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Пењање по стенама у Националном парку Јосхуа Трее (4 сата)

Да ли сте почетник или средњи пењач који желите да се фантастично проведете кушајући одличне руте за пењање у Националном парку Џошуа Трее под пажљивим надзором искусног и сертификованог водича за пењање?<бр><бр>Можда имате породицу са деца која апсолутно воле пењање по стенама?<бр><бр>Или сте можда искусни пењач који тражи партнера за пењање на што више рута за пењање током вашег путовања?<бр><бр>Без обзира на ниво вашег искуства, жеље, жеље? или голови тамо је фантастично пењање спремно и чека вас!!! Путовање од 4 сата је одлично за људе који желе да се фокусирају на пењање. Обично имамо кратке приступе и посећујемо само 1-2 камене формације како бисмо већи део вашег путовања провели пењући се на што више рута!
Цити: палм Спрингс
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $225.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $225.00
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Обезбеђена опрема за пењање
Професионално сертификовани водич за пењање по стенама и први одговор у дивљини
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све пењаче
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Коментара (44)
Paul R
Feb 2019
We requested a climbing experience suitable for kids aged 5 - 8. The whole week we were in Palm Springs was pretty cold, but fortunately, the staff at Stone Adventures had far more accurate weather forecast information than we did and could pinpoint the best day to go. They gave us a few options (locations) for the day we had booked, but suggested it would be much more enjoyable if we waited one more day. This fit into our schedule, and sure enough, it was clear and beautiful. Alex and Greg set up the ropes in a spot that was both sunny and offered significant shelter from the wind. Having experienced guides pick the right day, time, place, and routes ... that was almost worth the money right there! Of course, the rest was fantastic as well. The climbs were challenging without being intimidating. The guides took some of us from "I can't do that" to "I just did that." Alex and Greg were super fun and encouraging with the kids (and grown-ups), helping them push their limits, but letting them come down when they asked. Would definitely do it again!
Jan 2019
We hired Stone Adventures for a 4-hour climbing course for my Girl Scout troop, primarily 8th graders. Our weekend in Joshua Tree turned out to be during the government shutdown. While we were considering whether we should go ahead with our planned camping trip or not, Aron, Alex, and Annie at Stone were all super helpful answering our questions and keeping us updated on the situation in the park. Excellent communication. In the end we went and our girls had a blast climbing. Our guides Alex and Yolan were friendly, easy to work with, and picked a great spot for the girls' climbing ability where they set up multiple lines, and they accommodated our request for a rappel line. So easy - they provide everything needed. Would highly recommend! Great price for scouts too!
Jan 2019
Aron and Justin were incredible guides -- that perfect combination of super prepared and easygoing. They were encouraging, positive, kind, fun, and flexible. we had kids and adults of pretty varied ages and abilities and they handled all of us graciously and expertly. It was a chilly day, but they got us on a warm, sunny rock that served all of our purposes along with all the gear we needed. Would 100% call these guys again. For a first time, older climber, it was a perfect experience.

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