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Цити: Сан Франциско
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $49.00
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60-90 минута Ноћни обилазак Сан Франциска
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Коментара (12)
Dec 2017
This is the most negative review I've ever posted on T. A. I ran this past one of the other people in our group who agreed with me. The only way i would consider this a "holiday lights tour" is: 1) it is a tour at night, so there are lights in places, 2) and we took the tour tonight, which is the holiday season. In no way is this a way to see holiday displays! We drove past Union Square, where tbere is a tree and ice skating, and another tree on another square none of us can remember. We saw far more holiday lights driving back to our hotel. We heard our tour guide's highly biased naming of restaurants and stores. (I understand her pride in being Croatian, but i doubt that it really is "the best restaurant in tne city"-- and anyway, what does that have to do with holiday lights?) It was also odd and a bit concerning to have the tour guide tell the driver where he should be going! We did go to Treasure Island, where we could see tbe city lights from halfway a ross the bay. Again, lights tbat appear all year don't become holiday lights, just because they are seen during the holidays. Other than that, it was a tour better experienced during the day time-- unless you like someone pointing in tne dark and saying, "If it was light, you'd see Alcatraz over that way." Other people sitting near us also wondered about where the lights were. I would suggest you call one of the other companies offering holiday lights tours (if they answer their phones-- the trolly tour company didn't, and when we stopped by their office, the drivers were leaving for the night (at 6 p.m.) leaving people with prepaid tickets in the lurch outside their office. Big Bus didn't answer the phone either, but we took their tour because we could get their starting location from the recording. Our mistake.) We paid full price ($30 each) because tne online discount code did not apply. If a small number of people got together and pooled their funds, they could hire a driver, and they'd have a much better experience IMO. I did think Dawanna, who sold us our tickets, was professional and helpful. She had trouble processing my credit card and wrote up a note in case I'm charged twice for the tickets, which I appreciated. Her helpfulness was unfortunately not enough to make up for this tour. BTW, we were required to ride on the upper level of the bus. People with small children and people with disabilities should be aware that the stairs are VERY high, and in a tight spiral.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2017
Hello Lisa, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. I am so sorry to hear you had such a disappointing time with the Holiday Lights Night Tour. If you wouldn't mind emailing our Sales Manager Jovone Woods at [email protected] to give us more details about your experience that would be greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays.
Dec 2017
The description of this tour is completely misleading. It says there will be games played for candy canes and there was not. It says you will see the holiday displays at Union Square and you do not! The picture used to advertise this tour on the website is from Union Square and you wont see it. The only seasonal lights we saw was the Christmas tree at Pier 39 as we drove by it. I dont think city hall can actually be called "decorated", as they just have red and green lights on. We literally did not see any holiday lights on this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2017
I am so sorry to hear that you had a disappointing time on our Holiday Lights Night tour. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback as we are always striving and looking for ways to improve. We do hope that you will give us another try next year. Happy Holidays.
Vickie H
Sep 2017

The Night Tour by Bus was a great experience. The tour guide was very informative about the sights of San Francisco. All of the staff was kind and answered any question we had before the tour.

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