fun to kayak with and a pleasure to spend time with in the evenings. We went for 4 days of kayaking, and three nights camping beginning July 13th. The only thing I could suggest to make it a better trip, would be to make this a 5 day trip and spend one day in the middle resting, reading, swimming, and just relaxing on one of the beaches. We will definitely use Orange Torpedo Trips again!
May 2016
This was hands-down one of the best vacations ever! I grew up river rafting with my family and have since forgotten what a trip like this offers. So much fun, exciting white water, beautiful scenery, the bonding with family & friends plus relaxation all packaged into an amazing 4 days in the wilderness. Have you ever turned off your cell phone for 4 days? It's quite freeing. Our family of 4, kids 6 & 8 yrs old, all went along with 25 other friends and their families. We thought we enjoyed being around one another and knew one another quite well, after the 4 days, we're even closer buddies. The crew at Orange Torpedo is amazing! Very knowledgeable, very patient and accommodating and spoil you rotten all along the way. This is not a working vacation, you have a blast! If you haven't been on such a trip before, this is a MUST DO. And if you have, this is a repeat pick as well. I strongly recommend Orange Torpedo Trips.

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