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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $36.30
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
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Коментара (46)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Sep 2022
Quite disappointed with this “experience”. The general theming was nice, and the overall cleanliness and appearance was good, but inside was just quite dull. The whole museum section was finished in 30-40 minutes. Since you’re all pooled together to watch an 8 minute film at the start, you’re all forced to either wait your turn to read signs and see exhibits or rush on ahead. The sets were pretty bland, although most of the information was informative. The section and transition from the film to the main area was cool though. I enjoyed the little story about new years and reporting it live, with the mixture of obviously recently filmed footage and actual old archived footage. The ride itself was similar to that of “Soarin’” from Disney, although it’s clear this is a very lacklustre attempt. Most of the experience is just flying over still images, whereas the rest of it is a short animation. The way you’re positioned on the ride too, it doesn’t look very immersive. Unfortunately someone next to me was filming the ride the entire way through, ruining the fun of it. I asked to ride again but i was told I’d have to pay for another ride, something I was not planning to do. As I checked out the gift shop, the nice lady told me that unfortunately due to an error with their system, they were unable to let me purchase anything. Even if I wanted to buy a souvenir, I wouldn’t have been able to. Jeff Goldblum was heavily used to promote this attraction and it was hailed as an amazing attraction not to be missed, but he’s clearly just been paid a lot to say so. It was an attraction I was glad to experience but I wouldn’t again for the price and the quality. Perhaps the attraction should be an extra fee but the museum should be free? Staff were friendly enough and the building and general cleanliness and appearance were fantastic though.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We're very sorry to hear that your experience at RiseNY did not live up to your expectations. We are constantly working to improve and feedback like yours is very helpful.
Sep 2022
We visited this attraction a month or so after it opened. It’s a bit Disneyesque in style, and in fact ends with a ‘ride’ over the skyline of New York City, in a similar fashion that the popular ’Soarin’ ride in the various Disney parks around the world dishes up to its eager visitors. It’s billed as "part ride, part museum, all New York," and it certainly is that! We really enjoyed our visit, and especially the soaring ride at the end. Your visit follows a set path, so you just can’t skip the preliminaries to get to the ride. Firstly you step back in time by taking a lift down to 1904 to enter a mock-up of New York City’s first subway station of City Hall, where you watch an immersive documentary which showcases how the city became the crossroads of the world. It’s informative and interesting. Then you proceed through 7 museum-style galleries (via a ‘subway’ journey) which transports you through the city’s expansive pop-culture evolution. The galleries are: Finance, Skyline, TV/Radio, Fashion, Music, Broadway and Film; they illustrate how these industries rose up to connect NYC to the world and make this city so globally famous. Some are more interesting than others. There’s some historic artefacts and star-studded memorabilia such as the Notorious B.I.G.'s track suit and an original Beatles drum head. It’s all quite interactive, with lots of interesting photo opportunities for that perfect insta shot. That's probably one of the best aspects of the attraction, and a part I really enjoyed - there’s a lot of history reflected here that has happened in my lifetime. You can pose on that famous orange couch made famous by the equally famous sitcom ‘Friends’. I loved 'The Honeymooners ' kitchen and the wonderful fact that it’s all in black and white!!. There’s Carrie Bradshaw's perfect mannequin, and an actual moving replica of Oscar the Grouch. You can pose with the Village People, and spin your own tunes in the Hip Hop display. Finally, there’s the ‘Sarin-like’ ride which takes you over the city’s iconic skyline strapped into your seat and suspended about 30 feet. It’s the first-ever soaring ride over New York , and you will experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the Big Apple as you fly over the city's most iconic landmarks and celebrations. It’s the best part of the attraction, done really well, and I really enjoyed it (having experienced ’Soarin’ at Disney World and a similar fly-over attraction in Reykjavik in Iceland. Tickets are around $29, with a small discount for those over 65. The attraction is accessible for those who require mobility assistance. However, you must be able to be strapped into the soaring ride. Children must be 40 inches or over tall to participate in the ride. The attraction is on W45th Street just off Broadway, and only a few minutes’ walk from Times Square.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We're so glad you enjoyed your visit to RiseNY! Thanks so much for leaving this detailed review, I'm sure other visitors will find it very helpful. We hope you will Rise with us again soon!
Sep 2022
I really didn't know what to expect with this pass, however it was one of my favorite places I visited in NYC. Walking through the culture (music, TV, fashion, etc.) throughout time, then finishing off with an amazing ride that lets you experience the whole city in a few minutes. Absolutely loved it.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We're so glad to hear that you were pleasantly surprised with your experience to RiseNY! The ride itself is a highlight, but there's so much more to discover along the way. We hope you will come visit us again soon!

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