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Полудневно пењање по стенама у Мамут Лејксу, Калифорнија

Гроунд Уп Цлимбинг Гуидес је водећа услуга водича у Маммотх Лакес. Помажемо новим или почетницима пењачима да доживе узбуђење свог првог пењања на отвореном. Породице, деца, пењачи у теретани и сви између њих. Искуснији? Покрили смо вас. Наши гости најбоље говоре нашој продавници: погледајте рецензије овде на ТрипАдвисору. <бр><бр>Какав је твој дан? Састајемо се на врху стазе, спремимо се, постављамо ужад за пењање и крећемо.
Цити: Мамут Лакес
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $450.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $450.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
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Коментара (80)
Sep 2020
Our family of 6 total had a fantastic rock climbing experience. The instruction for first time climbers was great. Our guides were enthusiastic and engaging. I would absolutely do this again. Thanks to the whole team.
Bart H
Sep 2020
Excellent establishment! Clay, the owner and lead guide, knows how to run a business and take care of his customers / clients. Whether you're climbing (or whatever else) with Clay or with one of his other guides, I don't think you can go wrong. There were a few other places in town, but I don't think I would have felt as personally acknowledged and taken care of anywhere else. Clay is a great guide, but also a people person and that translates both in his private and group guiding and in how he runs his business. You're not just getting technical guiding, your getting a personable, thoughtful, tailored experience. Ask any of his other return clients. I will be a return the client for sure. Clay had a great plan for me given some information he asked for before we met in person, but then when I shared a little more information he included that in his assessment and rearranged our climbing plans for a different location. It was perfect. I'm not brand new but I'm still a beginner to climbing and wasn't looking to get my ass kicked. Just have a fun day climbing. His thoughtfulness about my desired experience and climbing skill etc we're clearly taken into consideration and I had the best climb day I could have imagined. One of (many of) his funny mantras is "it's my job to wear you out!" (Said warmly and with a smile) But he adds, "as long as that's what you want." It was exactly what I needed. The right sensitivity to challenge me and at the same time monitor my stamina/exhaustion and "having-fun" level. Thanks Clay! PS - as someone who's worked in the service industry, don't forget to tip your guide!
Sep 2020
Clay took me and my son climbing at Clark's Canyon and we had a blast! He was patient and was an excellent teacher. I was a single mom for most of my son's life and the older he gets the more challenging it is to find things we can do together we both enjoy. Climbing is one of those things, but not something I can do myself at this time. I found Clay online when I was planning a weekend adventure trip with my son and I'm so glad I did! Was a highlight of our trip! He validated and empathized with my son's fears and encouraged him in a way I wasn't able. He told me "there's a fine line between encouraging and punishing." Well said! It really is a line that is difficult to walk as a parent. It was nice to be able to enjoy something with my son while also being able to relax and let Clay lead and support my son. It didn't take long to know we were in good hands. Looking forward to doing another adventure with Clay someday!

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