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Винска тура за мале групе Санта Барбаре САМО до приватних виноградарских имања и винарија

За оне који траже јединствено искуство вина изван препуних комерцијалних винарија и соба за дегустацију, ово је ваш обилазак. Сустаинабле Вине Тоурс гостима пружа ексклузиван приступ само ултра малим производним приватним имањима, виноградима и винаријама Санта Барбаре који нису отворени за ширу јавност. <бр><бр>ДЕЉЕНА/ГРУПА ВИНСКА ТУРНЕЈА: Обилазак је мали и лични са највише шест до седам гостију по обиласку у нашем луксузном Мерцедес Цоацх-у. <бр><бр>Дегустирајте врхунска вина и обиђите винограде и просторије за бурад често са самим власницима и винарима. <бр>**Упоредите рецензије наших Трип Адвисор са другим винским обиласцима**<бр> • БЕЗ ДЕВАЧКИХ/ДОВАЧКИХ ВЕЧАРА <бр> • УЛТРА МАЛЕ ГРУПЕ (Максимално осам гостију) <бр> • САМО ЗА САСТАНАК, ПРИВАТНЕ ЛОКАЦИЈЕ, ПРИВАТНЕ СЕДЕЋЕ ДЕГУСТАЦИЈЕ <бр> • ПРИВАТНА ПЕТАЧКА ТУРНЕЈА ВИНОГРАДОМ, ПРИВАТНА ОБИЛАЗАК ЗА БАРВЕ И ОБИЛАЗАК ПРОИЗВОДЊЕ ВИНАРИЈЕ <бр> • НЕМА ПРОСТОРИЈА ЗА ДЕГУСТАЦИЈУ, НЕ СТОЈЕМО У ШАРУ У ПРЕПУНОЈ КОМЕРЦИЈАЛНОЈ ВИНАРИЈИ
Цити: санта Барбара
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $234.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $234.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимална старост је 21 година<ли>Облачите се вишеслојно и носите удобне ципеле
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (81)
Mar 2020
I am not an expert, but I very much enjoy exploring the world of wine, and have done a number of wine tours in other regions. This experience was truly one of my favorites. Scott is wonderful. His attention to detail is fantastic, he knows wine very well, and he chooses wineries he believes in. I will most definitely be returning with friends/family, and I cant wait to take them on a tour with Scott (Sustainable Wine Tours). I can’t recommend it enough!
Feb 2020
Sustainable wine tours made my 30th birthday an epic celebration. We visited three amazing wineries lead by the winemakers themselves, which made the experience unique and special. They even surprised me with cake for my birthday during lunch which was so sweet. Scott was such an awesome guide during our journey and took such great care of us. Everyone in our group felt so grateful to be able to experience the inner-workings of these vineyards and each grower’s dedication to their craft. I couldn’t go home without a few bottles because they were all delightful! I would without a doubt go on this wine tour again!
Feb 2020
Scott and his company does everything right. This is the tour for you if you want to learn about wines and winemaking. You will meet with the owners and/or wine makers at small family owned wineries, often not even open to the public. My husband and I joined 5 other people on a Monday and Scott took us to 3 wineries. We loved everything about the day; from the scenery to the vineyards and the gorgeous homes. I had been a little concerned about spending the day drinking wine and although a lunch was promised, had stashed some snacks in my backpack. My snacks, not needed. In addition to the delicious organic lunch which we enjoyed on the porch of a small vineyard, with the owner/winemaker; we were treated to high quality cheese and fruit trays. All the bottled water we could drink was also included. Each of the three wineries visited were unique. At each we were welcomed and brought to a lovely setting, usually inside the owners home where wine glasses and listings of wines awaited us. We walked some vineyards with owners, learned about growing and pruning and even fed some goats at one place. While enjoying the wine tastings, we learned about winemaking from these experts and were encouraged to ask questions. Each time, we were treated as guests and as if talking with us was the only thing the guys had to do this day. There were no other tour groups anxiously awaiting their turns. These winemakers are proud of their work and at each winery we heard the personal stories of how the winery was started. Lunch was delicious, Scott was an efficient and thoughtful host. Wish I could give more than five stars.

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