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Полудневно пењање по стенама у Мамут Лејксу, Калифорнија

Гроунд Уп Цлимбинг Гуидес је водећа услуга водича у Маммотх Лакес. Помажемо новим или почетницима пењачима да доживе узбуђење свог првог пењања на отвореном. Породице, деца, пењачи у теретани и сви између њих. Искуснији? Покрили смо вас. Наши гости најбоље говоре нашој продавници: погледајте рецензије овде на ТрипАдвисору. <бр><бр>Какав је твој дан? Састајемо се на врху стазе, спремимо се, постављамо ужад за пењање и крећемо.
Цити: Мамут Лакес
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $450.00
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Коментара (80)
Sally S
Sep 2019
Clay and Forrest took our group of four (along with six others) out for a weekend in Clark's Canyon. It was an all around fantastic experience. The group were all there for a gym to crag event - meaning that most of us were indoor climbers and wanted to learn all about climbing outdoors. When we got there, we started climbing almost immediately. Both Clay and Forrest were professional, approachable and hilarious. They were able to set up climbs for every skill level in the group, and got us all very comfortable on the wall right away. In terms of the curriculum - we learned all about creating and cleaning anchors, rappelling, mock leading. They never asked us to do anything we weren't comfortable with, and were super willing to go the extra mile if someone was particularly interested in a specific area. We left the weekend feeling exhausted but elated. The knowledge they gave us was fantastic and we would highly recommend Group Up to anyone.
Sep 2019
My grandson William and I spent a day climbing with our guide Forrest at Clark's Canyon near Mammoth Lakes this past June. This outing was part of a big annual holiday from our current home in South Central Texas near Austin to Mammoth Lakes. We combined a week of skiing with a day of guided climbing. I am 53 years old and our grandson William is 9 years old and a bundle of energy. Our entire experience was outstanding. Our initial contact was with Clay via email and phone as we now live in South Central Texas near Austin. Clay was great in answering questions and providing recommendations as to the best cragging location considering the late season heavy snow pack this past Spring. Our climbing day was spent with our guide Forrest. Great guy, very personable and highly professional with respect to safety. He really set the atmosphere and provided the skills for us to have a safe and fun day at the crags. Clark's Canyon was also really great location. Nice climbs with bolted sport routes of moderate difficulty. A bit of challenge but very achievable. Great quality rock. Our grandson had an excellent day and we both really enjoyed the outing. The experience was a highlight of our vacation. Great crew and we really look forward to climbing with them again on our next vacation. Dave Chalfant Round Rock, TX
Sep 2019
Clay and Taz were amazing with our group of eight which included four kids between the ages of 8 and 11. They got us climbing right away and even taught the kids to belay each other. Both kids and adults had a ton of fun and were challenged the whole time. I would highly highly recommend booking a trip with these guys- we are definitely going to do it again!

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